g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
I noticed lots of fighter jets flying MD/DC/VA yesterday, I wonder where were they 9/11 2001. May they ALL rest peacefully.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
I was in a meeting that lasted the whole morning and was told about it afterwards. There was a stunned silence in the office that day. Something so appalling caused by the sick actions of others. Hats off and deep respect for the firefighters, police etc who had no choice but to work in the area. 7 years down the line and our thoughts are still with the thousands who grieve their lost loved ones.
I can't believe to this day the sickos that did this believed they would go to paradise for killing innocents. I hope at the last second they knew they were going to burn in hell!
Hopefuly nothing like this will ever happen again.
i was at work in philadelphia. a coworker IM'ed me and said "something bad happened." i was busy running a call and was annoyed, thinking he was being dramatic. shortly after that everyone was in the conference room watching it all unfold on tv. got on a conference call with our coworkers in arlington, va. who then told us about the pentagon.
after that the rumors started flying in about all of these other attacks.... now we have the hindsight, but at the time it was pretty terrifying to be in a skyscraper anywhere on the east coast since the rumors were flying in about all of these other attacks (most of which weren't true). our director told us to go home but they evacuated the high rises in philly shortly afterwards anyhow.
was chaos in the streets here...people running to catch trains, sitting 4 people in 3 people seats. spent most of the day trying to get in touch with my friends in new york, having a general nauseous feeling, and feeling like i was going to wake up from a bad dream.
i had nightmares for weeks. i remember the first time a plane flew by our window at work and everyone in the conference room just kind of stopped and looked and then let out a sigh. really thought nothing would ever be normal again and remember it being so refreshing to play with my young nieces/nephews since kids were the only ones that were innocent to it all and carried on with normalcy.
my heart goes out to everyone who lost family and friends.
I noticed lots of fighter jets flying MD/DC/VA yesterday, I wonder where were they 9/11 2001. May they ALL rest peacefully.
You have a large number of AF/Navy aircraft stationed in that area. And they did scramble that day, but never recieved the order in time to shoot them down for DC and NY. I don't know about PA? That maybe a different story all together.
I can not believe it has been 7 years. We are about to have our moment of silence in our offices. Just came through the Lincoln Tunnel and I still look at the skyline to this day and can not believe WTC is not there.
I worked on the 98th Floor of Tower 1 for 4 years in the early 90's. It was such a wonderful place to work. I had the best views of the city out of my office window. I used to bring my friends up to join me for dinner and stare out at the world. I had the pleasure of being in the building for the Feb 93 bombing. Took over 3 hours to get out of the building. I was black from head to toe. The horror of 9/11 for me is I know what those floors are like. I know what the stair cases are like when they are packed with frightened people trying to get out and there is no light. I know what it is like to see the fireman climbing UP the building and putting themselves in harm's way to help people. And I certainly know what it is like to be on the 98th floor of the north tower facing north. That is where my office was and that is where the first plane hit.
Those that were in NY will remember that 9/11/01 was one of the most beautiful days. It was warm clear and sunny. I lived on the Uppper West Side.You will also remember that it was the day of the democratic primary for Mayor. I was up real early to make sure I could vote before work. The lines were light and after I voted, I decided to walk down to my midtown office. It was so beautiful out. I got to my office at 7:30 and got down to work. I worked for a major international investment bank. I think it was a week earlier I was at Windows on the World for a celebration of financing and closing Silverstien's financing of the WTC and the securitization of the bonds.
I had not been in the WTC since 93. I was always freaked to go back up in the building after coming down and never going back. At about 8 I got a call from my friend and client who worked in the World Financial Center, which is across the street from WTC. We talked for a while and then I heard loud noises over the phone. My friend was like, a plane just crashed into the WTC!
News wasn't even close to being on about it. He was completely freaked out and hung up to see what was going on. The news came on and i thought they were talking a small plane. But once you saw the hole you knew this was no small plane. I have a bunch of friends and clients who were in the building and tried to call. No answers. We sat there for hours watching the TV. I think I was in shock for the whole day. I do remember calling my wife after the 2nd plane and telling her to get out of the apartment and take our 1 year old into Central Park because I became panicked that planes were going to hit our apartment building. I must have been to 20 funerals. I am still numb inside.
