Hold me, and make it the truth,...
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
TPBM feels a wave came crashing like a fist to the jaw
Hold me, and make it the truth,...
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
Hold me, and make it the truth,...
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
TPBM has a sore throat :(
LOL well today it's my turn
TPBM could use a massage
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
29-08-06 (Arnhem)
28-06-07 (Nijmegen)
27-06-10 (Nijmegen)
TPBM is eating
TPBM is doing laundry again
True every day
TPBM feels a wave came crashing like a fist to the jaw
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
29-08-06 (Arnhem)
28-06-07 (Nijmegen)
27-06-10 (Nijmegen)
TPBM is laughing really hard right now
im too stunned to laugh
TPBM feels like they are living in a soap opera
TPBM needs to go to a concert
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
TPBM is feeling frustrated yet amused
yes and no lol
TPBM has to go to the hospital tomorrow
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
29-08-06 (Arnhem)
28-06-07 (Nijmegen)
27-06-10 (Nijmegen)
i don't plan on it
tpbm is eating pizza
You got to spend it all
TPBM loves hummus
TPBM is dreaming of a white christmas
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
yes i do
TBPM is having a good laugh
you know it
tpbm is colddddddd
7/11/06 - Sydney 1
18/11/06 - Sydney 3
19/11/06 - Newcastle Baby!
tPBM knows how to warm things up
tpbm hates interruptions
haha aww I wanted to reply to AllIAm's last comment
but yes yes true
tpbm is alone at the moment
7/11/06 - Sydney 1
18/11/06 - Sydney 3
19/11/06 - Newcastle Baby!
TPBM is nice and warm atm
haha true... just showered
TPBM steamed up their bathroom mirror too
dang...sounds nice and warm
tpbm is contemplating their options for lunch...
7/11/06 - Sydney 1
18/11/06 - Sydney 3
19/11/06 - Newcastle Baby!
TPBM wishes time could stand still sometimes
nope... too late for that here
TPBM is contemplating being another year older!
false...have more important things on my mind atm
tpbm is listening to PJ now
7/11/06 - Sydney 1
18/11/06 - Sydney 3
19/11/06 - Newcastle Baby!
TPBM is waiting for something.....
TPBM needs a lobotomy
TPBM doesn't wanna think, she wants to feel
very much so
TPBM is antsy in the pantsy
TPBM knows someone from the future :eek:
haha nope...
tPBM is mad they didnt eat dinner now :(