p.s. Bostonlou and Cory i'd like to meet as well... so we could perform the Ghostbusters video in its entirety
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
I would like to have a few drinks with Dunkman, MattCameronKicksButt, Steve Dunne, Mookie9999, JamieUK, Chadwick, Harmless--, GossArdGeEk, The Champ, TrixieCat, RhinosaurusSurprise, cutback, senrock (and I would bring my doggie too)...ahhh so many more...
I think like I will hurt someone's feelings if I forget them!! argh!!!
Mostly tho - I think that kicking back some drinks would be really rad! I need a drink!
Dunkman - I would want to get totally ass-up drunk with because I think it would be hilarious!
Mookie would prolly be like drinkin with my favorite brother
Steve Dunne would be rad to drink under the table (I would give it a sporting attempt!)
I think I would get giggly-drunk with MCKB
OH and I wanna get Droptheleash10 drunk - so drunk that he vomits on himself and doesn't realize it!! *OH relax! I would flip him over so no chokie chokie!
SENROCK! and her boyfriend Kidrock
acoustic guy (so I could wink at him)
share's husband (because he is SO OLD like me!)
futuregirl and her internet boyfriend Achille (3 message pits ago)
brain of j.lo
I've met Fanch75 but he was feeling ill so he was subdued
actually I wish we could have a big PIT party. there are too many to name
(FYI, I will be in manhattan on 11/18-11/19)
damn :(
nov 18 is my birthday too! we so would hung out for a bit..unfortunately I'll be halfway across the country by that point...maybe I'll meet you on some lonely highway
Aah, fuck it, I’m just gonna go home, turn on the fuckin’ TV...
Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
damn :(
nov 18 is my birthday too! we so would hung out for a bit..unfortunately I'll be halfway across the country by that point...maybe I'll meet you on some lonely highway
it's a good thing you'll be gone b/c how would I explain (to my coworker) that I was meeting a single thug (thug -- that's what you called yourself) who looks like a celebrity?
9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
They did a question like this before, I don't want to leave anyone out, it feels like 'high school popularity.'
I don't drink beer anymore, I'd like to have a shot with everyone from NYC and the Yankees fans in the Yankees thread
and also
I wish I could make it out to LA to meet Jeanie when she comes, and the "LA Crew", Sen and Pixie and CB and Joe!!! Oops Sorry Joe! You can buy me a drink, please!
and Animal and SOS in Seattle.
and I'd have to have a cosmo or something with my buddy STB
If I forgot anyone I'm sorry!
A cosmo it is Come to Canada!!
I don't want to leave anyone out so I will just say they know who they are
You only haven't met 20-30% of the 39,608 members? Impressive!!!
I'd like to meet why so serious?
man,..since 2003 I've been to about 35 shows and meetups and people have come here and hung with me in Ny and the FUCKED up part is
I only remember about half the usernames but if I saw the faces I'd remember
so to the ones I've lost touch or dont know what you post as here...sorry, :( I'm kinda burnt that way..besides its kinda hard to keep up with 39,608 friends and people I consider fam now :(
Aah, fuck it, I’m just gonna go home, turn on the fuckin’ TV...
Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
Seen as a few people want to have drinks with Dunk I'll just tag along as his official translator to help people understand as his accent starts to get thicker the more drinks he has
So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
it's a good thing you'll be gone b/c how would I explain (to my coworker) that I was meeting a single thug (thug -- that's what you called yourself) who looks like a celebrity?
lol!!! no no no
leathermandi and a few others call me that and besides I wouldnt be the only one..Im sure decides to dream, touch of gray and a few other NY'ers who hang pretty frequently would come thru. SO you wouldnt be "alone" with the "THUG" lol
Aah, fuck it, I’m just gonna go home, turn on the fuckin’ TV...
Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
Seen as a few people want to have drinks with Dunk I'll just tag along as his official translator to help people understand as his accent starts to get thicker the more drinks he has
thanks Chimey!!!
