Van 92.07.21 / Van 98.07.19 / Sea 98.07.22 / Tor 98.08.22 / Sea 00.11.06 / Van 03.05.30/ Van 05.09.02/ Gorge 06.07.22 & 23 / EV Van 08.04.02 / Tor 09.08.21 / Sea 09.09.21 & 22 / Van 09.09.25 / Van 11.09.25 / Van 13.12.04 / Pem 16.07.17 / Sea 18.08.10
Geez, it seems at my family's functions people take turns at who's it each time. Once they start at someone, that person is critisized by all the entire evening/or day. Everyone acts like it doesn't take place until they're the one who gets shit the entire time we are together.
One time, I had just met my bf and only my kids knew him. I took him to a family thing at my neice's and one of my sisters started talking aloud about him, (he was going to be the scapegoat). I don't remember what she said, but I knew the routine and I got pissed. I gave warning to my neice and sister to not let this happen. It was unfair and out of left field in his eyes. It continued for a short time and I announced, loudly, that we were leaving and I would never enter that house again. I held to that, her moving made it easier, but I couldn't let him be their target of the day.
They so piss me off. I know they do this to make themselves feel better about themselves. BUT, it sucks when you are the target. I have been a part of their dysfunction in the past. It just seemed like innocent gossip and sarcastic joking, but when I realized exactly what it was, I refuse to be a part of it and will leave. Many times they make someone who didn't attend the ONE. One time it was my son, (they forgot it was MY son). Of course I left!
I have been told I am too sensitive, etc, since refusing to take part anymore. B.S.!!! When people use sarcasm as joking, it is being passive-aggressive and anyone who gets offended is NOT being too sensitive!
or cranberry sauce..... for that matter
One time, I had just met my bf and only my kids knew him. I took him to a family thing at my neice's and one of my sisters started talking aloud about him, (he was going to be the scapegoat). I don't remember what she said, but I knew the routine and I got pissed. I gave warning to my neice and sister to not let this happen. It was unfair and out of left field in his eyes. It continued for a short time and I announced, loudly, that we were leaving and I would never enter that house again. I held to that, her moving made it easier, but I couldn't let him be their target of the day.
They so piss me off. I know they do this to make themselves feel better about themselves. BUT, it sucks when you are the target. I have been a part of their dysfunction in the past. It just seemed like innocent gossip and sarcastic joking, but when I realized exactly what it was, I refuse to be a part of it and will leave. Many times they make someone who didn't attend the ONE. One time it was my son, (they forgot it was MY son). Of course I left!
I have been told I am too sensitive, etc, since refusing to take part anymore. B.S.!!! When people use sarcasm as joking, it is being passive-aggressive and anyone who gets offended is NOT being too sensitive!