you know youre an aussie when...

1. you know the meaning of the word "girt" believe stubbies can either be worn or drunk.
3. you think it's normal to have a leader called kevin
4.youve made a bong out of your garden hose rather than use it for something illegal such as watering the garden
5. when you hear that an american "roots for his team" you wonder how often and with whom pronounce melbourne as "mel-bin"
hi jeanie. believe the "l" in australia is optional call your best friend a "total bastard" but someone you really, truly despise is just " a bit of a bastard" understand that "wagga wagga" can be abbreviated to wagga but "woy woy" can't be called woy
10. you believe all famous kiwis are actually australian until they stuff up, at which point they again become kiwis
11. hamburger. beetroot. of course
12. you know that by law certain words must be shouted during any rendition of the angels' song am i ever gonna see your face again
13. you believe as an article of faith that the confection known as the wagon wheel has become smaller with every passing year
14. you're secretly proud of our killer wildlife
15. you know its not summer until the steering wheel is too hot to handle
16. your biggest family argument over summer concerned the rules of beach cricket know whats its like to swallow a fly, on occasion via your nose understand that "you" has a plural and that its "youse"
19.when returning home from overrseas you expect to brutally strip searched by customs...just in case youre trying to sneak in fruit. understand that all train timetables are works of fiction.
21.when working in a bar, you understand male customers will feel the need to offer up an excuse when ordering low alcohol beer know that whatever the tourst books say that NO ONE says "cobber"
23. you pronounce penrith as "pen-riff"
24. you can translate: "dazza and shazza played acca dacca on the way to maccas" believe stubbies can either be worn or drunk.
3. you think it's normal to have a leader called kevin
4.youve made a bong out of your garden hose rather than use it for something illegal such as watering the garden
5. when you hear that an american "roots for his team" you wonder how often and with whom pronounce melbourne as "mel-bin" believe the "l" in australia is optional call your best friend a "total bastard" but someone you really, truly despise is just " a bit of a bastard" understand that "wagga wagga" can be abbreviated to wagga but "woy woy" can't be called woy
10. you believe all famous kiwis are actually australian until they stuff up, at which point they again become kiwis
11. hamburger. beetroot. of course
12. you know that by law certain words must be shouted during any rendition of the angels' song am i ever gonna see your face again
13. you believe as an article of faith that the confection known as the wagon wheel has become smaller with every passing year
14. you're secretly proud of our killer wildlife
15. you know its not summer until the steering wheel is too hot to handle
16. your biggest family argument over summer concerned the rules of beach cricket know whats its like to swallow a fly, on occasion via your nose understand that "you" has a plural and that its "youse"
19.when returning home from overrseas you expect to brutally strip searched by customs...just in case youre trying to sneak in fruit. understand that all train timetables are works of fiction.
21.when working in a bar, you understand male customers will feel the need to offer up an excuse when ordering low alcohol beer know that whatever the tourst books say that NO ONE says "cobber"
23. you pronounce penrith as "pen-riff"
24. you can translate: "dazza and shazza played acca dacca on the way to maccas"
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Post edited by Unknown User on
Oh and we still say cobber!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
i havent said "cobber" since i used to buy 20c worth of mixed lollies at tom's shop on the way to school in the mid 70s.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
For the record, if I'm heading out to grab a burger, I have a tendency to bring me own slice of beetroot, just in case they don't put 'em in.
i didnt get it either.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
You couldn't buy ONE for 20c now!
It's a bit of a favorite in our family. "How ya goin cobber?"
A bit like, "G'day Joe, whaddya know?"
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
victorians are just plain weird.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
you know you're an aussie when your favorite band plays 12 shows in one tour
why are soft serves not 30c anymore? i know this changed awhile back but...
i'm not over it yet :(
I have been to maccas and said "a 30c cone please" and they have said "ok that will be 50c" I'm like "what the fuck its a 30c cone?"
