uninnocent- wrote: Great. How about smoking a joint this weekend?
DS1119 wrote: Good The Price Is Right
Coors Original Beer?
The Doors
Abrn Hlls '98 - Clarkston 2 '03 - Grd Rpds '06 - Abrn Hlls '06 - Clvd '10 - PJ20 - Berlin 1+2 '12 - Wrigley '13 - Pitt '13- buff '13- Philly 1+2 '13 - Seattle '13
Sam Adams
Mike's Hard Lemonade Winter Berry limited edition flavor?
Call of Duty
What is your favorite non Pearl Jam artist?
The Word Game
Star Trek the Next Generation
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Stephen King
Assembly Hall-Apr 23 2003 Alpine Valley-Jun 21 2003
Grant Park-Aug 5 2007 United Center-Aug 23 2009
United Center-Aug 24 2009 Alpine Valley-Sep 3 2011
Alpine Valley-Sep 4 2011 Wrigley Field-Jul 19 2013
Pawn Stars
the new show- the river
To Getting a little drunk this weekend
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
How about smoking a joint this weekend?
Good (soooo good, so bad)
Chuck Ragan
Mats Sundin
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
Jeremy Irons
The Price Is Right
Good, despite the conspiracy theories.
Disco music
Boogie Nights
Macaroni and cheese
dire straits!
transport trucks during rush hour
French Maids
Chicken McNuggets