Hunter shoots deer - deer fights back

Unfortunately, the hunter still won.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
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Generally I'm against hunting, but deer populations are crazy, and if not controlled, many would starve to death instead. The best scenario would be letting their natural predators come back.
unfortunately? you would have liked to see the hunter dead?
I know that would make a humorous story.. not that I find death funny, just the irony.
Not directed at me, but that thought wouldn't bother me at all. Like I said, I always root for the animal. I almost always pick the underdog in any situation.
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Also, I've had a shamanic like vision of my own death and it is at the hands of a wild animal. Good for whatever gets me. I've already told my family and friends that I want nobody trying to kill the animal that kills me. In fact, if the animal will accept some kind of reward, so much the better.
I'm part Cherokee and spend a ton of time in the mountains, so this isn't outside the realm of possibility. Fingers crossed...
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Totally. I'll be pissed off if a human actually bags me.
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For those that pull for the underdog, you should be pulling for the people. The only advantage humans have, and it is quite an advantage, is the gun. Deer are faster, have better vision(even though they are color blind), better sense of smell, better intuition, run faster, naturally camoflauged.
The gun isn't quite the equalizer you would think it is. Deer can hear a bullet comin at them and dodge it. They can also get down, like a rabbit, and run about 60mph across a field.
Also, killing the actual animal is one of the less enjoyable parts of hunting. How many of you people have sat in the woods on a december morning, just as all the animals are waking up?
That is funny shit there, hommie. Oh, and I'm an ex hunter so at least make the lies somewhat believable. I'll let you know the next time I see a deer dodge bullets and run 60 mph.
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To keep you clear of the sun
You've been burned more than once
You don't think much of trust
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Summerfest 2006
"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?" -Lisa Simpson
I chased a deer on a 4 wheeler, goin close to 50 mph. It was leaving me. They do the standard bouncy run, but the they also hunker down and really turn it on, where they bellies are right on the ground. Maybe it's not quite 60 mph, but they can go much faster than the 35-40mph that most people think.
Also, with the dodging, it's more of a reflex flinch than matrix style. Often it means the difference between a good shot and a bad shot. I have seen them fully dodge arrows.
It had to be a matrix deer. Top speed of deer is 35 mph. Maybe 40 if they are juiced on adrenaline. The only herd animal approaching 60 is a Gazelle. I'd have to see it to believe it and I've spent my life in the company of deer.
I think I once ran about 60 mph when running from an angry mother black bear.
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hahah, i couldn't tell if that was a joke post or what. Hhahaha "dodge bullets."
Oh, and by the way, there is nothing wrong with hunting. I don't hunt, but I am most certainly not against it.
those fuckers are smarter than you think.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
They’ve also learned just how to stand so that when they are shot, the bullet ricochets off their Kevlar hide and right back at the hunter. Might have been what happened to Jeagler’s uncle.
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no the one that shot my uncle actually fired the rifle. my cousin saw it.
I've heard rumors of these gun-toting deer but was afraid to believe them. I just hope they don't cross-breed with the ones that can run 60 mph. If that happens, the hunting tide will surely turn in their favor.
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Shit, I came within about one foot of creaming one on the interstate just the other day. Now I'm thinking it had to have been a suicide bomber. He charged right at the car! I barely managed to get away.
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I've seen one do that but with his antlers. Happened just at the split second I stopped filming, (otherwise it would be all over youtube). I ended up tracking him, and later that day, I stumbled across an entire group of bucks playing volleyball with a pine cone... I had to dress up like Bigfoot to get close enough, but by then my camera batteries were spent. You can't imagine the frustration. Ever since, I've been scouring Ebay for a solar powered digital camera.......until then my bigfoot suit will be dry and fluffy and hanging by the front door.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I suggest we get a hold of Crocodile Dundee ASAP.
Chuck Norris might be useful too.