Kanye West on Bonnaroo and Pearl Jam



    it just goes to show you the power of Pearl Jam. Knowbody is going on until pj decides they are done. Fucking rock Gods bitchs
    "it feels like it's the end of the world and we all got a good seat. you know -- step right up, get your tickets...here we go."

    - EV
  • DeLukinDeLukin Posts: 2,757
    Did you see how many exclamation points he used after saying that PJ was an hour over time? He basically came right out and said "It's all Stone's fault."
    I smile, but who am I kidding...
  • momofglynnmomofglynn Posts: 849
    The P.T. wrote:
    I suggest checking out The Roots. They are amazing live!
    When I went to Woodstock 94, I was not into Salt n Pepper or Cypress Hill or any rap act for that matter. Both of those acts were fun as could be and I enjoyed them a lot. I still crack up when I hear a salt n pepper song on the radio and remember how much fun I had dancing around to them. I am a complete rock and roll kinda girl. So this was definitely a 360 for me. Kanye could had done the same, but he chose to piss and moan. I think he lost some of his own fans not to mention not impressing any new ones.

    My friend who was at Bonnaroo was actually excited to see him due to her teenage daughter always playing him. She stayed for 2 songs and was all done. She said he sucked and what a waste of good sleeping weather!
    Let's Go Red Sox!
  • vduboisevduboise Posts: 1,937
    It was not a big arena concert where there was only maybe 2 openers and the main event. Obviously, the organizers did not think he was a main event or they would have given him a better time slot. Definitely, Pearl Jam was a main event- given the better time.

    He should have taken the earlier time- if he wanted to please the people (as his blog stated- he's all for the people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  • Strangest TribeStrangest Tribe Posts: 2,502
    He was originally on the other main stage to begin with.... there was nothing on that stage all night...they could have taken their time to set it up for a night performance at a reasonable hour...

    from what I've heard Kanye's people and/or Kanye himself wanted the larger stage, which of course PJ was originally scheduled to finish the night on....

    this isn't PJ's fault by any measure...
    the Minions
  • PEARL JAM~Lubbock, TX. 10~18~00
    PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
    INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
    INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
    Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
    INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
    Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
  • NeilJamNeilJam Posts: 1,191

    Why did he wait so long to come up with an explanation for that fiasco at Bonnaroo. He lost thousands of potential fans that night/morning and there is nothing he can say or do to change that now.
  • dalovebonedalovebone Posts: 67
    From what I understand West would not take the stage untill all other acts(Phil Lesh) were off their respective stages. He wanted no chance of competition....why? Beacuse he's a little bitch. I'm almost embarrased to say I waited the two hours for him to hit the stage and I stayed for the whole set!!! I really thought Daft Punk was coming out and I convinced my whole crew to hunker down and wait with me because 'Daft Punk really is coming on next'......The sun came up, Kanye left and Daft Punk never came on...I did start taking exit polls as everyone left the field...so much fun. So, glad I was not the only one dissapointed.
    If you were my friend, I'd give you the ball on every play.
  • skere26 wrote:
    ..What a whiney bitch. This guy can't seem to grasp that he isn't as popular as he thinks he is.

    He's more popular than lotsa people

    his MySpace page has 41 million (yes thats million) hits

    compare that to how many hits Pearl Jam's MySpace page has

    (I'll let you do the math, ok?)

    don't hurt yourself
    PEARL JAM~Lubbock, TX. 10~18~00
    PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
    INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
    INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
    Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
    INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
    Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
  • He's more popular than lotsa people

    his MySpace page has 41 million (yes thats million) hits

    compare that to how many hits Pearl Jam's MySpace page has

    (I'll let you do the math, ok?)

    don't hurt yourself

    start a PJ myspace page in 1991 and see how many hits it would have. Let's see if douchebag west even has a career in 10 years.
    Raleigh '03; Hartford '08; Mansfield II '08; Buffalo '10; Hartford '10;
    East Troy I '11; East Troy II '11; DeLuna Fest '12; Wrigley '13; Buffalo '13;
    Toronto II '16; Wrigley I '16; Wrigley II '16; Wrigley I '18; Wrigley II '18;
    Asbury Park '21; MSG '22; Camden '22
  • jammergirljammergirl Posts: 599
    "squid brains"????

    wow, apparently kanye also wrote the comic strip "calvin and hobbes". is there anything this guy can't do??
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    "People think I run my mouth too much ..."