I can't write anymore. There is a lot more but the moment of silence is starting. I will never forget.
^^^Black Diamond, that is heavy, man. Can't even imagine what that day and the following months must have been like...
I was in 8th grade, and I remember going into US history class and the TV was on showing what happened. I saw the second plane hit on live TV. I was young obviously so I couldn't really comprehend all that was happening... it was sad, but I didn't know the implications or anything until the following days.
Then when history ended I went to math class and the teacher just ignored it and went on with class as usual. Stupid.
It's a town full of losers and I'm pulling out of here to win
I was right here on this very board, for the very first time ever I happened across the message pit and the first thing I saw was a thread titled “Plane crash at WTC”
I had no idea what it meant and no idea that I had to click on it to open it. Then another popped up “second plane just hit”
Those that were in NY will remember that 9/11/01 was one of the most beautiful days. It was warm clear and sunny. .
thats always my recollection of the day. it was just so beautiful. nothing wrong could happen on that day.
I feel so much for the families who didn't get their moms and dads back that day. and I'm so greatful i got my dad back! he was in 7 world trade and watched the whole thing go down. I hope he gets out of the house today. I don't know why they need to show to us AGAIN the tragedy that happened. My father was traumatized by that day. yet they remind him every chance they can. I dunno. I don't see the need.
It is hard to believe it has been that long. I had just been working in my job at the local newspaper for a couple of months at that time and a smart ass woman called and said.."If you go turn your TV on you might have something to put in that paper next week." That was just shortly after the first place crashed and the immensity of the situation really didn't hit me at first for some reason.
Living in Mississippi I wasn't directly affected -- I mean as far as losing loved ones -- but that was one of the most emotional days I have ever spent. There was a woman from here in NYC for business and I spoke to her on the phone that night...I still vividly remember how shaken she was because she was looking out the window from a couple blocks away and saw it happen.
All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
Hearing the stories this morning as I drove pass the VP's house brought me to tears and I thought of this song in a bit of anger.
Rulers of the nations as you fuss and fight
Over who owns this or that and who has the right
To design, build, sell and store and fire
All the bombs and guns to defend your holy empire
There are children hungry, children sick and dying
There are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers crying
They're only pawns in your play of power and corruption
Slowly starve them, your new weapon of mass destruction
And prove to me America, that you care
And prove to me America, that you're aware
Who's dying for your freedom in this land?
Who pays the cost for the liberties you demand?
Is it for freedom, or our comfort and convenience
Is it to profit for big business we pledge our allegiance
Are we prisoners in the land of the brave and the bold?
Held by indifference or hearts grown hard and cold
Children of the world, you have the right
To sing and dance, run and play, let your dreams take flight
As the innocent die you rulers carry the shame
And if we stand idly by we share in the blame
And oh, America, do we care?
Oh, America, are we aware?
Who's dying for our comfort in this land?
Who pays the cost for the convenience we demand?
Children of the world, you have the right
To sing and dance, run and play, let your dreams take flight
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
i was at work in philadelphia. a coworker IM'ed me and said "something bad happened." i was busy running a call and was annoyed, thinking he was being dramatic. shortly after that everyone was in the conference room watching it all unfold on tv. got on a conference call with our coworkers in arlington, va. who then told us about the pentagon.
after that the rumors started flying in about all of these other attacks.... now we have the hindsight, but at the time it was pretty terrifying to be in a skyscraper anywhere on the east coast since the rumors were flying in about all of these other attacks (most of which weren't true). our director told us to go home but they evacuated the high rises in philly shortly afterwards anyhow.
was chaos in the streets here...people running to catch trains, sitting 4 people in 3 people seats. spent most of the day trying to get in touch with my friends in new york, having a general nauseous feeling, and feeling like i was going to wake up from a bad dream.
i had nightmares for weeks. i remember the first time a plane flew by our window at work and everyone in the conference room just kind of stopped and looked and then let out a sigh. really thought nothing would ever be normal again and remember it being so refreshing to play with my young nieces/nephews since kids were the only ones that were innocent to it all and carried on with normalcy.
my heart goes out to everyone who lost family and friends.
