Characters At Work

Do any of you make up elaborate background stories in your head about people at work who you barely know?
There's one really thin German man who I always walk by in the hallway. Every time, he looks at me for just a second too long and it freaks me out. So I imagine that when he's not at work, he's running kidnapping schemes for ransom he's part of the gang in The Big Lebowski you know?
Then there's this guy who wears silk collared shirts EVERY DAY with no t-shirt on underneath...and he always leaves ONE too many buttons undone....and he flails his arms a lot when he walks. So I imagine him rushing out of work everyday to go to a dance club where he rolls all night, and comes back to work to rest up for the next party night.
Finally, there's a Brazilian girl who is really really nice, but for some reason when I walk by her and she says "hello", it freaks me out to no end. She kinda drags out the hello like "heLOOOOOO" I imagine her as a serial killer. HAHAHA wtf! She's the nicest girl in the office probably, but I'm scared shitless of her because of her hello.
There's one really thin German man who I always walk by in the hallway. Every time, he looks at me for just a second too long and it freaks me out. So I imagine that when he's not at work, he's running kidnapping schemes for ransom he's part of the gang in The Big Lebowski you know?
Then there's this guy who wears silk collared shirts EVERY DAY with no t-shirt on underneath...and he always leaves ONE too many buttons undone....and he flails his arms a lot when he walks. So I imagine him rushing out of work everyday to go to a dance club where he rolls all night, and comes back to work to rest up for the next party night.
Finally, there's a Brazilian girl who is really really nice, but for some reason when I walk by her and she says "hello", it freaks me out to no end. She kinda drags out the hello like "heLOOOOOO" I imagine her as a serial killer. HAHAHA wtf! She's the nicest girl in the office probably, but I'm scared shitless of her because of her hello.
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sorry patriotsfuckingcheat was already taken
This could be fun!!
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
how about