    Gee, ya think?
  • wendy wrockswendy wrocks Posts: 135
    Thank God I knew Ghostland Observatory wasn't worth missing.
    Honolulu, 2006, Lollapalooza, 2007, WPB, June 11, 2008 (my birthday!!!!!)
    Bonnaroo 2008, MSG June 24, The Beacon July 1, 2008 (Robin Hood Rocks)
    United Palace Theatre August 5, 2008, NJPAC August 7, 2008 (EV Solo)
    Tower Theater, Upper Darby, PA June 11, 2009 (My Birthday!), June 12
    The Spectrum Oct 27, 30, 31, 2009
    The Rock, May 18,(Front Row Center), MSG May 20, 21 2010

  • gozzo5058gozzo5058 Posts: 611
    kanye west = cry baby

    Montreal/98, Toronto/00'03'05'06x2, Brad Toronto/02, Buffalo/03, Kitchener/05, London/05, Hamilton/05, Late Show Taping/06, Cleveland/06, Pittsburgh/06, Bridge School Benefit Concert/06, Hartford/08, Mansfield 1/08, EV Montreal/08x2, EV Toronto/08x2...
  • Them-BonesThem-Bones Posts: 518
    I'm glad I saw Sigur Ros instead, but really I could've seen them both since Kanye was so late, and here's a PROTIP for Kanye, if your show takes 2 hours to set up DON'T PLAY FESTIVALS.
    "If my thoughts, dreams, could be seen, they'd probably put my head, in a guillotine, but it's alright ma, it's life and life only."
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,586
    Here's my bottom line of the whole situation:

    1) I wish I just went back to camp to sleep

    2) Someone should've addressed the fand re:the extended delay. The every 15 minute updates on teh screen postponing the show was stupid.

    3) Kanye should have acknowledged the fans

    4) People that threw stuff on stage...that's a bunch of crap. I don;t know about making his stage wet, but that is very dangerous to a guy that lives off of touring. Also, breaking the screen was way beyond uncalled for. I'd be pissed about this stuff too if I was Kanye.

    5) The performance itself pretty much sucked...now, I was exhausted, so that may have played a part, but it was a corny crappy stage, a corny crappy BS premise, and talking to a computer...c'mon. Leave all that crap to people with no talent and bring the music.

    6) Blaming Pearl Jam for going over 1 hour...c'mon, again, who didn't know this was going to happen? I actually think that Ed cut the show 1 song short because he wanted to end on the energy of Watchtower...just a guess though...but he was talking to the band during the last jam.

    7) The people that run Bonnaroo should have never stayed silent on this matter. It makes them look stupid...unless they really are? ;)
    hippiemom = goodness
  • ZAPPERZAPPER Posts: 252
    Good going kanyeee

    As the supposed revolutionary representative of modern main stream hip-hop, mr west did not do a very good job in representing his peers at a predominantly "white" american hippie festival. He is supposed to be the best rapper or whatever of all time, right? And the purpose of having acts like his at this sort of festival is to encourage more people to like him, whether they be a hip-hopper fan or not. People that never heard him or seen him live may change their mind if the performance was outstanding, and may in fact start to like hip-hoppity music.

    Well, instead, he chose to act like a big baby AT the event, which didnt make him look good - then, makes a bigger mistake and acts like a bigger baby and posts blogs etc how he was screwed, king kanyee, whatever. Cry cry whine.

    Imagine if he handled the situation right without bitching and crying about nonsense, no one would be discussing this or writing news articles about this dumb shit. Complain about 815, then screw up whats supposed to happen at 230, then act like an assclown.