I had the same thing with the dream. It didn't hit me until the next time I went to work in Jersey City and the smoke and rubble was easy to spot even from across the Hudson River.
Reading 2004
Albany 2006 Camden 2006 E. Rutherford 2, 2006 Inglewood 2006,
Chicago 2007
Camden 2008 MSG 2008 MSG 2008 Hartford 2008.
Seattle 2009 Seattle 2009 Philadelphia 2009,Philadelphia 2009 Philadelphia 2009
Hartford 2010 MSG 2010 MSG 2010
Toronto 2011,Toronto 2011
Wrigley Field 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Philadelphia 2, 2013
Philadelphia 1, 2016 Philadelphia 2 2016 New York 2016 New York 2016 Fenway 1, 2016 Fenway 2, 2018 MSG 2022 St. Paul, 1, St. Paul 2 2023 MSG 2024, MSG 2024 Philadelphia 2024
"I play good, hard-nosed basketball.
Things happen in the game. Nothing you
can do. I don't go and say,
"I'm gonna beat this guy up."
I was in my freshman year of college and I was up watching it on TV getting ready for class when saw the second plane hit. I went to my European History class and my professor had it on the TV for about 5 minutes, then gave a quick lectue on his initial thoughts before cancelling class. All classes after that were cancelled for the day as well.
He talked about how this will be implanted and burned into our brains, and that we're watching history happen and that he doesn't mean to be insensitive within such a short period, but he felt that it was going to be the beginning of many overreactions by the people of our country and that it will probably be used to get more power into the hands of our administration if we don't step back and take a look at this and analyze slowly. The quicker our decisions to act, the worse the outcome will be and the farther it'll spread around the country and/or world.
A few students were pissed off and left, others spoke their mind back to him and others were still in shock of what was happening.
For a while after, protests began and rallies to protest the protesters began, and racial tensions grew stronger. I witnessed many middle eastern students get jumped right on campus.
Crazy, sad day. I was a junior in college. I woke up to the phone ringing at 8 AM; one of my friends had called, hysterically saying that a plane crashed into the WTC. I sleepily turned on the TV, thinking that some pilot had completely screwed up and gotten a bunch of people killed, and then I saw the second plane hit. I remember taking a shower, getting out and hearing the newscasters announce that a plane had just hit the Pentagon, and for the first time on live TV I saw a room full of newscasters stay completely silent for at least 10 seconds, in shock. I was stunned.
My classes were canceled that day. No one knew how to react; there were local reporters everywhere interviewing people. Everyone knew this meant war, we just didn't know when.
At the time the theatre department at my school was performing Macbeth, and MacDuff has a line that says, "What, all of my pretty ones, dead? What, all gone, in one fell swoop?" The final performances of the show were a couple of days after 9/11, and I remember hearing gasps and weeping from the audience when he said that line.
Sad, sad day.
Chicago 2000 : Chicago 2003 : Chicago 2006 : Summerfest 2006 : Lollapalooza 2007 : Chicago 2009 : Noblesville (Indy) 2010 : PJ20 (East Troy) 2011 : Wrigley Field 2013 : Milwaukee (Yield) 2014 : Wrigley Field 2016
No, I wasn't supposed to be there that day ... the folks in NYC, the finance folks in all our business units, actually reported up to us in Boston. But, one of our subsidiaries was actually in the WTC ... sadly, two of the people lost were the CFO and VP of Finance for that sub.
Part of my job after that day was to reconstruct their financials as all their records were completely destroyed. I also had to somehow construct a financial plan for them as well, and deal with the insurance claims. Immensely grueling as at times, I was forced to sit down and talk to people about the finances of the company ... and it just brought up horrific memories.
You're right about the "hawkers" .... the observation platform they put up at one point, and the visitors that would come and look, turned my stomach.
whoa, I can't even imagine having to do that job.
and black diamond! Whoa. I am so sorry.
NY PJ, where is he? Did he get banned again? I believe he lost a lot of friends and family members. I just remembered, I worked with this poor woman, a nurse, she had just had a baby, he was a little one, and her husband worked at Cantor Fitzgerald. We all went to his funeral and she somehow had the strength and courage to eulogize him and stand up with their son. It was one of the saddest things I'd ever seen.
