Always Sunny In Philadelphia Appreciation

Just got into this series - one of the best comedies to come out for a long time!!
Wish it would get a release in the UK....Virgin played a couple of episodes but then seemed to bin it :(
Wish it would get a release in the UK....Virgin played a couple of episodes but then seemed to bin it :(
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Post edited by Unknown User on
and yes, hulu is great.
i really need to catch up!
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
Two new episodes back to back!
Hell yeah! This show is the first episode tonight, they deal with cannabilism. I love how they tackle every single taboo issue they can think of. Fun fact - Mac & Sweet D are engaged in real life.
Only problem is this year at college I have really cheap cable that doesn't get FX... I hope the new episodes will be put online legally relatively soon. Anyone know if the new ones will be on Hulu?
Yeah, they go into some crazy shit on this show.
I knew that about Mac & Sweet D. I got an even better one....Charlie and the waitress he is obsessed with are married in real life. Crazy.
Yup, met him in Vegas about 6 months ago and was ranting about how I loved Sunny and he took a picture with me.
I'm 5 11 and my girlfriend is 5 7....we figured he was around 4 11
Never seen the show
To keep you clear of the sun
You've been burned more than once
You don't think much of trust
Yeah, I read about that too. Talk about an incestuous group. Next thing we'll hear is that Danny DeVito and Glenn Howerton are banging uglies.
I can't wait for tonight's show. The Gas Crisis episode last week was probably their funniest show to date, in my opinion. I was crying from laughing so hard. "Who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!!!!"
The Gas Crisis episode last week was hilarious. I was just about crying w/ laughter during the scene when Mac (with the towel taped around his head) steals Frank's van and repeatedly crashes into that poor guys car in an attempt to make an escape.
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"I cut the brake line! WILDCARD!!"
I think I was laughing at that for about 24 hours straight. Still havent seen last night's, but it's waiting for me at home on the DVR. Can't wait to watch it.
I am, however, looking forward to Palin making a fool of herself. Hopefully she explains more about her foreign policy experience based on Alaska's proximity to Russia and Canada.
For those of you who live outside of the country, you can watch full episodes of Sunny online.
Go to: and click on "Watch Episodes"
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I think Charlie Day and Rob McElhenney are the best parts of the show. I agree with you about Danny DeVito, but he was pretty funny in the Billboard episode...
"No one cares about climbing stairs, Nothing at the top no more." Chris Cornell
I laughed at that for days.
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that episode was hilarious!