    Should have just taken the 815 slot like he was supposed to. glow in the dark or not, if his show was good, people would have loved him that night, fan or not, then went on to watch the epic PJ show shortly after.

    I would be more pissed about making PJ to leave the stage just so this ass can set up his lame ass glow stage.
    Previously known as Elzar
  • bdgavinbdgavin Posts: 123
    Kanye's reasoning that he's not to be blamed is sort of jacked. I'm not 100% but I don't think he was supposed to be on after PJ. He shifted his set to go on after PJ so he could be on the biggest stage.

    Regardless, this is a complaint that you'll hardly ever see: "The festival wouldn't allow us to do anything until Pearl Jam left the stage. Pearl Jam ended one hour late!" AWWWWWW.... Pearl Jam played an hour too long? How could they? Maybe he'd have a point if PJ were like Guns n Roses and went on late just to piss people off, but they gave the fans an awsome show.

    I don't have anything against Kanye, but his ego seems to be pretty huge. He has both the ego and sensitivity of a Diva. Why was he at Bonnaroo?
  • ZAPPERZAPPER Posts: 252
    bdgavin wrote:

    I don't have anything against Kanye, but his ego seems to be pretty huge. He has both the ego and sensitivity of a Diva. Why was he at Bonnaroo?

    $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
    Previously known as Elzar
  • scottbirdscottbird Posts: 132
    I was there and this is is what i know. Pearl jam went on on time at 10:15pm and played till 12:45am, not 1:15am, like Ken Weinstein said in his official statement. And apparently while the Pearl Jam crew was breaking down the Kanye crew got into a fight with them and slowed down the whole proccess. Kanye had a big LED wall and a landscape setup on stage, it wasnt really that elaborate. I don't know if it should have taken as long as it did. The original scheduled performance was 2:45am to 4:15am. The big screens in front of the main stage continually updated the rowd with the delays. first 3:30am, then 3:45am, he Finally came on at 4:30am and finished his set at 5:25am. He said nothing when he came out, and said nothing at the end, no hi, sorry, or goodbye, or explanation. An overall strange experience. Pearl Jam was awesome, Kanye's show just wasn't very good in terms of a performance, regardless of all the delays and confusion. So thats what I know.
  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    That is the first Kayne West song I have ever heard. And I could only take about <1 minute of it. Is it me, or does it sound like he has stolen his entire act from Snoop Dog?
  • this was some commenter on stereogum who apparently worked the show:

    Your not the first person I've heard say that, so I kinda feel the need to jump in and correct this. I've worked two shows of Kanye's now. I worked the one in Atlanta and the one for Bonnaroo, his two most hated shows yet. I'll give you a break down by show...
    His whole tour: That "glow in the dark setup" NEVER glowed in the dark. He was not only too cheap to get crew shirts made for the local crews, but his touring crew didn't get tour shirts either. Instead, he made a couple dozen for his friends to wear as all access passes. Most shows assign locals to different production departments to work at loading in and out. they keep track by colored shirts or paper wristbands. He was too cheap to allow paper wristbands. He also opted for the cheapest catering service in each city for his crews... All this among other things
    Atlanta: Came on late as always. Bonnaroo wasn't the first time. It's practically an every show thing with him because he's always backstage complaining about something. Hit his show off talking about how the media and everyone portrays him to be arrogant and all high and mighty and crap, blah blah... "Fuck you all. I am. Deal with it"... Ends his show off by posting a picture of Hillary Clinton on his video screan and talking about how America doesn't need another white bitch in office, more blah blah. Puts up a picture of Obama and goes on and on about needing a black man in office, it's past due, etc... Nothing political in his spiel, just race... On top of all that, his show just sucked
    Bonnaroo: He was actually slotted for second stage. If you know anyone that went to the festival and came back with a schedule, look at it. They never had time to reprint. He bitched about not being second stage material and demanded to be on mainstage. Had nothing to do with his NON glowing setup. For comparisson on the next point: Metallica showed up with about three of their 17 tour trucks loaded in right before their show and right back out when they were done. Kanye brought in all but two of his 20ish trucks. His one lift that he couldn't do without was so heavy that mainstage (that huge STEEL stage) had to be reenforced to hold it. The stage itself had to be extended and modified to set his stuff up early and be able to move it around. By the time his show day came around, we had been already setting his show up for more that four days. Bear in mind, that whole time his shit was on stage taking up space for other bands to potentially use. Next, when it came time for Pearl Jam to come off, his stuff still wasn't ready to go onstage. Phill Lesh cut early because he was tired of hearing Kanye bitch that he refused to play while other people were onstage. With the festival then dead of music, Pearl Jam kept playing per those of us backstage. No racism involved in that choice. Blame us, the crew, if you really still give a shit. When Kanye's stuff was ready to go onstage, he then sat on his bus insisting that he be allowed his entire lighting rig (remember the couple trucks he didn't bring). He wanted to postpone the show to take down the Bonnaroo lighting and bring all the rest of his own in to replace it (a few hour process). Another crew friend of mine made the call that the roof wouldn't support the weight of his rig just to shut him up. SHOW FUCKING SUCKED... It was the smallest mainstage crowd in Bonnaroo history... If he ever wants to go on tour again, he's not going to find people to set it up. Everyone that's ever worked with him is done with his crap.
  • robowskirobowski Posts: 143
    Who is this Kayne West fellow? Never heard of him before. How about Adam West - now that's a real man in my book.