"...like a word misplaced, nothing said, what a waste.."
"Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
Free Speedy
and Metsy!
even 2 days past 7 years gone by ,
& the next 363 days to come till it'll be 8 years ,
Not sure how many heard it , but here in NYC , a local radio station ( Q 104.3 ) held the on air moment of silence, they then went uninterupted right into this , a most appropriate song from the album that says it all , The Rising , with every track on it.
I woke up this morning
I could barely breathe
Just an empty impression
In the bed where you used to be
I want a kiss from your lips
I want an eye for an eye
I woke up this morning to the empty sky
Empty sky, empty sky
I woke up this morning to an empty sky
Empty sky, empty sky
I woke up this morning to an empty sky
Blood on the streets
Yeah blood flowin' down
I hear the blood of my blood
Cryin' from the ground
Empty sky, empty sky
I woke up this morning to an empty sky
Empty sky, empty sky
I woke up this morning to an empty sky
On the plains of Jordan
I cut my bow from the wood
Of this tree of evil
Of this tree of good
I want a kiss from your lips
I want an eye for an eye
I woke up this morning to an empty sky
Empty sky, empty sky
I woke up this morning to an empty sky
Empty sky, empty sky
I woke up this morning to an empty sky
Empty sky, empty sky
I woke up this morning to an empty sky
You're Missing
Shirts in the closet, shoes in the hall
Mama's in the kitchen, baby and all
Everything is everything
Everything is everything
But you're missing
Coffee cups on the counter, jackets on the chair
Papers on the doorstep, you're not there
Everything is everything
Everything is everything
But you're missing
Pictures on the nightstand, TV's on in the den
Your house is waiting, your house is waiting
For you to walk in, for you to walk in
But you're missing, you're missing
You're missing when I shut out the lights
You're missing when I close my eyes
You're missing when I see the sun rise
You're missing
Children are asking if it's alright
Will you be in our arms tonight?
Morning is morning, the evening falls I have
Too much room in my bed, too many phone calls
How's everything, everything?
Everything, everything
You're missing, you're missing
God's drifting in heaven, devil's in the mailbox
I got dust on my shoes, nothing but teardrops
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
I can't believe to this day the sickos that did this believed they would go to paradise for killing innocents. I hope at the last second they knew they were going to burn in hell!
Hopefuly nothing like this will ever happen again.
after that the rumors started flying in about all of these other attacks.... now we have the hindsight, but at the time it was pretty terrifying to be in a skyscraper anywhere on the east coast since the rumors were flying in about all of these other attacks (most of which weren't true). our director told us to go home but they evacuated the high rises in philly shortly afterwards anyhow.
was chaos in the streets here...people running to catch trains, sitting 4 people in 3 people seats. spent most of the day trying to get in touch with my friends in new york, having a general nauseous feeling, and feeling like i was going to wake up from a bad dream.
i had nightmares for weeks. i remember the first time a plane flew by our window at work and everyone in the conference room just kind of stopped and looked and then let out a sigh. really thought nothing would ever be normal again and remember it being so refreshing to play with my young nieces/nephews since kids were the only ones that were innocent to it all and carried on with normalcy.
my heart goes out to everyone who lost family and friends.
You have a large number of AF/Navy aircraft stationed in that area. And they did scramble that day, but never recieved the order in time to shoot them down for DC and NY. I don't know about PA? That maybe a different story all together.
I worked on the 98th Floor of Tower 1 for 4 years in the early 90's. It was such a wonderful place to work. I had the best views of the city out of my office window. I used to bring my friends up to join me for dinner and stare out at the world. I had the pleasure of being in the building for the Feb 93 bombing. Took over 3 hours to get out of the building. I was black from head to toe. The horror of 9/11 for me is I know what those floors are like. I know what the stair cases are like when they are packed with frightened people trying to get out and there is no light. I know what it is like to see the fireman climbing UP the building and putting themselves in harm's way to help people. And I certainly know what it is like to be on the 98th floor of the north tower facing north. That is where my office was and that is where the first plane hit.
