anyone a sales person?

odd question but I need to know "how to play the game":)
I'm trying to sell a good majority of my furniture to a "gently used" reseller.
He's asked me how much I want for the items....
most of it is less then 3 years old and in great condition and of good quality.
I don't wanna ask too high and scare him off... but whatever I sell I keep the money (none goes to the ex) and in the current situation extra money is great!!!!
(well when isn't extra money great!)
so my question is:
How high is too high to ask and how do I negotiate a good price:)
I'm trying to sell a good majority of my furniture to a "gently used" reseller.
He's asked me how much I want for the items....
most of it is less then 3 years old and in great condition and of good quality.
I don't wanna ask too high and scare him off... but whatever I sell I keep the money (none goes to the ex) and in the current situation extra money is great!!!!

so my question is:
How high is too high to ask and how do I negotiate a good price:)
"I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
Post edited by Unknown User on
is that insane to ask? I've heard that furniture is like a car....once outta the store it's value drastically drops.
Also, you don't have to sell to this guy. Craigslist, eBay, etc might be better?
I just thought I might get the most from him after seeing what is on craigslist.
I'm putting smaller items on there though.:)
That way with the high number out there it will be harder for him to really low ball you.
Where do you live..... maybe someone on here is in the market?
thanks for that idea...i think I will let him know what I spent. I mean he's in the business so he knows what its worth....i just know what I spent!
remember when i was fucking with you that night?
every time someone says the word yes in negotiations, they lose a bit of leverage.
up till this past year i have always been in sales. 18 years. ive always done well.
you are going up against it though, so its not quite the same. but for a sales person the trick is to get the person they are trying to sell to say "yes" as many times as they can all through the conversation. so many people do not believe this, but its true, its been proven that it works.
as a sales person, if i can get you to say yes in our conversation 10 times, the odds of me selling to you went up over 75%.
it can be saying yes to "its a nice day today isnt it" ? "yes"
"taxes suck dont they" "yes"
the more you say yes to a sales person, the more you condition yourself to say yes to the actual sale.
i didnt believe it for the longest time, but then tried it and fuck me, it works.
i even fall for it when talking to a sales person, and i know the drill. lol.
so dont say yes to the person you are dealing with. that means you agree, which means you are more apt to say yes to their offer, even if its not what you want.
wow. that was long.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
that works out well sometimes. sometimes you can get more for one item then you would get otherwise, because you are giving up another item for a lesser price. so it works out in the end.
i loved doing package deals. thats where i brought home the cheese !!
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
+ 1
goodluck, hope you'll be able to bring home the cheese
apparently, 07162056 is THE date...
crossing my fingers...
maybe you can send some my way if you're feeling generous, that is...:)
apparently, 07162056 is THE date...
there will be a free round of cheese for ALL!:D:D
oh, goodie! so looking forward for it
hurry up then, polish your sales-talking...
apparently, 07162056 is THE date...
now we just wait.....and dream of cheese;)
anyone have success on Craigslist??
I'm trying to decide whether to sell my wedding china on ebay or craigslist.
I guess craigslist here comes my furniture!! Haha:)
darn! so, no free round of cheese yet? :(
apparently, 07162056 is THE date...
We'll see what he says after my other email... If he's a tool again it's craigslist all the way! Though I'd rather get rid of it all right now and move on!! And get cheese;)
if you are willing to ship it anywhere say within the US, i'd go with ebay...larger audience. altho i will say, i've sold MANY things on ebay that were for local pick-up only...and it still worked well. we're big ebayers though in general.
i have a huge amoire we want to sell and am thinking of trying craig's list for the first time, but unsure.
btw - overall for housewares of any form, really doesn't matter what you paid for them unless they are rare/collectors's all resale value. you have to realize you will more than likely sell for at least 1/2 price, if not a quarter...depending on age, quality, style, usefulness, etc....all factor in the price. we recently sold a brand-new media stand, owned it only 6 months, for half the price we paid for it., thus is the aftermarket of such goods.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
As for the resale value...I'm staring to realize I'm not gonna get anywhere near what I payed!:(
I won't ever buy expensive furniture again!