The Person Below Me Game (Revisited)



  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    true ~ spray on tan ;):lol:

    tpbm ~ is wishing it would stop raining

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • mcthudmcthud Posts: 366
    TRUE!! Unloading trucks in this shite is for the birds. At least with snow there's a chance I wouldn't have to be at work!

    TPBM should think ink to compliment her spray on tan ;)
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    think ink hmmmmmmmmmmmmm :think:

    tpbm ~ will need to explain that comment ;):mrgreen:

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • mcthudmcthud Posts: 366
    Tatts! Pretty ones, of course.

    TPBM is about to ask me to recommend a place that does good tattoo work......
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    true, and also what kind of tattoo also ;)

    tpbm ~ can't wait to tell me :wave:

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • mcthudmcthud Posts: 366
    PM sent ;) LOL!!

    TPBM should check out "The Tattoo Encyclopedia" at a Newbury comics for some good ideas. In the meantime, she should go to and look at Bill's portfolio to see some good work that I would recommend to anybody. ;)
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    true, and thank you ;)

    tpbm ~ is numero uno!

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • mcthudmcthud Posts: 366
    ;) You know it.

    TPBM needs a massage soon and might know someone who could make it happen.
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993

    tpbm ~ is open for business :thumbup:

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • mcthudmcthud Posts: 366
    :D Not quite, but very very close.

    TPBM wishes they could go home, build a blanket fort, and start a fire (not inside of said fort)
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    somewhat true, already home

    tpbm ~ has a fire place

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • mcthudmcthud Posts: 366
    :yawn: No......I wish.

    TPBM says I can borrow theirs.
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    false ~ didn't bring it with me when I left home :lol:

    tpbm ~ will be seeing PJ at the Boston Garden

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • mcthudmcthud Posts: 366
    I'll let you know this time tomorrow!!

    TPBM might see me there.
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    false :(

    tpbm ~ will be one lucky person if they go, and good luck on getting tickets

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • mcthudmcthud Posts: 366
    That makes me a sad panda.

    TPBM has several dick knuckles in their general vicinity at the moment.
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    exsqueeze me :eh:

    tpbm ~ has me thinking of a nice fire going right now :shifty:

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • mcthudmcthud Posts: 366
    :D I'm sure of it.

    TPBM is listening to Oceans to combat the sudden influx of dick knuckles. Or asshats, if you prefer. ;)
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    false, just listened to Release Me :thumbup:

    tpbm ~ will be making a trip to Good Harbor this summer

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • mcthudmcthud Posts: 366
    Mmmmmmmmaaayyybe..........I wouldn't mind at all.

    TPBM kinda misses the days when Christian Slater was relevant
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    never a big fan

    tpbm ~ is wondering if they'll ever see the sun again :lol:

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    It was out at the weekend but not giving out much warmth

    tpbm will miss wearing scarves
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    false ~ I have some, but never wear them

    tpbm ~ can't wait to get into some shorts this summer

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • mcthudmcthud Posts: 366
    Board shorts! Bring on the waves. :thumbup:

    TPBM should take up a little leisurely longboarding this summer. (surf or skate!)
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    false :lol: I've body waved a lot though :lol:

    tpbm ~ will take some pics. of surfing

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • mcthudmcthud Posts: 366
    Do it. you won't. :P

    I might.....

    TPBM wants to get back to learning guitar again.
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    never started, I'm more a drum or piano kind of person... ;):lol:

    tpbm ~ will let me know if there is something funny on HBO

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • mcthudmcthud Posts: 366
    Baby Mama at 8:00 :)

    TPBM is watching the Friday the 13th remake currently
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    not alone I'm not, saw Baby Mama yesterday, but thanks

    tpbm ~ might have to take a canoe to work tomorrow :lol:

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • mcthudmcthud Posts: 366
    Lol I prefer kayaks, but I'll take what I can get.

    TPBM doesn't have to bother with canoe vs. kayak tomorrow :thumbup:
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