I like the list it is good. and Yes I am secretly proud of our deadly natives
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
You go to 24hr Christmas shopping at Chaddy even though there's no parking and you don't intend on buying anything
You take your boyfriend/girlfriend to Sky High for more than "just the view"
You are wrapped that Zone 3 has been removed
You have stumbled out of the 'Wheelers' or the 'Hallam'
Every time you drive down Springvale Rd passing Nunawading station... the train happens to be crossing
You know the whereabouts of Ramsay Street
You stuffed up in year 12 and ended up in Swinburne Uni Lilydale
You stuffed up even worse in year 12 and ended up in Holmesglen Tafe
When you grow up... you want to live in 'inner city East'
You dress better then your friends (from the west) i.e. they still wear flares
Anything on the other side of the Westgate Bridge is a hike
You or someone you know has chucked up on the Sth Eastern or Eastern freeway on the way home from clubbing
You were not surprised by the riots at Noble Park Maccas
Springvale Rd is no more then 10 minutes from your house
You haven't been to Fountain Gate since Krispy Kremes became available everywhere
You exit at Toorak Rd and NEVER use etag
You refuse to accept that the 'derros' from Cranbourne are Eastsiders
You are paranoid and wind up your windows and lock your doors once you get into the slums (westside)
You go to Burwood Kmart at 1am coz you're bored or coz you can
You've played ball at Dandenong/Kilsyth basketball stadium for your school/friends/local team
You know what Wobbies World is
Before you got your own DVD burner... you bought all your movies/games from the ethnic blokes at Caribbean Market
Being stuck in ridiculous peek hour traffic doesn't phase you
You go to Eastland shopping centre as an absolute last resort
Even as an absolute last resort.. you do not go to Dandy Plaza
You went to underage 'dance parties' at Jooce, Stylus, East 93, Moorabbin Town hall, Dandenong Town hall, Clayton Town hall
You're glad Ozone was built on top of the 'old bus stop'.. this nearly wiped out the 'Bus stop gangsters'
You've had a bbq/birthday/drink up at Jells/Burden park
You have been to Caribbean Rollerama.. to roller blade of course (roller skates are for dweebs)
You catch the Lilydale/Cranbourne line and seem to travel back in time
You just wana slap the emos around at Ringwood Station
You go for coffee with friends at Shine (Upstairs) at Glenny even though it's as noisy as hell and there's no chance of understanding what the person sitting next to you is saying
You then go for coffee at Airstream and it's just as loud
You're happy to pay $50+ for a cab home from town
You have caught the Lilydale/Belgrave line and were either bashed, followed, sworn at or creeped out by some wierdo sitting way too close
You don't slow down at Eastlink Roadworks unless there's a guy holding a 'SLOW' sign
You have fought off chucking your guts on the Nightrider home
You've enjoyed a movie in that kickass colosseum-style room at the Rivoli in Cambo
You played netball or softball at Jells Park and remember when there were only outdoor courts
You went to watch movies at Pinewood because all movies cost $3 but don't admit it
You've chucked a hissy fit at some poor kid who works at Nunawading Maccas cos their soft serve machine is broken... again
You've laughed at one of the following:
*Hung Phat Auto Repairs on the Pakenham/ Cranbourne line
*Phuc Dat Butcher in Springvale
*Hung Long Video on Whitehorse Rd Box Hill
*Poo Ping Palace in Dingley
*Keith Fagg Tiles in Kilsyth
*Sha Tin Chinese take away at Heathmont shops
You've been to Donnie Pancake Parlour.. and think the radio ads for it at night with the stoners is retarded
You know the 'real' names of Eastland (Beastland), Knox (Pox), Ozone (Hoe zone)
You are not surprised to find a Club X store right next to Baby Co. in Baysy
You don't find it confusing driving through 5 ways (Princess Hwy, Springvale Rd, Police Rd, Centre Rd intersection)
You know that the 16 year olds around Ringwood/Dandy only had babies to get the baby bonus.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
only in melbourne. though totally applicable to various suburban areas in other cities around oz
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
It's definitely an Eastern suburbs thing!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Regardless of the problem/issue at hand, you always say "No worries, mate"
You consider TimTams a food group
You end every other sentence with mate
You get disappointed to find there's no beet root on your hamburger
You say "Put another prawn on the barbie" (not shrimp!)