    Bam - Shazaam - thank you maam.
    As you live your life in sometimes quiet desperation, facing adversity and tragedy: if you have hope and love, that mixture helps you overcome that tragedy and go on with the rest of your life.”
    --Jack Lengyel
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    this was some commenter on stereogum who apparently worked the show:

    Your not the first person I've heard say that, so I kinda feel the need to jump in and correct this. I've worked two shows of Kanye's now. I worked the one in Atlanta and the one for Bonnaroo, his two most hated shows yet. I'll give you a break down by show...
    His whole tour: That "glow in the dark setup" NEVER glowed in the dark. He was not only too cheap to get crew shirts made for the local crews, but his touring crew didn't get tour shirts either. Instead, he made a couple dozen for his friends to wear as all access passes. Most shows assign locals to different production departments to work at loading in and out. they keep track by colored shirts or paper wristbands. He was too cheap to allow paper wristbands. He also opted for the cheapest catering service in each city for his crews... All this among other things
    Atlanta: Came on late as always. Bonnaroo wasn't the first time. It's practically an every show thing with him because he's always backstage complaining about something. Hit his show off talking about how the media and everyone portrays him to be arrogant and all high and mighty and crap, blah blah... "Fuck you all. I am. Deal with it"... Ends his show off by posting a picture of Hillary Clinton on his video screan and talking about how America doesn't need another white bitch in office, more blah blah. Puts up a picture of Obama and goes on and on about needing a black man in office, it's past due, etc... Nothing political in his spiel, just race... On top of all that, his show just sucked
    Bonnaroo: He was actually slotted for second stage. If you know anyone that went to the festival and came back with a schedule, look at it. They never had time to reprint. He bitched about not being second stage material and demanded to be on mainstage. Had nothing to do with his NON glowing setup. For comparisson on the next point: Metallica showed up with about three of their 17 tour trucks loaded in right before their show and right back out when they were done. Kanye brought in all but two of his 20ish trucks. His one lift that he couldn't do without was so heavy that mainstage (that huge STEEL stage) had to be reenforced to hold it. The stage itself had to be extended and modified to set his stuff up early and be able to move it around. By the time his show day came around, we had been already setting his show up for more that four days. Bear in mind, that whole time his shit was on stage taking up space for other bands to potentially use. Next, when it came time for Pearl Jam to come off, his stuff still wasn't ready to go onstage. Phill Lesh cut early because he was tired of hearing Kanye bitch that he refused to play while other people were onstage. With the festival then dead of music, Pearl Jam kept playing per those of us backstage. No racism involved in that choice. Blame us, the crew, if you really still give a shit. When Kanye's stuff was ready to go onstage, he then sat on his bus insisting that he be allowed his entire lighting rig (remember the couple trucks he didn't bring). He wanted to postpone the show to take down the Bonnaroo lighting and bring all the rest of his own in to replace it (a few hour process). Another crew friend of mine made the call that the roof wouldn't support the weight of his rig just to shut him up. SHOW FUCKING SUCKED... It was the smallest mainstage crowd in Bonnaroo history... If he ever wants to go on tour again, he's not going to find people to set it up. Everyone that's ever worked with him is done with his crap.

