True...that fucking commercial makes me wish I was ripping apart ships in Burma or wherever the fuck that was on that 60 minutes piece tonight...maybe not..
True...that fucking commercial makes me wish I was ripping apart ships in Burma or wherever the fuck that was on that 60 minutes piece tonight...maybe not..
um Kinda?
TPBM is off to work :(
TPBM lives in a house of cards
TPBM would sell their soul for PJ tix(i would without a single look back)
uh huh
tpbm is in a lot of pain:(
TPBM wishes there were an extra day in the weekend
TPBM agrees with me
only on my weekends off
tpbm is getting tired
TPBM is getting tired, but doesnt want to go to sleep just yet, trying to get their last licks of the weekend
TPBM is sick of John Cougar
True...that fucking commercial makes me wish I was ripping apart ships in Burma or wherever the fuck that was on that 60 minutes piece tonight...maybe not..
tpbm is ambivalent to Arizona Iced Tea
FARK :eek:
False :(
TPBM is well rested
awww fly over!! still time
tpbm eats tuna at least once a week
False...but I do eat salmon at least once a week
TPBM is voting tomorrow
salmon's nice
false... but i did put my vote in for the lcoal council elections
tpbm is listening to pearl jam right now
TPBM is cold!!!
true :eek:
tpbm is not on dial up
TPBM likes pears
tpbm is going to bed
TPBM needs to eat breakfast
TPBM drives barefoot in the summer
TPBM thinks their pinky toe looks really fucked up.
TPBM has never gone skiing
TPBM does not feel like doing work atm
TPBM meditates
TPBM has turned over a new leaf
TPBM wants to let go of fear
True...I think I just 12:16pm to be exact
TPBM has seen the light!
yes and i was a witness to it!!
i think i might
TPBM feels calm atm
TPBM...needs music at all times