being lazy

i don't know what it is... i'm not saying that i sleep until 2pm every day and do nothing for the remainder of the day, but i just feel so lazy - especially lately.
i wait til the very last minute to get ready and leave for work, and today i opted to sleep in instead of go to class... i just couldn't get out of bed! and i'm pretty sure its going to come back and get me.
AND i've always been a procrastinator... i could have a month to do a project and start it the day before... for instance right now i've got a few assignments to finish for wednesday and no time to do it tomorrow, but i've still no desire to do anything but remain on this sofa typing on the message pit on my laptop.... i know i've gotta start being organized with class/work/homework but i juuuussttt caaann't get my act together...
that's not to say my grades are particularly bad at the moment (at least not that i know of) but i know the second half of semester things start getting tight... going into the rainy season here means gloomy days, not to mention the shear depressing topic of my research paper... i think if i don't organize my life or start getting into a better rhythm i'll just have a break down... not to mention lose my scholarships......
but i just can't stop being lazy and procrastinating...
i wait til the very last minute to get ready and leave for work, and today i opted to sleep in instead of go to class... i just couldn't get out of bed! and i'm pretty sure its going to come back and get me.
AND i've always been a procrastinator... i could have a month to do a project and start it the day before... for instance right now i've got a few assignments to finish for wednesday and no time to do it tomorrow, but i've still no desire to do anything but remain on this sofa typing on the message pit on my laptop.... i know i've gotta start being organized with class/work/homework but i juuuussttt caaann't get my act together...
that's not to say my grades are particularly bad at the moment (at least not that i know of) but i know the second half of semester things start getting tight... going into the rainy season here means gloomy days, not to mention the shear depressing topic of my research paper... i think if i don't organize my life or start getting into a better rhythm i'll just have a break down... not to mention lose my scholarships......
but i just can't stop being lazy and procrastinating...
live pearl jam is best pearl jam
Post edited by Unknown User on
I work better under pressure. That's my excuse!
what the...:eek:
noooooooooooooooooo!!! not that word again.
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
That's right!
we should make a club...
but that might only encourage things?
and we'd likely never get around to making it!
its a thought...
i can't help with lazy, i took a 2.5 nap when i got home from work
First of all, I don't look like Brad Pitt. That bugs me a lot. Oh how I wish I was a universally recognized sex symbol.
Secondly, I busted my ass through college and now I'm a piss-ant level II analyst, and it doesn't look like things will get much better for years to come. I might get to level III, then wooptie f'n doo.
If I had known in college how pathetic my career would be, I might not have gone through it. I had dreams of being G Munny.
Also, I'm single. But that's really a choice. I know that sounds like bullshit, but it's true. In actuality, anyone can find a mate if they lower their standards enough.
My dog died a few years ago. He was my best friend for many years. I was devastated. On top of that, he died horribly. The vets couldn't figure out what was wrong with him and meanwhile he suffered more and more every day.
Finally, I took him to a fancy schmancy super luxurious vet hospital in a ritzy part of town. The vets there figured out his problem in a matter of minutes, and they prescribed him pain meds, which was something that none of the vets did.
It just goes to show that even the pets of the rich live better. I drugged my dog out on opiates for a week and then put him down as soon as he stopped eating. I figured that as long as he was eating, he was still happy to be breathing.
I've been depressed as far as I can remember, but that whole ordeal took that depression to a whole new level, and I have not since even begun to recover. I have nightmares about it.
So, the moral of my story is to get a dog or some other type of pet of some kind, but try not to get attached.
do you vow to never procrastinate again when you're in the time crunch??!!
You are basically me.
Only I don't have scholarships anywhere
I am a man, I am advanced.....I am the first man to borrow Stone's leather pants!
Actually no. I get a rush from it.
wait wut?
if its any consolation, i aint no angelina.
by the way, girls arent always looking for a brad pitt... at least not all girls. are guys always looking for a scarlett johanson? cos if so, i'm screwed and shall be single for the rest of my existence.
i have a dog, and its too late, i'm already attached...
I suppose Thanksgiving day I'll get up and volunteer.
I wanted to avoid the holidays this year due to the Change happening in my life...and I didn't know how to do that with out sitting at home and sulking>>>>
I'm gonna volunteer!!! this is awesome:D thanks for the idea!
You're quite welcome. I did that two years ago...and now I'm hooked on doing it every year. I was sulking myself when the idea just popped in my head. You quickly get to the point where your life doesn't matter as much anymore and you just feel good being out doing something for others and realize other things.
I've got 364 other days of the year. My family and myself can fuck off for once.
i have lazy patches.. sometimes you need someone to remind you to get off ya ass once in a while
i suppose its all connected?
just a few small scholarships... i've already had to postpone one and pay for this semester cos i dropped my course load
again, cos i'm lazy and decided to cop out of university math...
a few people i know in the pj community are shaking their heads at me right now i bet!! hahaha