Those that were in NY will remember that 9/11/01 was one of the most beautiful days. It was warm clear and sunny. I lived on the Uppper West Side.You will also remember that it was the day of the democratic primary for Mayor. I was up real early to make sure I could vote before work. The lines were light and after I voted, I decided to walk down to my midtown office. It was so beautiful out. I got to my office at 7:30 and got down to work. I worked for a major international investment bank. I think it was a week earlier I was at Windows on the World for a celebration of financing and closing Silverstien's financing of the WTC and the securitization of the bonds.
I had not been in the WTC since 93. I was always freaked to go back up in the building after coming down and never going back. At about 8 I got a call from my friend and client who worked in the World Financial Center, which is across the street from WTC. We talked for a while and then I heard loud noises over the phone. My friend was like, a plane just crashed into the WTC!
News wasn't even close to being on about it. He was completely freaked out and hung up to see what was going on. The news came on and i thought they were talking a small plane. But once you saw the hole you knew this was no small plane. I have a bunch of friends and clients who were in the building and tried to call. No answers. We sat there for hours watching the TV. I think I was in shock for the whole day. I do remember calling my wife after the 2nd plane and telling her to get out of the apartment and take our 1 year old into Central Park because I became panicked that planes were going to hit our apartment building. I must have been to 20 funerals. I am still numb inside.
I can't write anymore. There is a lot more but the moment of silence is starting. I will never forget.
I was in 8th grade, and I remember going into US history class and the TV was on showing what happened. I saw the second plane hit on live TV. I was young obviously so I couldn't really comprehend all that was happening... it was sad, but I didn't know the implications or anything until the following days.
Then when history ended I went to math class and the teacher just ignored it and went on with class as usual. Stupid.
I had no idea what it meant and no idea that I had to click on it to open it. Then another popped up “second plane just hit”
And then the phone rang.
thats always my recollection of the day. it was just so beautiful. nothing wrong could happen on that day.
I feel so much for the families who didn't get their moms and dads back that day. and I'm so greatful i got my dad back! he was in 7 world trade and watched the whole thing go down. I hope he gets out of the house today. I don't know why they need to show to us AGAIN the tragedy that happened. My father was traumatized by that day. yet they remind him every chance they can. I dunno. I don't see the need.
Living in Mississippi I wasn't directly affected -- I mean as far as losing loved ones -- but that was one of the most emotional days I have ever spent. There was a woman from here in NYC for business and I spoke to her on the phone that night...I still vividly remember how shaken she was because she was looking out the window from a couple blocks away and saw it happen.
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
Rulers of the nations as you fuss and fight
Over who owns this or that and who has the right
To design, build, sell and store and fire
All the bombs and guns to defend your holy empire
There are children hungry, children sick and dying
There are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers crying
They're only pawns in your play of power and corruption
Slowly starve them, your new weapon of mass destruction
And prove to me America, that you care
And prove to me America, that you're aware
Who's dying for your freedom in this land?
Who pays the cost for the liberties you demand?
Is it for freedom, or our comfort and convenience
Is it to profit for big business we pledge our allegiance
Are we prisoners in the land of the brave and the bold?
Held by indifference or hearts grown hard and cold
Children of the world, you have the right
To sing and dance, run and play, let your dreams take flight
As the innocent die you rulers carry the shame
And if we stand idly by we share in the blame
And oh, America, do we care?
Oh, America, are we aware?
Who's dying for our comfort in this land?
Who pays the cost for the convenience we demand?
Children of the world, you have the right
To sing and dance, run and play, let your dreams take flight
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Happy birthday Sis
I had the same thing with the dream. It didn't hit me until the next time I went to work in Jersey City and the smoke and rubble was easy to spot even from across the Hudson River.
Albany 2006 Camden 2006 E. Rutherford 2, 2006 Inglewood 2006,
Chicago 2007
Camden 2008 MSG 2008 MSG 2008 Hartford 2008.
Seattle 2009 Seattle 2009 Philadelphia 2009,Philadelphia 2009 Philadelphia 2009
Hartford 2010 MSG 2010 MSG 2010
Toronto 2011,Toronto 2011
Wrigley Field 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Philadelphia 2, 2013
Philadelphia 1, 2016 Philadelphia 2 2016 New York 2016 New York 2016 Fenway 1, 2016
Fenway 2, 2018
MSG 2022
St. Paul, 1, St. Paul 2 2023
MSG 2024, MSG 2024
Philadelphia 2024
"I play good, hard-nosed basketball.
