Hold me, and make it the truth,...
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
Hold me, and make it the truth,...
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
False (6.30?? You got to sport or feed horses??? Or a day out?? - Thanks for the compliment )
TPBM is really anxious about tomorrow
True , haha , no ,have an exam about Freud, Adler and Jung
tpbm is going out tomorrow
Hold me, and make it the truth,...
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
Don't know yet - maybe I save some money for Eurosonic festival in Groningen..
You have to get up at 6.30 for an exam on Saturday???
TPBM is lucky if they finished their degree.
true , i only go to school in the weekend in Utrecht , have to drive an hr
tpbm is gonne have some red wine tonight
Hold me, and make it the truth,...
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
False, only courses...I just finished my study, so...
TPBM is thinking what for cookie to eat beside their coffee/tea
false , nothing , on a diet
tpbm is gonne continue this game without me
Hold me, and make it the truth,...
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
tpbm is listening to someone playing his guitar (husband)
Hold me, and make it the truth,...
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
No way
TPBM is smoking atm
TPBM dislikes smoking, as a matter of fact
- Antwerp '06, Nijmegen '07, Werchter '07
True, 2 months ago today I quit and still haven't touched one
* Schouderklopje aan mijzelf
TPBM likes to play LIGHT YEARS on guitar
yeah I know,
False, like to play Save You
TPBM has a spanish guitar
TPBM is a guitar teacher
TPBM also loves to play Neil Young
True, with harmonica
TPBM likes acoustic Neil Young better than rough-rocking Neil Young
tpbm is gonne watch Medium
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
29-08-06 (Arnhem)
28-06-07 (Nijmegen)
27-06-10 (Nijmegen)
TPBM is going to bed late tonight
false , have to get up at 6.30
tpbm is anxious about tomorrow
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
29-08-06 (Arnhem)
28-06-07 (Nijmegen)
27-06-10 (Nijmegen)
TPBM is checking if his 2 year old son is sleeping
False (6.30?? You got to sport or feed horses??? Or a day out?? - Thanks for the compliment
TPBM is really anxious about tomorrow
tpbm is going out tomorrow
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
29-08-06 (Arnhem)
28-06-07 (Nijmegen)
27-06-10 (Nijmegen)
Don't know yet - maybe I save some money for Eurosonic festival in Groningen..
You have to get up at 6.30 for an exam on Saturday???
TPBM is lucky if they finished their degree.
tpbm is thinking of a study again in a few years
tpbm is gonne have some red wine tonight
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
29-08-06 (Arnhem)
28-06-07 (Nijmegen)
27-06-10 (Nijmegen)
TPBM is thinking what for cookie to eat beside their coffee/tea
tpbm is gonne continue this game without me
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
29-08-06 (Arnhem)
28-06-07 (Nijmegen)
27-06-10 (Nijmegen)
False, I'm off to see The Transporter right now...good luck tomorrow.
TPBM is alone
TPBM is amazed at the post-rate in this thread
- Antwerp '06, Nijmegen '07, Werchter '07
TPBM is busy making plans
Not now
TPBM is waiting for the commercials to be over and continue to watch the movie they are just watching
TPBM is taking a mental break
TPBM is going to play videogames all night long
- Antwerp '06, Nijmegen '07, Werchter '07
TPBM likes sunflowers
TPBM has ever been to Miami, FL
false, I've been there!
TPBM is feeling horny
False, just had tea
TPBM never goes to the movies
tpbm is listening to someone playing his guitar (husband)
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
29-08-06 (Arnhem)
28-06-07 (Nijmegen)
27-06-10 (Nijmegen)
TPBM is singing along