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
I would like to have a few drinks with Dunkman, MattCameronKicksButt, Steve Dunne, Mookie9999, JamieUK, Chadwick, Harmless--, GossArdGeEk, The Champ, TrixieCat, RhinosaurusSurprise, cutback, senrock (and I would bring my doggie too)
Done deal. Meet me at Gallaghers in Huntington nexxxt friday night! BRING DAKOTA!!!!!!!!!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
girl, we live in the same town.....we should really do this
and i would have to say GraySaturday. she seems like the kind of person i could meet and immediately click with.
oh, and libragirl, and pearljamjen, and SENROCK, and jeanie, and i'm sure there's more....:o
My husband and I are having a cook-out at my house tomorrow evening (as well as a dog party!) come on over and bring your dog if you have one !! PM me and I've give you my contact info.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
I've heard there is a big Catch22 to meeting him.
p.s. Bostonlou and Cory i'd like to meet as well... so we could perform the Ghostbusters video in its entirety
milk and cookies!
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
and there are some I'd like to do more than just drinking.
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
Have a nice Labor Day, US People! All you non-US people, have a great plain old weekend!
I have "cat" in my username.
Oh, I worked out today that an anagram of my real name is "Cum, Rigid Archer." Okay, maybe without the comma.
Now, back to the main topic....
I think like I will hurt someone's feelings if I forget them!! argh!!!
Mostly tho - I think that kicking back some drinks would be really rad! I need a drink!
Dunkman - I would want to get totally ass-up drunk with because I think it would be hilarious!
Mookie would prolly be like drinkin with my favorite brother
Steve Dunne would be rad to drink under the table (I would give it a sporting attempt!)
I think I would get giggly-drunk with MCKB
OH and I wanna get Droptheleash10 drunk - so drunk that he vomits on himself and doesn't realize it!! *OH relax! I would flip him over so no chokie chokie!
so I will include him!!!
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
nov 18 is my birthday too! we so would hung out for a bit..unfortunately I'll be halfway across the country by that point...maybe I'll meet you on some lonely highway
Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
it's a good thing you'll be gone b/c how would I explain (to my coworker) that I was meeting a single thug (thug -- that's what you called yourself) who looks like a celebrity?
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
A cosmo it is
I don't want to leave anyone out so I will just say they know who they are
I only remember about half the usernames but if I saw the faces I'd remember
so to the ones I've lost touch or dont know what you post as here...sorry, :( I'm kinda burnt that way..besides its kinda hard to keep up with 39,608 friends and people I consider fam now :(
Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
and a few others: Chadwick, Trixie, ChangesinWave
and all the ones who make me fall of my chair laughing when I visit this board.
leathermandi and a few others call me that and besides I wouldnt be the only one..Im sure decides to dream, touch of gray and a few other NY'ers who hang pretty frequently would come thru. SO you wouldnt be "alone" with the "THUG" lol
Watch the nightly news and drink a beer...
Like I could even change the world, yeah right...
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Girls: failedpersephone, Linda, Urban Hiker, catefrances, SENROCK!, Sian, Helen, libragirl, genie...
Boys: Fins, eyedclaar, dunk, both Jamie's (from AET), BLou, Mookie, cutback, catch22, CornishMan, chadwick...
yep! there's too many! At a push, prolly FP and Linda. They seem to be like the yin to my yang and I think we'd have a great time.
What would be really great is if we coud have a proper AET meet up! (Europeans/Brits/Americans/Australians, all in one place!!! *gasp*)
Edit* 'HARMLESS'! (Okay, I'm out of here, this is a BAD thread'! :(
girl, we live in the same town.....we should really do this
and i would have to say GraySaturday. she seems like the kind of person i could meet and immediately click with.
oh, and libragirl, and pearljamjen, and SENROCK, and jeanie, and i'm sure there's more....:o
You got to spend it all
i dont drink beer.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
you can have a shot of Scotch though
just the one?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
My husband and I are having a cook-out at my house tomorrow evening (as well as a dog party!) come on over and bring your dog if you have one !!
Toronto 2011 night 2
Hamilton 2011
London 2013
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
I would be winking right back
But if you move in for the kill I will run away like a little boy
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
me too! I would never wink at you. I was kidding b/c of the way you talking about having other women.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more