how do i get an effing wii?

i thought things would die down after xmas, yet still i can't get one.
any tips so i won't have to pay out the nose to get one?
any tips so i won't have to pay out the nose to get one?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Wait until the Wii 2 comes out?
i am having a shitload of trouble trying to find a 2nd controller & guitar hero now!
Once I get out of this town
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Once I get out of this town
Well done chap! That's far better than your nuts one from earlier!
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
a litter of sonic the hedgehogs would be nice
Once I get out of this town
someone mentioned blockbuster getting them in every thursday, i'll probably try that next week.
It's pronounced... Wii Wii...
Once I get out of this town
i also lucked out getting guitar hero...the best buy near me happened to have them in. i have a serious wii addiction now. it's sad, really.
but i think it's just a matter of being in the right place at the right time.
They'd wipe the floor with a litter of Mario's that's for sure!
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Get the numbers from Best Buys, Circuit Citys, Targets, Wal-Marts, all Gamestop stores, etc.. That's what I did. It turned out the 6 places I called (one Best Buy, one Circuit City, one Wal-Mart, and 3 Gamestops) didn't have one, then I called a Best Buy that was a little further and out of no where they had three! I raced up and grabbed one.
It's all luck, and all stores get shipments at different times. A lot of the time they don't know when they'll get Wii's in, at least not at the big chain stores. Gamestops will usually know but since they will only get a small number they tend to keep it a secret.
Anyway, good luck!
Like I keep saying....SHOW ME YOUR TITS and you can have my daughter's Wii <----and no, that's not slang for anything dirty. Let's not get carried away and get somebody killed up in here;)
Why would you start was has no end?
Once I get out of this town
My mom gave my kids a Wii for Christmas and when I was in Target a week before Christmas, they just got them in stock. It was pretty funny watching everyone dial their cell phones in a frenzy and say "Target has the Wii!!! Should we get one for so and so?".
We have PS2, PS3 and now the Wii...... it's as fun as everyone says it is!
good luck
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
Ft Worth 9-15-23
Hartford 5-13-06, 6-27-08, 10-25-13
Mansfield, MA 6-30-08, 6-28-08, 7-2-03, 7-3-03, 7-11-03, 8-29-00, 8-30-00, 9-15-98, 9-16-98
Worcester 10-15-13, 10-16-13
I got Guitar Hero 3 off ebay for a little bit more than in the stores (about $120). I ordered it a week before Christmas and had it the Friday before.
haven't been there since so i'm not sure if they have more.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
Good luck! You'll get one and if you don't, I'm sure you'll have no problem after February.
Wii Sports is a great party game because it's easy to learn and not intimidating to non-gamers. My 85 year old Grandpa was bowling all night w/ us on Xmas!!!
And Super Mario Galaxy is a great game!
And my pops picked up Guitar Hero III for my boy (cough, cough). I can not put that damn thing down. I had never put much thought to getting the game, but as soon as my dad told me what he'd gotten, I was stoked. The first night, I couldn't stop till I beat all 42 songs on easy. Only one I didn't get the first time was Slayer, I think. And I hadn't heard about Evenflow being included, and it isn't one of the listed songs. So when the "encore" started and I read the song, I got the crappiest grin on my face. And you know I had to stand up to rock that shit!
NBA 08? eh. Not so much after the initial play.
I work for Target.... keep an eye on the Sunday sales flyer. If it is advertised on a particular Sunday, they will have them. Get there early and you should have no problem getting one.