Getting more curmudgeonly, unapologetic and stubborn as one gets older
Seattle, WA Posts: 12,223
is good for the soul. Who agrees?
Post edited by Unknown User on
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
I do, so what? Bahhh!
hey this pissballness is fun!
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
what's considered older? can i be that way at 26?
Why, sure! You're trainee champion grumpy old bastard! You have the headstart on us all! We were all idealistic hugglemeisters at your age!
Like you're gonna ask permission at this point.:p
no no no. There is nothing nice about being grumpey and curmudgeonly, and is that even a word?!
and if you do something wrong you should apologize. It's not polite otherwise.
"Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
Free Speedy
and Metsy!
fucking hippies.
We never do anything wrong! Everyone else does! All those bloody horrible, polite people!
That's the spirit.
damn right i am. cos in my day, we learned about respect and asking permission. not your crazy commie "do whatever you feel like' crap.
"Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
Free Speedy
and Metsy!
Now you're getting it! Not the please and thank you bit, but the thinking young people are arseholes bit.
fuck off.
hell yea, i agree!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Same here. But it really doesn't seem that the whole respect your elders thing exists much with the younger generations anymore. But I'll be damned if I let my kids (someday) talk back or curse at me or any of that crap.
Long time coming, many served the few.
And long to taste the shame, that bows down before you!
Shame! Shame! Throw Yourself AWAY!!!!
um, no. I never said that.
"Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
Free Speedy
and Metsy!
angels share laughter
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
He was a half-blind twat and crypto-fascist who thought LSD should only be enjoyed by Oxbridge graduates.
Long time coming, many served the few.
And long to taste the shame, that bows down before you!
Shame! Shame! Throw Yourself AWAY!!!!
*hands over a glass of prune juice*
of course
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I can't wait to be able to yell "WE DONT WANT ANY!" at anyone who rings the doorbell...
and I can't wait to be able to wear a housecoat all day. with black socks.
Don't forget about the houseshoes!
The coolest thing about being old, to me, is their choice of meals. Only a retiree can pull off a burger, coffee, and fruit salad for lunch.