Ya know what is pathetic?



  • HawkshoreHawkshore Posts: 2,163
    DocChicago wrote:
    has he ever heard of gravy?

    or cranberry sauce..... for that matter
    Van 92.07.21 / Van 98.07.19 / Sea 98.07.22 / Tor 98.08.22 / Sea 00.11.06 / Van 03.05.30/ Van 05.09.02/ Gorge 06.07.22 & 23 / EV Van 08.04.02 / Tor 09.08.21 / Sea 09.09.21 & 22 / Van 09.09.25 / Van 11.09.25 / Van 13.12.04 / Pem 16.07.17 / Sea 18.08.10
  • libragirllibragirl Posts: 4,632
    turkey peasant food!? lol..he should come to my house i will make him some pepperoni and spinach, now that is peasant food :D.
    These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
  • Heatherj43Heatherj43 Posts: 1,254
    Geez, it seems at my family's functions people take turns at who's it each time. Once they start at someone, that person is critisized by all the entire evening/or day. Everyone acts like it doesn't take place until they're the one who gets shit the entire time we are together.
    One time, I had just met my bf and only my kids knew him. I took him to a family thing at my neice's and one of my sisters started talking aloud about him, (he was going to be the scapegoat). I don't remember what she said, but I knew the routine and I got pissed. I gave warning to my neice and sister to not let this happen. It was unfair and out of left field in his eyes. It continued for a short time and I announced, loudly, that we were leaving and I would never enter that house again. I held to that, her moving made it easier, but I couldn't let him be their target of the day.
    They so piss me off. I know they do this to make themselves feel better about themselves. BUT, it sucks when you are the target. I have been a part of their dysfunction in the past. It just seemed like innocent gossip and sarcastic joking, but when I realized exactly what it was, I refuse to be a part of it and will leave. Many times they make someone who didn't attend the ONE. One time it was my son, (they forgot it was MY son). Of course I left!
    I have been told I am too sensitive, etc, since refusing to take part anymore. B.S.!!! When people use sarcasm as joking, it is being passive-aggressive and anyone who gets offended is NOT being too sensitive!
    Save room for dessert!
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