A new plan, yes...feel good about it, not entirely...a little weary actually
TPBM is currently making plans for camping in the summer
" All the stars in the sky, thought you were up in mine
Still I wonder, I wonder......" "Black" tag 09-16-2005 Ottawa
Toronto 2003, Kitchener 2005, Montreal 2005, Ottawa 2005, Toronto II 2006, Albany 2006, Hartford 2006, Camden I 2008, Camden II 2008, Washington, D.C. 2008, Toronto 2009, Chicago I 2009, Columbus 2010, Noblesville, 2010
Hold me, and make it the truth,...
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
TPBM likes cheese doodles
i dont like doodles they scare me
TPBM is becoming more aussie everyday
Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl
I love you forever and forever
Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
TPBM is trying to lure me into giving him babies :eek:
TPBM wants little red riding hood children
Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl
I love you forever and forever
Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
TPBM wants to give their son a cabbage patch doll
TPBM want to sun bake with butter......
Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl
I love you forever and forever
Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
TPBM is tired *yawn*
TPBM is waiting for a call
nope, gave up
TPBM loves this game
true although i havent played in a while
TPBM thinks it got taken over last night by a couple of Bon Jovi Lovers
knows it did, but he likes em cause she does
TPBM is waiting patiently
TPBM hopes to get some good news shortly *crossing fingers*
oh jeez yes... cross em for me too, I need it
TPBM wants a maid
that would be nice wouldnt it
TPBM didn't have to wake up alone this morning
sadly i did :mad:
TPBM is jealous of TPAM
mmm you'd be even more jealous if you saw those blue eyes
TPBM is thinking towards the future
TPBM had a great laugh reading this topic's last two/three pages
- Antwerp '06, Nijmegen '07, Werchter '07
yes, but then they always make me laugh
TPBM wishes they were elsewhere
TPBM feels good about a new plan
no frightened :eek:
TPBM needs to get off the couch
A new plan, yes...feel good about it, not entirely...a little weary actually
TPBM is currently making plans for camping in the summer
Still I wonder, I wonder......" "Black" tag 09-16-2005 Ottawa
Toronto 2003, Kitchener 2005, Montreal 2005, Ottawa 2005, Toronto II 2006, Albany 2006, Hartford 2006, Camden I 2008, Camden II 2008, Washington, D.C. 2008, Toronto 2009, Chicago I 2009, Columbus 2010, Noblesville, 2010
BTW I'm also off the couch
TPBM has gotten a reply?!??
that would be a no!!!!! The waiting will drive you mad!
TPBM is going to shower
false, did that 6 hours ago.
TPBM just booked a trip to europe!
I will kick some ass Sheri - I'm heading there now...where am I going exactly?
False - already did
TPBM is guzzling coffee
thanks though i dont think it will help, and how long can you hold your breath.....
No to the coffee
TPBM really is going now!!!haha
Nope,but will do soon no doubt!! and i also quoted the wrong quote!!
TPBM wonders who the hell i am!!!
TPBM will share some personal details
tpbm already knows some of those details
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
29-08-06 (Arnhem)
28-06-07 (Nijmegen)
27-06-10 (Nijmegen)
TPBM has a backache