Get Over It Weekend..

when you tell your significant other that your going out for a night out and they give you a hard time ,do you tell them" GET OVER IT" .....or wimper away ....?? discuss ...:)
jesus greets me looks just like me ....
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Couples shuld be able to go out together and allow each other to go out alone.
just one of the many reasons i'm single....:)
Im the man of the house and thats the way it is
now go fix me a pot pie woman
she usually refuses anyway.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
ha. yeah right..........
but seriously - i never got this. unless it is abused. i have a girls night once a month and when i was married my husband NEVER said anything. my girlfriends and i go on overnights/long weekends, etc. you should give each other space and freedom. I NEVER had an issue with my ex going out either -until it started to be 3-4x a week....then, it became a problem.
I thought that might get your attention
gotta have some space or it aint healthy
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
True,it's too bad you only ever followed 1/2 of that equation - going out and getting drunk with your GF several nights a week. Must be why you'll soon no longer be married.
I usaully go to Flyers games or a Local Bar without her
The Bar is great we play Quizzo and they have $.10 wings and $1.25 Drafts all night
She goes out "Girls Night Out" every once in awhile
I just text and call her every 10 mins :eek:
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
If your wife weighs 311 pounds and stopped bathing in 1986, by all means, have a great time.
Why would you start was has no end?
Makes my sex life even more active..come home buzzed and bang the old lady
She loves the smell of Hot Wings Sauce a real turn on
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
You guys won't believe this, but I'm a homebody. I don't like going out anymore. The same motherfuckers who were clubbing when I was in college are still out there. It's pathetic when I think about it. Then again, we're Jackson, TN and there's not a lot of shit to do. But I'd rather stay home with my kids, play my son on XBOX, write songs with my daughter, rub my wife's feet while we watch a movie, tuck my kids in, and rock that ass out like 18 motherfuckers right before passing out into a peaceful slumber.
The above story is true.
Why would you start was has no end?
dont go out much w/ out gf anymore
the hockey games are different thats boys night
then again my partying days are over pretty much so its not a issue
that being said i believe each of you should have some alone out time
especially at a pj meetup
if she is gonna get that upset just take her or dont go
its not worth the headache:)lol
why would anyone even date someone who gave them a hard time about that? I honestly just don't get why people put up with that stuff.
Please ask your wife if you can take her panties off and let you be a man for one little pussy;)
Fellow Panty Wearer
Why would you start was has no end?
well ...same advice to him lol