Medical Self-Diagnosis Online

So I've had this weird twitch on the bridge of my nose, off and on for a couple weeks... so I decide to do a search on it....
The first result I clicked on got me this health forum thread:
Its almost two years old, with 36 posts (as recent as two days ago) from people with the same problem, and no one can explain it :eek:
Of course now I'm really curious and gonna end up getting spooked by all the internet hypochondriacs....
....the oddness of the responses, and escalating concern when no one posted answers had me kinda laughing.....then I noticed the first thread under 'related topics' at the bottom of the page, and nearly choked.
The first result I clicked on got me this health forum thread:
Its almost two years old, with 36 posts (as recent as two days ago) from people with the same problem, and no one can explain it :eek:

....the oddness of the responses, and escalating concern when no one posted answers had me kinda laughing.....then I noticed the first thread under 'related topics' at the bottom of the page, and nearly choked.