Slang and Colloquialisms

So, the other day it came up in conversation that the Irish, and Dubliners in particular basically have an entire language of slang that can be rather confusing to foreigners - even native English speakers. It came up when the English girl in my class, who has been here for close to 4 years now heard one of say after an exam "that was a load of me hoop". She was also amused that everyone in my class had their own particular way of saying bollocks.
Now most of our slang is either rhyming slang like the cockneys use or euphemisms for various body parts, as are both of the examples.
It's handy for us going abroad because we get all the American tv so we know all of their slang. Aussies are more of a problem - they call flipflops 'thongs'.
So anyway, to the point - what are favourite words/phrases that are completely exclusive to your town or country, and post explanations too
Here's a few of mine.
Hoop - asshole.
bollocks - testicles
Joe - Taxi (short for joe maxi) that one doesn't make any sense
Mickey - euphemism for cock.
Now most of our slang is either rhyming slang like the cockneys use or euphemisms for various body parts, as are both of the examples.
It's handy for us going abroad because we get all the American tv so we know all of their slang. Aussies are more of a problem - they call flipflops 'thongs'.
So anyway, to the point - what are favourite words/phrases that are completely exclusive to your town or country, and post explanations too

Here's a few of mine.
Hoop - asshole.
bollocks - testicles
Joe - Taxi (short for joe maxi) that one doesn't make any sense

Mickey - euphemism for cock.

I'll Ride The Wave Where It Takes Me
Post edited by Unknown User on
Mickey is a euphemism for cock?
*eyes light up with this information*
Lollie = candy
boot = car trunks
kiwis = new zealanders
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
i have about 47 just for the fudd alone.
but the dog's bollocks = good
vertical smile
which nation came up with the term "wanker"
UK, Aussie or Kiwis?
it's one of my favorite slangs.
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
the UK.
tonic = soda
wicked = very, really
bubbler (pronounced "bubbla")= water fountain
packy= liquor store
rotary= traffic circle
barrel = waste basket
we also tend to have more "british-like" ways of speaking than the rest of the country. for example many Bostonians pronounce "mom" as "mum," we often refer to trash as rubbish, and we pronounce things like "bath" and "can't" like "bahth" and "cahn't."
grinder = big ass sandwich
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
hmm see I always thought "grinder" was from somewhere else. we always called them subs.
but oh wait:
a frappe= what a lot of people call milkshake (includes ice cream)
a milkshake= milk and syrup, no ice cream
just forgot which state. :mad: (shut up NYPJ)
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
heid = head
gan = going
ken = know
swallae = drinking
glaikit = stupid
weans (waynes) = kids
bawbag = scrotum
blootered = drunk
braw = good
beelin = stinking
thats me bored and only up to 'B's'
You arrived just in time. Dunk is hosting his annual Fudd convention at Castle Fuckula this weekend. Seating is limited, and you don't want to miss the door prizes!!!
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
aye = yes
I wonder how he feels about that
the tits = great
puss = perfect
Your measurment was dead nuts.
That restaurant was the tits!
The chrome on that car was puss.
NY PJ1 = unoriginal or mundane
And you started on the H's, you must be blootered.
isn't gallas one of yours ?