well today I almost peed myself while trying to find a parking space at work fortunately I made it inside in time...only to spill a bottle of water on my lap making it look as if I actually had peed myself oh well
woke up early
got told to go back to bed, so i did it
woke up to my grandpa saying goodbye
ate a bowl of honey nut cheerios & then a waffle
went on the computer
played guitar
and now i'm back!
next up is some good ol' pb&J
Maybe cause habits are hard to break?
Nothing happened to me today, I make things happen! :rolleyes:
so healthy :eek:
i had an early shift today.. home.. boring.. now here.. really boring..
bought Whiteboard coz im a forgetfull shit and need to remember events at the school for afore-mentioned kid, blah.....
friends over for dinner and bottle of wine, now here, meh :rolleyes: another day
TV news
Political argument with my boss. UGGH
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
got told to go back to bed, so i did it
woke up to my grandpa saying goodbye
ate a bowl of honey nut cheerios & then a waffle
went on the computer
played guitar
and now i'm back!
next up is some good ol' pb&J