The new Battlestar Galactica

Does anyone here watch that show on the SciFi channel? Hubby and I discovered it a few months ago after I casually put season 1 in my netflix queue. Now I am addicted.
We missed Season 3 so I have some questions.
We missed Season 3 so I have some questions.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I know its a hard show to "nutshell", but if someone could give me the low down on season 3, I'd appreciate it.
I am totally going to miss this show when it goes.
I hope you were able to watch a marathon before it came back on.
Does anyone watch this still???
I love it.
Who is the other cylon??????
They have us thinking it is the dumb DR, now a sage. lol, Starbuck and numerous others. I was still hoping the group that heard the music, including Chief, weren't really cylons but I watched a special that confirmed it.
I am guessing not many of you watch it.
I love it.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
This is the final season. The marathon was great; all three previous seasons for a week straight. Yes, the Chief, XO, presidential assistant, and the other guy are all Cylons. You are right, they have us thinking the other Cylon is Starbuck. I bet it turns out to be the President.
But mr. justam
is who I am
"That's a repulsive combination of horrible information and bad breath."-Pickles
"Remember, death is a natural part of the workplace. So, when you see a dead body at work, don't freak out, just ring your death bell." "ting"-Toki Wartooth
Xfl and now this? girl we gotta talk!
The President??
You could be right! I never thought of it.
How awesome is this show???
It makes me so impatient...I just want to know NOW.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
Back to the Cylons...what the heck happened to Anders out there??? (which is my son's middle name
Did they just lure everyone out there to flip his switch???
And I can't wait to find out what happened with Starbuck.
For those that don't watch it, Starbuck is a girl!
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
The only reason I have for thinking it is the President is she is the person that initiated the search for Earth. I think the Cylons have been using the humans to find Earth for them. Also, they used hybrid Cylon blood to cure her cancer, but they never tried this trick on anybody else. I thought it could have been Admiral Adama, but that would be too easy. God, I cannot stand Baltar (sp?)! I still trying to figure out how he fits into the puzzle. They established early on that he was not a Cylon. It is too simple to have him just be crazy. I loved the scene when he is working in his lab, and Starbuck comes in and finds him humping air, when he thinks Six is with him.
But mr. justam
is who I am
"That's a repulsive combination of horrible information and bad breath."-Pickles
"Remember, death is a natural part of the workplace. So, when you see a dead body at work, don't freak out, just ring your death bell." "ting"-Toki Wartooth
You are right...especially since she is not listening to Starbuck about where she was...
Next week she sneaks into the President's cabin. That should be good.
Wait...that is tonite!
cool. :cool:
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Tonight and tomorrow night, we're going to power through it and get up to date. *fingers crossed* Then we will be watching season 4 from the dvr.
This show is so good. My husband is all hot for Starbuck. Rightfully so.
Always wanted to watch it. So many shows I wanna see.
Holy mackeral.
Sometimes I think the vice pres is the cylon. Sometimes I think it is the Doctor.
I cannot wait to find out who it is. I want to kidnap the writers.
I have no patience for this.
But last night was AWESOME!
sorry, almost gave something away.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
There's gonna be a prequel I think.
yep there's going to be a Sci-Fi movie called Caprica, it's set 50 years before the Galactica series.
Last nights episode was great, as all the episodes have been in this final season. I also thought the final cylon is going to be the President. But what about Athena? She is already a half cylon. I think the part of last nights show that I found very compelling was when the hybrid was reactivated with the president on board and then they jumped. I also love the mythology of cylons. They are such an interesting twist on the machine vs. humans idea.
But mr. justam
is who I am
"That's a repulsive combination of horrible information and bad breath."-Pickles
"Remember, death is a natural part of the workplace. So, when you see a dead body at work, don't freak out, just ring your death bell." "ting"-Toki Wartooth
no, Athena is a full blown Cylon.
yeah, i'd rather see more about the Cylons than the humans.