Things happen in the game. Nothing you
can do. I don't go and say,
"I'm gonna beat this guy up."
He talked about how this will be implanted and burned into our brains, and that we're watching history happen and that he doesn't mean to be insensitive within such a short period, but he felt that it was going to be the beginning of many overreactions by the people of our country and that it will probably be used to get more power into the hands of our administration if we don't step back and take a look at this and analyze slowly. The quicker our decisions to act, the worse the outcome will be and the farther it'll spread around the country and/or world.
A few students were pissed off and left, others spoke their mind back to him and others were still in shock of what was happening.
For a while after, protests began and rallies to protest the protesters began, and racial tensions grew stronger. I witnessed many middle eastern students get jumped right on campus.
To keep you clear of the sun
You've been burned more than once
You don't think much of trust
My classes were canceled that day. No one knew how to react; there were local reporters everywhere interviewing people. Everyone knew this meant war, we just didn't know when.
At the time the theatre department at my school was performing Macbeth, and MacDuff has a line that says, "What, all of my pretty ones, dead? What, all gone, in one fell swoop?" The final performances of the show were a couple of days after 9/11, and I remember hearing gasps and weeping from the audience when he said that line.
Sad, sad day.
whoa, I can't even imagine having to do that job.
and black diamond! Whoa. I am so sorry.
NY PJ, where is he? Did he get banned again? I believe he lost a lot of friends and family members. I just remembered, I worked with this poor woman, a nurse, she had just had a baby, he was a little one, and her husband worked at Cantor Fitzgerald. We all went to his funeral and she somehow had the strength and courage to eulogize him and stand up with their son. It was one of the saddest things I'd ever seen.
"Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
Free Speedy
and Metsy!
its just as important to Always Remember.
even 2 days past 7 years gone by ,
& the next 363 days to come till it'll be 8 years ,
Not sure how many heard it , but here in NYC , a local radio station ( Q 104.3 ) held the on air moment of silence, they then went uninterupted right into this , a most appropriate song from the album that says it all , The Rising , with every track on it.
I woke up this morning
I could barely breathe
Just an empty impression
In the bed where you used to be
I want a kiss from your lips
I want an eye for an eye
I woke up this morning to the empty sky
Empty sky, empty sky
I woke up this morning to an empty sky
Empty sky, empty sky
I woke up this morning to an empty sky
Blood on the streets
Yeah blood flowin' down
I hear the blood of my blood
Cryin' from the ground
Empty sky, empty sky
I woke up this morning to an empty sky
Empty sky, empty sky
I woke up this morning to an empty sky
On the plains of Jordan
I cut my bow from the wood
Of this tree of evil
Of this tree of good
I want a kiss from your lips
I want an eye for an eye
I woke up this morning to an empty sky
Empty sky, empty sky
I woke up this morning to an empty sky
Empty sky, empty sky
I woke up this morning to an empty sky
Empty sky, empty sky
I woke up this morning to an empty sky
for my friends:
NYC Firefighter
Eugene Whelan
NYC Firefighter
John Heffernan
You're Missing
Shirts in the closet, shoes in the hall
Mama's in the kitchen, baby and all
Everything is everything
Everything is everything
But you're missing
Coffee cups on the counter, jackets on the chair
Papers on the doorstep, you're not there
Everything is everything
Everything is everything
But you're missing
Pictures on the nightstand, TV's on in the den
Your house is waiting, your house is waiting
For you to walk in, for you to walk in
But you're missing, you're missing
You're missing when I shut out the lights
You're missing when I close my eyes
You're missing when I see the sun rise
You're missing
Children are asking if it's alright
Will you be in our arms tonight?
Morning is morning, the evening falls I have
Too much room in my bed, too many phone calls
How's everything, everything?
Everything, everything
You're missing, you're missing
God's drifting in heaven, devil's in the mailbox
I got dust on my shoes, nothing but teardrops
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life