Britney Spears carted off on a stretcher after police standoff.,2933,320111,00.html
Britney Spears Hospitalized After Denying Kevin Federline Access to Children
LOS ANGELES — A child custody standoff between Britney Spears and employees of ex-husband Kevin Federline at her California home lasted three hours and ended with an intoxicated Spears releasing the children before she was carted away in an ambulance Thursday night.
According to TMZ, Spears' youngest son, 1-year-old Jayden James, also was transported by ambulance for treatment.
FOX News has confirmed that the Los Angeles Police Department was called to Spears' home to investigate a custody dispute around 8 p.m. PST
Federline's bodyguards intended to collect the two toddlers at 7 p.m., but Spears reportedly refused to hand them back.
The 26-year-old singer turned over the children around 10:50 p.m., Officer Jason Lee, a police spokesman, told City News Service.
Around midnight, a conscious Spears was wheeled out in a gurney, following hearsay that someone inside the home was in a very hysterical, possibly intoxicated state.
Lee told the Associated Press that no injuries were reported, yet Spears was believed to be under the influence of an "unknown substance." The mother of two is on "medical hold" in an unknown location and awaiting medical evaluation.
Aerial footage from KTLA-TV showed Spears being lifted in a gurney into an ambulance.
"Entertainment Tonight" reported on its Web site Friday that she was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Cedars spokeswoman Simi Singer said she could not confirm or deny the report, citing patient confidentiality laws.
KTTV-TV, however, reported that Spears' father, Jamie Spears, Federline and friend Sam Lufti showed up at the hospital.
The incident involved a family dispute that police worked to resolve "peacefully by court order," Lee said. also has learned that Spears' older son, 2-year-old Sean Preston, was safely returned to Federline's guards just over an hour before Britney was wheeled from her home.
Several fire trucks, police cars, an ambulance and three police helicopters were called to the San Fernando Valley gated community that includes Spears' Studio City house around 10:30 p.m. A dispatcher with the fire department referred calls to the police department.
"It is total craziness here; we don't know what is going on inside but it cannot be good," an eyewitness said at 11:15 p.m. on Thursday. "With her legal team leaving her, it has been a quick downward spiral for Britney ... I'm scared for her right now and she isn't letting anyone in to help ease the situation."
"I'm so worried for her," an inside source who has worked closely with Spears said. "I cannot believe this has all happened; I don't know that she will ever be able to get her sons back now."
Just after midnight spoke with a neighbor who was en route to stay with friends to get some sleep.
"We can't take anymore of this," the resident said, not wishing to elaborate. "We are exhausted."
Federline, 29, has temporary custody of the children because Spears, who has limited visitation rights, has defied court orders. The two were married in October 2004 and divorced in July.
Calls to attorneys for Federline and Spears were not immediately returned.
Earlier Thursday, the singer appeared for a deposition in the custody dispute. She was deposed for 14 minutes, Federline attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan told reporters after she left.
• Report: Britney Spears Arrives Two Hours Late for Deposition
Spears called in sick for a Dec. 12 court-ordered deposition but was photographed that day driving with a friend. She also didn't show up for a session Wednesday, Kaplan said.
Spears' attorneys from the firm Trope and Trope on Wednesday filed a court motion asking to be relieved due to a "breakdown" in communication with their client.
Kaplan said Spears' attorneys were present for what became a very abbreviated session.
"The deposition proceeding did go forward today. It was scheduled for 9:45 to 11:45," Kaplan said. "However, it wasn't able to commence until 11:32. You can imagine in 14 minutes there's not a lot of time to develop questions," he said.
Kaplan said another deposition would be scheduled.
Over the last year and a half, Spears has been photographed without underwear and has appeared to be drunk and out of control. She shaved her head, beat a car with an umbrella and spent a month in rehab. She has also had a handful of fender benders, including one in which she ran over a photographer's foot.
Last month, her sister, Nickelodeon's "Zoey 101" star Jamie Lynn Spears, 16, said she is pregnant.
Shortly after that announcement, a parenting memoir being written by the Spears sisters' mother, Lynne Spears, and set to be released by a Christian book publisher was delayed. "Pop Culture Mom: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World" was initially scheduled for release on May 11, Mother's Day.
Click here for Britney Spears' biography.
FOX News Entertainment Reporter Hollie McKay and the Associated Press contributed to this report.
Britney Spears Hospitalized After Denying Kevin Federline Access to Children
LOS ANGELES — A child custody standoff between Britney Spears and employees of ex-husband Kevin Federline at her California home lasted three hours and ended with an intoxicated Spears releasing the children before she was carted away in an ambulance Thursday night.
According to TMZ, Spears' youngest son, 1-year-old Jayden James, also was transported by ambulance for treatment.
FOX News has confirmed that the Los Angeles Police Department was called to Spears' home to investigate a custody dispute around 8 p.m. PST
Federline's bodyguards intended to collect the two toddlers at 7 p.m., but Spears reportedly refused to hand them back.
The 26-year-old singer turned over the children around 10:50 p.m., Officer Jason Lee, a police spokesman, told City News Service.
Around midnight, a conscious Spears was wheeled out in a gurney, following hearsay that someone inside the home was in a very hysterical, possibly intoxicated state.
Lee told the Associated Press that no injuries were reported, yet Spears was believed to be under the influence of an "unknown substance." The mother of two is on "medical hold" in an unknown location and awaiting medical evaluation.
Aerial footage from KTLA-TV showed Spears being lifted in a gurney into an ambulance.
