Anyone know anything about heat?

So my house is stuck at 64 degrees has been for the past 4 hours even though i've jacked the heat up to 70
I've checked the furnace it seems fine it hot and i can see the burner on
i checked the circuit breaker and nothings tripped
the baseboard registers are warm
any ideas???
I've checked the furnace it seems fine it hot and i can see the burner on
i checked the circuit breaker and nothings tripped
the baseboard registers are warm
any ideas???
Ralph: Me fail English? That's unpossible.
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well it's 7 degrees outside
i'm kinda the heat police in my house i usally keep it around 67 or so but i've got a cold so i feel yuck
trust me i've already got on my hoodie i never take it off in the winter
thats what I was gonna say...
Good luck, feel better!
yea but you're only halfway across the country....;)
yea i know
our gas bill was about 300 last month and i keep it about 65 most of the time during the daylight i put it down to like 62 and over night goes to 62 as well
my gas bill last winter in this apartment was so high and I keep my thermostat on very low, about 60. I am on the top floor and cannnot figure out why exactly, but think my hot water heater is quite messed up and is on too much...
My small self. Like a book amongst the many on a shelf."
"I'm already 30% more unpredictable."
-Pam Beesly
Use fans! Circulate the air.
And to the original poster, CHECK YOUR FURNACE FILTER! Also, you may want to have your air ducts cleaned.. I am assuming you have forced air, since you said the furnace is working...
Everyone should really check their filters, if they are really dirty you may be able to save a TON on your heating bills!
I can't keep paying my bill if it is this high all winter. I don't even really like using heat- in my house growing up we never slept with the heat on. But my apartment is FREEZING right now (it's supposedly on 66, but I don't think that thing works). I'm wearing a wool sweater and all. I would love to turn up the heat but after that bill, I'm afraid to. I'm basically posting right now to try to keep my hands warm. I feel like bob cratchet.
Yeah, I'm bundled under sweats and a comforter... my thermostat is on 64 right now... cold yes, but I can't do much heat when my bill is over 100 (and that's with only one day of using my furnace! stupid hot water heater...). My showers are like 3 minutes long now... I crave a long hot shower....
My small self. Like a book amongst the many on a shelf."
"I'm already 30% more unpredictable."
-Pam Beesly
nope forced hot water
and we had the furnace cleaned in august the tech said it looked to be in pretty good shape
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
well the basement is fine no steam
the pipes seem to be circulating cause i can feel some vibrations in them and they are pretty warm to the touch
it's getting a lil warmer in the upsatirs but not the down stairs really so i'm guessing it's something to do with the 'zone' that's connected to that thermostat
i'm gonna am not looking forward to that bill that's for sure :rolleyes:
believe me, I'm missing the pooches tonight!!!! they're with "dad" since I had Thirsty Thursday with mom so I'll be wearing socks and a hoodie to bed! And I hate wearing socks to bed!!!!! I do miss my woodstove at my old house, nothing is better than a woodstove.
I keep my heat at 60 at night and during the day when I'm not here. 65 in the morning while I get ready for work and when I'm home in the evening. Gas is outrageous so I grab a sweatshirt and snuggle with my kids if I'm that cold. My PJ hat is common comfy warm item as well!!!
I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29
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