You consider cockroaches pets in need of love and heaps of bugspray
You refer to football as soccer
You feel completely comfortable wearing thongs in a bar/pub/club
You still drink ungodly amounts of cheap champagne pretending it's passion pop (a.k.a. 2buck chuck)
You miss having the option of full flush and half flush toilets
You’ve tried Vegemite, but only once, never again!
You no longer consider a word with 6 or more vowels odd (Woolloomooloo)
You know what a thong really is
You know that Hungry Jacks and Burger King is the same thing, only Hungry Jacks is better!
You know what the term footy refers to
You have the tendency to end all words/names with -o or -ie (Davo, Tomo, aussie, mozzie, breakkie)
You still say "tom-ah-toe" instead of "tom-ay-toe"
You know that saying "I'll go root with/for you at the 'footy' game" usually has unpredicted consequences
You complain if you have more than 2 hours of class a day
You know the correct word for mayonaise is maayo, not maeyo
You consider a three letter word too long
You know that tomato sauce is really another word for ketchup
You get angry when the final exams aren't worth 1/2 your grade (so much for slacking during term)
You coordinate your weekends so you don't have to buy more than a "one day pass" for the bus
You for some reason consider belts under your boobs fashion
You know the difference between AFL, Union and League
You still don't get Cricket (but went anyway cos of the beer)
You enter McDonalds and wonder why there’s no McCafe
You know the expression "Onya" and use it correctly
You consider everyone to be your mate
You have travelled more across Australia than the US/Canada
You line dry your laundry to save money
You say thank you to the bus driver when departing
You get violent around dinner time if the peanut butter/nutella is in limited supply
You consider $12 for a 4 litre-goon standard
You've surfed or perhaps in most cases helplessly paddled around
You engage in profound conversations with the checkout guy/girl at your local supermarket
You consider Sundays and Mondays proper party nights (hell any week night for that matter)
You have encountered spiders the size of a small dinner plate - and lived to tell the tale!
You have eaten meat pie (@ Harry’s if you studied in Sydney)
You walk into a shop and before the shop assistant has said anything you ask "How ya goin?"
You have - or know someone who has - used an empty goon bag, blown up, as a pillow
You say "Take it easy" in the most irrelevant situations
You know that XXXX/Four EX is not porn rating
You say tea instead of dinner
You’re suffering from severe withdrawal syndromes due to the absence of booze cruises
You start a discussion or conversation with "I reckon..."
You know what the term "It's happening at the Gabba" means (if you studied in Brissie that is)
You miss watching Ready Steady Cook / Deal or No Deal / Neighbours / Big Brother and Thank God You’re Here
You know that Tasmania isn't considered to really be a part of Australia
You still say sunnies
You keep using the expression "Whatta?"
You get confused when entering a hotel only to find it’s actually a hotel, not a bar or a club or a pub
You have snorkeled the Great Barrier Reef and/or found Nemo
The tropical birds. At first you found it rather romantic to wake up to exotic birds chirping, however a couple of weeks later you were starting to wish you’d brought a shotgun
brilliant mate just brilliant.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
That is bloody descent. Well done. You would have no trouble passing our citizen test.
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
Pure Blonde? Oh puhleese.
ha ha frou frou beers. just give me a scotch thanks. and dont even think about putting a straw in it.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
you barbecue everything... even ice cream.
oh dunk we consider it a badge of honour to have a convict in the family.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
which is handy since most of you are
i had a badge of honour once... some fucking Aussie cock stole it though :mad:
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say