"Entertainment Tonight" reported on its Web site Friday that she was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Cedars spokeswoman Simi Singer said she could not confirm or deny the report, citing patient confidentiality laws.
KTTV-TV, however, reported that Spears' father, Jamie Spears, Federline and friend Sam Lufti showed up at the hospital.
The incident involved a family dispute that police worked to resolve "peacefully by court order," Lee said. also has learned that Spears' older son, 2-year-old Sean Preston, was safely returned to Federline's guards just over an hour before Britney was wheeled from her home.
Several fire trucks, police cars, an ambulance and three police helicopters were called to the San Fernando Valley gated community that includes Spears' Studio City house around 10:30 p.m. A dispatcher with the fire department referred calls to the police department.
"It is total craziness here; we don't know what is going on inside but it cannot be good," an eyewitness said at 11:15 p.m. on Thursday. "With her legal team leaving her, it has been a quick downward spiral for Britney ... I'm scared for her right now and she isn't letting anyone in to help ease the situation."
"I'm so worried for her," an inside source who has worked closely with Spears said. "I cannot believe this has all happened; I don't know that she will ever be able to get her sons back now."
Just after midnight spoke with a neighbor who was en route to stay with friends to get some sleep.
"We can't take anymore of this," the resident said, not wishing to elaborate. "We are exhausted."
Federline, 29, has temporary custody of the children because Spears, who has limited visitation rights, has defied court orders. The two were married in October 2004 and divorced in July.
Calls to attorneys for Federline and Spears were not immediately returned.
Earlier Thursday, the singer appeared for a deposition in the custody dispute. She was deposed for 14 minutes, Federline attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan told reporters after she left.
• Report: Britney Spears Arrives Two Hours Late for Deposition
Spears called in sick for a Dec. 12 court-ordered deposition but was photographed that day driving with a friend. She also didn't show up for a session Wednesday, Kaplan said.
Spears' attorneys from the firm Trope and Trope on Wednesday filed a court motion asking to be relieved due to a "breakdown" in communication with their client.
Kaplan said Spears' attorneys were present for what became a very abbreviated session.
"The deposition proceeding did go forward today. It was scheduled for 9:45 to 11:45," Kaplan said. "However, it wasn't able to commence until 11:32. You can imagine in 14 minutes there's not a lot of time to develop questions," he said.
Kaplan said another deposition would be scheduled.
Over the last year and a half, Spears has been photographed without underwear and has appeared to be drunk and out of control. She shaved her head, beat a car with an umbrella and spent a month in rehab. She has also had a handful of fender benders, including one in which she ran over a photographer's foot.
Last month, her sister, Nickelodeon's "Zoey 101" star Jamie Lynn Spears, 16, said she is pregnant.
Shortly after that announcement, a parenting memoir being written by the Spears sisters' mother, Lynne Spears, and set to be released by a Christian book publisher was delayed. "Pop Culture Mom: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World" was initially scheduled for release on May 11, Mother's Day.
Click here for Britney Spears' biography.
FOX News Entertainment Reporter Hollie McKay and the Associated Press contributed to this report.
Post edited by Unknown User on
sad case....
and still jonesing for another show....
"the waiting drove me mad..."
if she wants to be any sort of mother to them, she needs to sort it out.
haha nice
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Finally got that "One for the Thumb"!!! Got the "Six Pack". Now we're on a "Stairway to Seven"
Some words when spoken...can't be taken back.
"Seeing a brick wall straight ahead and stepping on the gas." Eddie...Pittsburgh 6/23/06
that is mildly erotic...
Go Britney!
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Maybe she did and it was 'Get as caned as humanly possible as often as humanly possible.'
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Someone needs to help this woman, someone who actually cares about HER and not all her money.
I could give a fuck about Britney or boytoy, I just feel very sorry for their little boys. God help them.
she needs to help herself no one can do it for her ....
"you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink " ...
when i see people trying to make ends meet each day....those are the people i choose to help.
people who have all resoures available to them, yet create this nonsense.......good riddance.
She's on my celebrity suicide watch list.
kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.
who else is on the list?
I understand that, but she needs a friend to slap her up side the head to wake her the f*ck up to what she's jeopardizing here
we're not in her position, I can imagine if I were dealing with that, it would be hard enough, let alone it being broadcast to the entire world at warp speed
I didn''t want to be morose like patrickredeyes, but I have to agree with him, that's where she's heading and no matter how any of us feel about her, I don't think anyone wishes that
i hear you on that point ,i know if that was a relative of mine i would slap some sense in to them but it's easyer said then done ,i bet she doesn't have any friends that can come to her rescue and present a good argument as to how to get herself together most likely all her people are just as messed up as her anyway that is my2c i do feel for her children ...
was that in the settlement? that's sad when he appears to be the better parent........he was just some goof when I heard of him......the tables have turned..........
and I hope she won't be the next Anna Nicole.......that was sad. and when the whole story of Anna Nicole was on and the "clown video thing" was being posted that was taken by her creepy lawyer boyfriend, the whole "Britney shaves her head" thing was going on, and although I am not really superstitious, I had to stop watching because I literally felt the whole thing was from the pit of hell..........
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
agreed. i've been saying this for a while. sad to say, but i really think she is going to kill herself one of these days.
next question:
THREE police helicopters for a domestic dispute?????wtf?
they walk around in dresses w/o panties????
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
as you guys say,......."lmfao"...........
yes, and the helicopters are probably just always there........
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
i'm glad you care, even if it seems no one else does.
The best expression of Love is Time.
The best time to Love is Now.
I'm never as good as when you're there.........