Come on Celtic !!!!!!!!

Who else wants Celtic to win the SPL ?
It's the last day of fixtures, they win and they take it, this after Rangers have been favourites for so long.
Come on you hoops, let's keep the title
It's the last day of fixtures, they win and they take it, this after Rangers have been favourites for so long.
Come on you hoops, let's keep the title

I came, I saw, I concurred.....
Post edited by Unknown User on
This makes no sense....
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
hehehehe....i have a feeling this will confuse quite a few people
C'mon the billy boys.
Follow, follow... we will follow rangers
Everywhere, anywhere, We will follow on
Fuck you yourself, and your royalist gob shites of a team. Let's see the hoops take the glory in Scotland, for they are truly worthy of the crown.
It's all very ridiculous. It's just football to me. I love Rangers as a sports team and nothing else. I have supported them since before I knew what any of that meant.
Me to, the other way around, apart from the Scottish heritage, but I do have Irish heritage, which explains maybe why I would really enjoy seeing Rangers bite the big one tomorrow, and see stupid old Walter Smith and 'crazy guy' McCoist crying into their union jack hankees. As for Gazza, sure, great player, poor mental health, only ever won anything at Rangers in a pretend league
And you CANNOT insult Super Ally :eek: That's my childhood hero you're talking about
I had a goldfish named Gazza and you know what? I got him around Euro 96 when Gazza still played for Rangers and he died the day after Gazza scored against scotland with that famous goal.
My goldfish died of a broken heart because he was betrayed by his namesake. True story.
I never looked at Gazza the same way again.
I totally's like you are talking about sports....and yet I feel so confused and out of it...
it's like if someone had thrown a football into a tennis match!
YAY for y'all!!!
you guys are funny...
this looks like ser'us bi'niz...
makes me feel so tame when I curse at the opposing team when watching my beloved LA DODGERS.
think blue's all the Anglophilic feelings I have...
Go Celtics, beat the pissed-ons.
by the way the whole murdered for the wrong scarf thing made me think of the Roque Wars that Steinbeck wrote about in Cannery Row/Sweet Thursday.
thats my home team.. we're in the Scottish Cup Final for the 1st time ever.
It's the only football team mentioned in the bible
Hope QOS can complete Rangers nightmare at the weekend, that would be magical.
(god I love Wiki)
Think Blue? Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen. all the way!
GO Bhoys!!
there you go...the Queen of the South NAME just sounds rad to me...I almost want to start calling myself that!
edit: btw: your divisions and like, layers to the leagues are confusing as hell...I have read about them and still don't GET when a team can play and when they divisionally...are they up for some sort of cup can they do interdivisional play???
goddammit...this is as confusing as actually WATCHING a cricket you peeps just keep trying to invent confusing sports??? even when a sport isn't confusing your extra rules and stuff make it so!
argh!!! seriously, I am now trying to figure this all out.
At the end of the league season the top teams in a league move up a division and the bottom teams move down a division (usually 2-4 teams in each direction depending on the league) for the next season.
The national cup competitions are knock out competitions and involve teams from all leagues and the teams to play each other in the next round are basically drawn out of a hat at the end of each round of play so you can have 'giant killings' when a team beats a team a division or two above them (you get a lot of David and Goliath type commentating) ... I don't know if this will help explain but here is the wiki on the main English cup competition the FA Cup.
So during the season a team will play both in their league and also in the cup.
that filled me with enormous pride!!!
i'm totally impressed with the colour scheme also
so, if your team sucks donuts - it will fall a division (but that is only in terms of league play) it will still have a chance at a cup win (albeit with the david/goliath thing) ??
so, here is another question - I saw there was a Scottish Premier league, and there were other leagues - but only Premier Leagues are eligible for certain cups or is it REALLY like literally a HAT that decides who faces who??
it is sounding a weeeee little bit like our college bowl games, only a little more structured (not as arbitrary over invites due to rankings placed by sports writers)
thanks for the info! I am glad you didn't think I was making fun...because I wasnt
I have to take a breath now, sit back and say, lets all laugh at rangers!!!!!!!!!!!
For the national cups pretty much any one can enter. For example the FA cup started with over 700 teams entered this season.
For the International Cups (the Champions League and the UEFA Cup) It's generally the top teams from the top league in a country or in some cases the winners of some of the national cups that are entered.