There is a really good article over at, 20 pages:eek: over two parts interviewing Dan Houser and Aaron Garbutt, really interesting the whole concept of the relationships in the game and the consequences of whether you choose to do things or not during missions sounds really intreguing.
There is a really good article over at, 20 pages:eek: over two parts interviewing Dan Houser and Aaron Garbutt, really interesting the whole concept of the relationships in the game and the consequences of whether you choose to do things or not during missions sounds really intreguing.
Man, and I've still never completed GTAIII. I love to play it, but I'm horrible at it. Oh well, it's all for good fun anyways. I'll be looking forward to playing this one....
Katowice 2007
London 2007
is there online play in GTA4?
I can't wait for it and I rarely get excited for video games.
There is 16 different modes including up to 16 player free roam mode, customized characters for it etc, etc.