  • start a PJ myspace page in 1991 and see how many hits it would have. Let's see if douchebag west even has a career in 10 years.

    funny thing is PJ has had a MySpace page alot longer than Kanye

    face it, he's a Superstar
    PEARL JAM~Lubbock, TX. 10~18~00
    PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
    INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
    INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
    Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
    INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
    Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
  • robowskirobowski Posts: 143
    he's popular (radio-mtv- mainstream)- p. jam is not and that's the difference in this little pissing contest. if you like him good for you - just don't talk about how great he is and then disrespect the band on their message board!

    go to shootyourmamaformoreblingbling.com and pat him on the back for promoting violence against women, drug use, and crime - like all of the other rappers with their god like egos. i hate that shit - i wouldn't piss the man out if he was on fire. he's a nobody to me - he doesn't make good music - he remixes tracks and uses flashy clothes and lights to put on a show. You can't be a real PJ fan and take this asshole's side. Get off of this board hoser!
    As you live your life in sometimes quiet desperation, facing adversity and tragedy: if you have hope and love, that mixture helps you overcome that tragedy and go on with the rest of your life.”
    --Jack Lengyel
  • aNiMaL wrote:
    That is the first Kayne West song I have ever heard. And I could only take about <1 minute of it. Is it me, or does it sound like he has stolen his entire act from Snoop Dog?


    "Bow in the presence of Greatness........"

    "Take This, Haterz"
    PEARL JAM~Lubbock, TX. 10~18~00
    PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
    INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
    INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
    Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
    INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
    Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
  • Yellow BedwetterYellow Bedwetter NYC Posts: 2,832
    Steveo wrote:
    fuck kanye

    pompous ass

    i went to sleep after pearl jam

    ditto, i wish i had stayed up for a lil of phil lesh or tiesto or disco biscuits tho
    2005: Borgata 2, Philly
    2006: Camden 1&2, East Ruth 1&2
    2008: BONNAROO, MSG1, MSG2, Hartford
    2009: Philly 1, 2, 4
    2010: Hartford, MSG1, MSG2
    2012: Made in America
    2013: BK1, BK2, Hartford
    2015: Global Citizens
    2016: MSG 2 (ISO MSG1)
    EV Solo: NJPAC 2008; Tower Theatre, PA 2009; Hartford 2011
  • Brain of mJBrain of mJ Posts: 786
    I refuse to read the blog entry, but does he give any details on his trip to Atlanta earlier that night? Obviously he was there at some radio station hootenanny Saturday evening/night so isn't there an outside shot his trying to be two places at the same time might have had a little sumthin' sumthin' to do with his tardiness.
    I don't know, it really makes no difference to me because his music -- good or not -- will never be of any significance to me, but it pisses me off when whiners like Mr. West blame everyone else and refuse to take any of the blame themselves....always the victim, right?
    Frankly, he had no business being at Bonnaroo and should have taken his 8 p.m. slot and shut his fucking mouth. If I had been organizing Bonnaroo, I would stuck his ass on the stage at 5 Thursday afternoon

    Bingo, his jaunt to Atlanta is the cause that nobody, especially Kanye will mention. He was at Philips Arena until 11 that night, and even if he travelled by jet back to Bonnaroo, would have been tight pressed to make his original set time. Fact is that Kanye got some big bucks to come down to Atlanta, and he couldn't pass it up.
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