The Person Below Me Game (Revisited)



  • oftenreadingoftenreading Victoria, BC Posts: 12,848
    July? Oh, yes - our annual trip to the Okanagan (central southern BC, very hot and dry but on a big lake).

    Tpbm wonders how butterflies can migrate thousands of kms when they can't seem to fly in a straight line?
    my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
  • PJSirenPJSiren Salem, OR Posts: 5,863
    Never thought about it, but now that you mention it that is a good

    TPBM wonders why some people just have nasty dispositions?
    Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior!
    Tattooed Dissident!
  • More often than not.

    TPBM wonders what idiot put an ‘s’ in the word lisp?
  • InHiding80InHiding80 Upland,CA Posts: 7,623
    No, but I wonder why Samuel L. Jackson decided to have one in Kingsman.

    TPBM will try out that new Apple streaming service to piss off Taylor Swift.
  • oftenreadingoftenreading Victoria, BC Posts: 12,848
    No.... I doubt Taylor Swift cares what I do or don't do.

    Do you often do things just to annoy people you don't even know?
    my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
  • AnnafalkAnnafalk Sweden Posts: 4,004

    Tpbm often annoys people :tongue:
  • oftenreadingoftenreading Victoria, BC Posts: 12,848
    I don't know - do I??

    Tpbm is aware that tonight we get a leap second - a whole extra second of time, to do whatever you want with!!
    my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
  • AnnafalkAnnafalk Sweden Posts: 4,004
    Yeah, I heard something about that on the radio today, I will think one more clever thought on that second :)

    Tpbm starts sleeping right away the head lays on the pillow.
  • oftenreadingoftenreading Victoria, BC Posts: 12,848
    No, my head lies on the pillow reading for as long as I can stay awake, then the light goes out and sleep usually follows quickly.

    Tpbm thinks it would be a lot of fun to go on a trip around Europe and meet all our European forum friends.
    my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
  • PJSirenPJSiren Salem, OR Posts: 5,863
    TRUE! I'd love to!!! hehe

    TPBM likes to pamper themselves now and again....
    Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior!
    Tattooed Dissident!
  • The Waiting Trophy ManThe Waiting Trophy Man Niagara region, Ontario, Canada Posts: 12,158
    True. It's usually food-related, if that counts.(it's weird to think of pampering yourself as in putting pampers/diapers on) just thought of that.

    TPBM has never changed a diaper before.
    Another habit says it's in love with you
    Another habit says its long overdue
    Another habit like an unwanted friend
    I'm so happy with my righteous self
  • AnnafalkAnnafalk Sweden Posts: 4,004
    False many times

    Tpbm has been to the beach recently
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    no its been a month now

    tpbm love their kids and never gets sick of them at all
  • northerndragonnortherndragon Posts: 9,851
    1. I don't have kids
    2. My "kids" are great and I always love them but when it gets to be too much I give them back to their parents and go home =)

    TPBM woke up way too early today.
    Anything you lose from being honest
    You never really had to begin with.

    Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893

    tpbm had a hard time getting out of bed this morning
  • PJSirenPJSiren Salem, OR Posts: 5,863
    Nah, not

    TPBM pops their own neck....
    Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior!
    Tattooed Dissident!
  • northerndragonnortherndragon Posts: 9,851

    TPBM had a really good day.
    Anything you lose from being honest
    You never really had to begin with.

    Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    true its only 1.40pm

    tpbm is feeling a little tired
  • oftenreadingoftenreading Victoria, BC Posts: 12,848
    Yes; didn't sleep so well last night.

    Tpbm might possibly be a little hung over this morning.
    my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
  • northerndragonnortherndragon Posts: 9,851
    Very true.

    TPBM rode almost 20Km this morning sweating out the hangover.
    Anything you lose from being honest
    You never really had to begin with.

    Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893

    tpbm is listening to the radio
  • PJSirenPJSiren Salem, OR Posts: 5,863
    False, but wish I was...Jay Mohr is on right now...HEY MAN!!!

    TPBM is bored senseless right now....
    Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior!
    Tattooed Dissident!
  • The Waiting Trophy ManThe Waiting Trophy Man Niagara region, Ontario, Canada Posts: 12,158

    Tpbm is getting sick
    Another habit says it's in love with you
    Another habit says its long overdue
    Another habit like an unwanted friend
    I'm so happy with my righteous self
  • PJSirenPJSiren Salem, OR Posts: 5,863

    TPBM is hungry...
    Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior!
    Tattooed Dissident!
  • oftenreadingoftenreading Victoria, BC Posts: 12,848
    False because..... I'm currently eating an ice cream bar. So it will ruin my appetite for dinner - so what?

    Tpbm is putting off doing some work that has to be done today.
    my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
  • PJSirenPJSiren Salem, OR Posts: 5,863
    False...all my work is pretty much done...I'm just waiting on drivers to arrive back here...

    TPBM works in the trucking industry....
    Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior!
    Tattooed Dissident!
  • The Waiting Trophy ManThe Waiting Trophy Man Niagara region, Ontario, Canada Posts: 12,158

    TPBM is a health care worker.
    Another habit says it's in love with you
    Another habit says its long overdue
    Another habit like an unwanted friend
    I'm so happy with my righteous self
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893

    tpbm is a manager for a company ?
  • oftenreadingoftenreading Victoria, BC Posts: 12,848

    Tpbm works, or has worked, as a tree planter.
    my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893

    tpbm loves the great outdoors
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