Aww shucks...but we'll have to clean this mess up before Jen wakes up. I don't want her thread disappearing on my watch. She knows where I sleep and she'll know it was me...she likes to hunt me down.
Plus I sleep during the day right I'm easy to spot! Yikes.
....back to normal...
Black and red is quite sexy on a lady...especially her!
Aww shucks...but we'll have to clean this mess up before Jen wakes up. I don't want her thread disappearing on my watch. She knows where I sleep and she'll know it was me...she likes to hunt me down.
Aww shucks...but we'll have to clean this mess up before Jen wakes up. I don't want her thread disappearing on my watch. She knows where I sleep and she'll know it was me...she likes to hunt me down.
Plus I sleep during the day right I'm easy to spot! Yikes.
....back to normal...
Black and red is quite sexy on a lady...especially her!
I like brutal...uhm...I actually didn't think the design was all that bad.
Sorry, off topics, but he distracted me
p.s. We need to talk!
And no I do not like that bra at all!!! Do like the other massaging benefits you were talking bout though Jen.
I fantasize about many things, Suns.
This is true.
You know how much I love the song too.
So are you going to buy the bra for Mrs. BD?
She already has last years model, so I'm thinking this might be overkill. Have any other gift ideas
How about just getting some diamond tassels.
Nice Accesory! Maybe a should get a diamond crusted pole for the bedroom too
NOW you're talking!
I guess she does! In pumps! :eek: GO Mrs. BD!!