Why is it always at the holidays...

A guy I knew, only 18 years old, crashed his car into a tree on monday and died. I never really knew him well and actively disliked him most of the time but I still feel sad. He was good friends with some of my best mates so I feel for them and he was so young too. My best friend is upset and scared at the same time. He's the second of her friends to die from a car accident in the last 6 months and she's terrified it's going to happen again. It seems like the world has a cruel sense of timing. Christmas is going to bring bad memories for a lot of people I know now. Same with Hippiemom's friends and family etc.
Life can be shitty sometimes.
Life can be shitty sometimes.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
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I just read about a man in Ontario was in his 70's and out delivering Christmas cards to neighbors and someone beat him to death in his driveway. Just random. They arrested a 22 year old who attacked someone else randomly yesterday.
Shit, it's a bad end of year.... thoughts and prayers to you and his family.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Toronto 2011 night 2
Hamilton 2011
London 2013
The shootings in Colorado and Nebraska.
A 9-year-old boy from my area died after being pulled under a float in a Christmas parade.
A guy in Clearwater killed his estranged wife and her lesbian lover, then killed his two young children, and then himself.
Two women working in a gas station (I think) were robbed and set on fire. One of the women was pregnant. The baby was delivered by C section but died. Both women are clinging to life.
Two of my son's mates from a band called The Red Shore, in a car crash yesterday while they were touring. Rest in Peace boys.
Man, these poor families, my blood runs cold today.