words are not enough to express what youve come to mean to me jeanie. without your presence and friendship this past while, id probably have been atop a clock tower with a high powered rifle.
i may not stay up that long....i'd love to raise a glass with ya!
If I start now, I'll be legless around the kiddies at dinner time!
Not a very good example from an Aunt really.
How much longer before you two pass out?
I could go put a bottle of chardy in the fridge now and maybe manage to crack one around 4pm, just over an hour from now and crank up the PJ. How does that suit?
Alternatively, when I get home later, I'm sure I'll be well and truly but by then you guys will be getting up and nursing hangovers!
hehe!! Awesome!!!!! : D I haven't started yet. : o
If I start now, I'll be legless around the kiddies at dinner time!
Not a very good example from an Aunt really. : p
How much longer before you two pass out?
I could go put a bottle of chardy in the fridge now and maybe manage to crack one around 4pm, just over an hour from now and crank up the PJ. How does that suit?
Alternatively, when I get home later, I'm sure I'll be well and truly but by then you guys will be getting up and nursing hangovers!
hell hun the only way i'll be around the kiidies if i have a buzz on!
i kid
you start your celebrating whenever you see fit.....there is a drunk thread going so i may be here for as long as i can
hell hun the only way i'll be around the kiidies if i have a buzz on!
i kid
sssh! You're giving away my secrets!
I gets me buzz on once they're all occumapied with their dinner and playing and the like. Usually once their father has had a couple. Figure if he's looking a little happy there's no reason why I can't. But I am generally very responsible around them and such a great little trouper nobody notices usually and if they comment I just say it's the monster making me a little dodgy. (hehe! It's gotta come in as a handy excuse for something surely? )
Very kind of you all.
**sigh** **UGH!** It's here!!!!! :eek:
What's an acceptable hour to start drinking do you think?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
See These Bones
Isn't there rules about the acceptable drinking hour?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
on your 25th birthday? there are no rules
Toronto 2011 night 2
Hamilton 2011
London 2013
youre australian girl. theres no such thing as an UNacceptable hour to drink.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Oh you can stay!
That's exactly the correct answer!!
Although to make it believable I've been taking a poll and most of the beauty folk doing the overhaul on me this week have been going with 30.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
So THIS is why you went to the beauty salon!
Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes!
Perhaps I shoulda started the day with chicken and champers cate?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
"New music, new friends. Pearl Jam."
I like our socks. I hear we make a fine sock. I always say, You might not love our records, but I think you'll like our socks. - Stone
"This record is us speaking out in class." -EV on PJ
this made me smile..
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Before we even get to the words and the fact there's a heart wingding
Made me teary!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
be happy always....:)
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
awww shucks peeps. tis a very special occasion. you know i dont prostitute myself out for just anyone jeanie.
anyhoo well be speaking later. right now tis time i be off.
happy birthday
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
apparently, 07162056 is THE date...
Hope some of you are gonna be around later when the alcamahol starts a flowing!
I need someone to dance on the tables with me!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Damn!!! :( Stupid puter!!!!!
My turn with the "I can't watch youtubes" :(
BUT I can go put george on the stereo!
Oh and Rock on played all the others in the thread for me earlier so I got hear them at least.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Thanks trails.
It's 2pm in the arvo, Saturday and I'm just chilling.
The drinking will begin in a couple of hours.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
so did you start yet ? cause i'm feiling no pain
couple hours?!?!?!?!
i may not stay up that long....i'd love to raise a glass with ya!
hehe!! Awesome!!!!!
If I start now, I'll be legless around the kiddies at dinner time!
Not a very good example from an Aunt really.
How much longer before you two pass out?
I could go put a bottle of chardy in the fridge now and maybe manage to crack one around 4pm, just over an hour from now and crank up the PJ. How does that suit?
Alternatively, when I get home later, I'm sure I'll be well and truly but by then you guys will be getting up and nursing hangovers!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
hell hun the only way i'll be around the kiidies if i have a buzz on!
i kid
you start your celebrating whenever you see fit.....there is a drunk thread going so i may be here for as long as i can
sssh! You're giving away my secrets!
I gets me buzz on once they're all occumapied with their dinner and playing and the like.
Anyhoo, there's a bottle of chardy just gone in the fridge and I will crack it in 1/2 an hour and have one with you my dear.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I'll be back shortly and we can get this party started!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift