I've got to be up ALL NIGHT tonight.

I have to prepare for my second teaching session tomorrow and I haven't even started. Wooo, yay me.
'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Post edited by Unknown User on
what do u teach?
how to type on a pj message board?
I'm doing a qualification to teach English as a second language. My work put me on it. Good times!
I'll keep one eye on the pit for as long as it takes
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
You're a typical bloody bloke. You always leave things till the last minute.
I'm going to slap you in the face with a Basking Shark for that!
Hopefully the head will miss me and I'll just go inside that huge gaping mouth and it won't hurt.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
:eek: Wow, you have a very vivid imagination.
Now get back to work!
ESL teacher huh?? that is cool - what are your demographics??
It's actually not English. When the Vikings invaded Britain, they brought over a shitload of Mackerel and would slap the Brit's in the face with them.
btw. That's not actually true. I just made it up because I'm bored.
I would get back to work but I've got a little Christmas party with friends at 8 and I'll be starting work when I get back. Don't worry, they're not drinkers.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
That cracked me up when I read that! You still have three quarters of an hour, y'know!
Oh well, have a good time.
I work for a homeless charity as an essential skills tutor, so I basically work to support our residents' literacy and numeracy. I also lead workshops in the arts as a way of helping them with self-esteem, confidence and creativity.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Three quarters of an hour. :rolleyes: Rome wasn't built in a day you know.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
oops, don't slap me! I'm not a bloke but I tend to leave things to the last minute.
I've got a big formal-ish party coming up tomorrow night and I've got this alteration thingie to do on my dress and I haven't even started yet. and I'm at work now so can't do anything about it.
so will probably pull and all-nighter too. or at least most-of-the-night-er.
plus I got the Simpsons movie and I've got to bring it back tomorrow which means I need to watch it tonight.
I'm not very well organised..
You sound like the yin to my yang. I mean, erm.. no, that's not right. My yang to my yang. Yeah, that's it. You sound the same as me.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
I'm not well organised either but I try not to leave things too long otherwise it just worries me.
Did you say you're having a formal-fish party? Is that where all the fish dress up in little bow-ties or ball gowns?
Formal-fish party! I don't know what happened Kelly, you went to the Humour megastore and came back with a repertoire.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
I can't get anything done unless it's the last minute. I've done it ever since school - with tests, essays, everything!
yes, that's the one.
thanks. :mad:
actually, I'm apparently a 'yin' person seeing that I'm a rabbit in the Chinese horoscope so would it be cool with you for us to be each other's yins?
Sounds perfect.
eMMI are we having a 'moment'?
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
great. one perfect thing tonight then.
that's a good question. it's been a while since I've last had any 'moments' so I can't really tell.
If in doubt, emmi... we probably are! Don't fight it...
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
lol. that reminds me of a saying a friend of mine has: "if in doubt, eat it anyway."
I ain't a fighter anyhoo.
((EDIT: hate to break a moment, but gotta go home. talk to yous later!!))
Had a blast doing it though!
Tip: Pro Plus and loud music!
2007 ░▒▓ London, Dusseldorf, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
2009 ░▒▓ Manchester, London
2010 ░▒▓ Hyde Park
*§* Music is all the juice i'll need *§*