So last week I had a job interview. Well 2 actually for the job. Two nights ago I had a dream that they called me for a THIRD interview. It was for 6pm that day. All of a sudden SUNSRIVAL shows up and wants me to drive him somewhere. It is 5:45. I told him we had to go NOW and that he would have to sit in the car while I do my interview. So the little devil says okay and then he disapears. So for some reason I go look for him, and then the next thing I know it is 6:30 and I missed my interview!!! I was SOO MAD at Suns.
Then LAST night I had a dream that I took Sairs (yellowled24) deoderant shopping. She asked what I used and for my recommendations. Too weird!! :eek:
So last week I had a job interview. Well 2 actually for the job. Two nights ago I had a dream that they called me for a THIRD interview. It was for 6pm that day. All of a sudden SUNSRIVAL shows up and wants me to drive him somewhere. It is 5:45. I told him we had to go NOW and that he would have to sit in the car while I do my interview. So the little devil says okay and then he disapears. So for some reason I go look for him, and then the next thing I know it is 6:30 and I missed my interview!!! I was SOO MAD at Suns.
Then LAST night I had a dream that I took Sairs (yellowled24) deoderant shopping. She asked what I used and for my recommendations. Too weird!! :eek:
Haha, that made me laugh. For real. Good story (dream) for sure.
"I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
I dreamt that I checked my appointment schedule and thatI was scheduled to meet with JOEJOEJOE. I've never talked to him...I guess his name just stands out cause of the way it's written. That's when I knew I was spending just WAY too much time on here.
when Zoso was visiting you, i was spending so much time on the pit during that time. anyway, i had a dream that i met both of you and you were both on the run from the law.....i don't know why. lol, but i asked for your autographs and i was totally star struck. i woke up thinking - WTF?!
No need to be void, or save up on life...
You got to spend it all
So last week I had a job interview. Well 2 actually for the job. Two nights ago I had a dream that they called me for a THIRD interview. It was for 6pm that day. All of a sudden SUNSRIVAL shows up and wants me to drive him somewhere. It is 5:45. I told him we had to go NOW and that he would have to sit in the car while I do my interview. :-p So the little devil says okay and then he disapears. So for some reason I go look for him, and then the next thing I know it is 6:30 and I missed my interview!!! I was SOO MAD at Suns. :-p
Then LAST night I had a dream that I took Sairs (yellowled24) deoderant shopping. She asked what I used and for my recommendations. Too weird!! :eek:
This is tooooo funnny!!!!!!
(do I smell? )
"....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
when Zoso was visiting you, i was spending so much time on the pit during that time. anyway, i had a dream that i met both of you and you were both on the run from the law.....i don't know why. lol, but i asked for your autographs and i was totally star struck. i woke up thinking - WTF?!
LOL - kind of like bonnie and clyde? that's hysterical
So last week I had a job interview. Well 2 actually for the job. Two nights ago I had a dream that they called me for a THIRD interview. It was for 6pm that day. All of a sudden SUNSRIVAL shows up and wants me to drive him somewhere. It is 5:45. I told him we had to go NOW and that he would have to sit in the car while I do my interview. So the little devil says okay and then he disapears. So for some reason I go look for him, and then the next thing I know it is 6:30 and I missed my interview!!! I was SOO MAD at Suns.
Then LAST night I had a dream that I took Sairs (yellowled24) deoderant shopping. She asked what I used and for my recommendations. Too weird!! :eek:
what not a little devil. :mad:
good thing that it was only a dream jen.
scratching my butt...
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
LOL - kind of like bonnie and clyde? that's hysterical
yeah, and you were surrounded by other pit members, but i don't know who they were. i just know they were from the pit and they were helping both of you find places to hide out.
i always have crazy dreams. i just thought it was odd because i've never met either of you. i've just seen pictures.
No need to be void, or save up on life...
You got to spend it all
Then LAST night I had a dream that I took Sairs (yellowled24) deoderant shopping. She asked what I used and for my recommendations. Too weird!! :eek:
when Zoso was visiting you, i was spending so much time on the pit during that time. anyway, i had a dream that i met both of you and you were both on the run from the law.....i don't know why. lol, but i asked for your autographs and i was totally star struck. i woke up thinking - WTF?!
You got to spend it all
HAHA! Poor Suns Rival. I was so mad at him yesterday. Good thing I didn't see him on msn.
This is tooooo funnny!!!!!!
(do I smell?
HAHA ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
(but when we get together for some beers I best bring extra deoderant for ya just in case)
Maybe its coz me and Stella were talking about Deoderant the other day on here and it came through in your dream??
I remember she liked Rexona....
Edit---I love your sig
I missed that
In my dream you couldnt decide between Dove and Secret
This is pretty eerie - but I put on Dove deoderant this morning :eek:
OMG!!! HAHA maybe it wasn't a dream afterall then?? :eek:
See These Bones
Just wait til I dream about hokey pokey ice cream!
You know I've already dreamt about cartoon whales going "beached as bro" or BREEWWWW haahaa
what not a little devil. :mad:
good thing that it was only a dream jen.
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
that's not what you said last night
kidding. I know you wouldnt really make me miss a job interview. The weird thing was that the whole dream took place in Vegas :eek:
bwahahaha!!!! what do i look like in your dream?
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
yeah, and you were surrounded by other pit members, but i don't know who they were. i just know they were from the pit and they were helping both of you find places to hide out.
i always have crazy dreams. i just thought it was odd because i've never met either of you. i've just seen pictures.
You got to spend it all