I may be jumping the gun here... but yesterday I faxed over some signed paper work to the realtor and today she met with a couple who are interested. Apparently from what tid bits the ex tells me the house will be sold by the end of this week!!!
I am so ecstatic that it didn't go into foreclosure... and I'm so happy that another piece that holds us together will be gone!!
will you be renting a new house now? or are you purchasing a new one?
I moved a few months back..... in a condo now.
ah, i think i remember you saying that.
well, it will be nice not having rent and a mortgage payment every month then huh?!
ah, i think i remember you saying that.
well, it will be nice not having rent and a mortgage payment every month then huh?!
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad