I suffer from migraine, but often without the pain of them. I get the visual disturbances and vomiting, the bad reaction to light, etc, but only 1 out of 3 has the accompanying pain. I didn't think they were migraines because of this, but my doctors diagnosed them as such.
Painkillers, as much water as I can keep down and going to bed are the only things that help with a bad one, but the others just need to be ridden out.
well I just lost the sight in my right eye and I can't focus on anything with my left. (took forever to type this) looks like i'm in for a fun night. :( Damn where are the drugs when I need them!
"I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
i really had them this days aswell ...and i can handle little pain ..
i would never wish even mz worst enemy this pain..
i really could not do anythink ...than sleep sleep
staying in a dark dark room ..i hate thoose days
I've had migraines since I was about eight or nine years old. When I was younger, I'd get them like clockwork once a month - worst PMS ever! They would make me thrown up then, too. They have tapered off a bit since then, thank god... Now I get about 2-6 a year.
I always get an aura - I see a sun spot that just doesn't go away, then I lose my peripheral vision in that eye (usually my right, which is my stronger eye). It slowly comes back and then I get slammed with the migraine. By this time I'm in bed, in the darkness usually, having taken 2-6 Ibuprofen. The pain is often localized to a quadrent of my brain, but not always, and there have been times where I was bawling from the pain in my head and eye and started to think that scratching my eye out would be a sensible alternative. I have also had my tongue and half my body go numb on a few occasions. Not fun.
They last generally about 2-8 hours from the beginning of the aura until I'm able to get out of bed, but my eye generally aches for about 24 hours and I'll have a super bad headache for up to three days afterwards.
Many, many things trigger mine.... It's not so much the outside world as a sensitivity within me on the day I get one. Basically, I am genetically screwed. My dad's mom got them for decades, my dad used to get them, my brother gets really mild ones....
I often get hormonal ones, ones from a drop in barometric pressure, ones from the heat and sun, and stress. In fact, one time I was baking a complicated cake and spilled the whole thing in the hot oven when I put it in.... Parchment paper caught on fire, the oven and the drawer under it had cake batter all through it.... I started to bawl and gave myself a migraine. I also freak out at people when they shine a flashlight in my eyes...
Nothing works to get rid of them. Ibuprofen speeds my recovery up, and keeps me from throwing up. I just sleep them off. I was prescribed Imitrex by my doctor once, but he told me not to take it if it doesn't work - I took it once and had one of the worst migraines ever. In the end stages I also drink strong tea.
I was plagued by migraines throughout my teens and into my mid 20's,then they disappeared.
But in the past few months they have returned with a vengence and don't seem to respond to medication the way they did when I was younger.Work is hellishly stressfull just now,so don't know if that's got to do with their return or if its hormonal.
Ibropufen takes the edge off but the only thing that takes it is lying/sleeping in a cool dark room.
“There should be a place where only the things you want to happen, happen”
Painkillers, as much water as I can keep down and going to bed are the only things that help with a bad one, but the others just need to be ridden out.
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
i would never wish even mz worst enemy this pain..
i really could not do anythink ...than sleep sleep
staying in a dark dark room ..i hate thoose days
Friends have had chocolate and oranges as triggers.
I always get an aura - I see a sun spot that just doesn't go away, then I lose my peripheral vision in that eye (usually my right, which is my stronger eye). It slowly comes back and then I get slammed with the migraine. By this time I'm in bed, in the darkness usually, having taken 2-6 Ibuprofen. The pain is often localized to a quadrent of my brain, but not always, and there have been times where I was bawling from the pain in my head and eye and started to think that scratching my eye out would be a sensible alternative. I have also had my tongue and half my body go numb on a few occasions. Not fun.
They last generally about 2-8 hours from the beginning of the aura until I'm able to get out of bed, but my eye generally aches for about 24 hours and I'll have a super bad headache for up to three days afterwards.
Many, many things trigger mine.... It's not so much the outside world as a sensitivity within me on the day I get one. Basically, I am genetically screwed. My dad's mom got them for decades, my dad used to get them, my brother gets really mild ones....
I often get hormonal ones, ones from a drop in barometric pressure, ones from the heat and sun, and stress. In fact, one time I was baking a complicated cake and spilled the whole thing in the hot oven when I put it in.... Parchment paper caught on fire, the oven and the drawer under it had cake batter all through it.... I started to bawl and gave myself a migraine.
Nothing works to get rid of them. Ibuprofen speeds my recovery up, and keeps me from throwing up. I just sleep them off. I was prescribed Imitrex by my doctor once, but he told me not to take it if it doesn't work - I took it once and had one of the worst migraines ever. In the end stages I also drink strong tea.
But in the past few months they have returned with a vengence and don't seem to respond to medication the way they did when I was younger.Work is hellishly stressfull just now,so don't know if that's got to do with their return or if its hormonal.
Ibropufen takes the edge off but the only thing that takes it is lying/sleeping in a cool dark room.