Er zit een Nederlander in mijn klas (of groep) van Amsterdam en van hem horen we dikwijls domme Belgen mopjes, het grappige is dat wij die moppen ook kennen maar dan als domme Hollanders moppen.
Maar hij begint toch stilaan van België te houden.
Ik ga ook graag naar Nederland (en niet alleen voor de coffeeshops hehe). Schitterend om door te fietsen, vriendelijke mensen (luid wel )...
We doen elk jaar wel een paar fietstochten in Zeeland. En mijn moeder werkt daar. Mijn vader heeft jaren in Terneuzen gewerkt. Dus hebben ze er ook heel wat vrienden.
Er zit een Nederlander in mijn klas (of groep) van Amsterdam en van hem horen we dikwijls domme Belgen mopjes, het grappige is dat wij die moppen ook kennen maar dan als domme Hollanders moppen.
Maar hij begint toch stilaan van België te houden.
Ik ga ook graag naar Nederland (en niet alleen voor de coffeeshops hehe). Schitterend om door te fietsen, vriendelijke mensen (luid wel )...
We doen elk jaar wel een paar fietstochten in Zeeland. En mijn moeder werkt daar. Mijn vader heeft jaren in Terneuzen gewerkt. Dus hebben ze er ook heel wat vrienden.
we moeten dit eigenlijk in een pm doen, maar what the hell, anyway, mijn schoonouders wonen in Portugal maar hebben ook een huis in....Zeeland!!
Ik heb als klein meisje altijd met mijn familie op de camping vlak bij bobbejaanland gestaan....:D vandaar mijn liefde voor België en de mensen....
Everything gives you cancer these days, and I want proof that it fries your brain, cause i smoke a ton and have no problems at one of the hardest engineering schools in the country.
well that's true...but I don't know why people would intentionally ingest toxic shit to hasten it....Maybe you are too fried to recognize if you are fried, just a thought...:D
These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
We're all going to die anyway, you might as well have fun while your here. Get baked, have fun, live life. Smoke if you got 'em.
You just gave me a reason to start smoking crack!
I do believe all drugs should be legalized, BUT, I also look down a bit on people who use them, even myself for my little alcohol habit. Anything that impairs the body is not natural and not good. Only an escape from life.. If you need that escape, fine, but maybe you should evaluate why you need that escape.
we moeten dit eigenlijk in een pm doen, maar what the hell, anyway, mijn schoonouders wonen in Portugal maar hebben ook een huis in....Zeeland!!
Ik heb als klein meisje altijd met mijn familie op de camping vlak bij bobbejaanland gestaan....:D vandaar mijn liefde voor België en de mensen....
I do believe all drugs should be legalized, BUT, I also look down a bit on people who use them, even myself for my little alcohol habit. Anything that impairs the body is not natural and not good. Only an escape from life.. If you need that escape, fine, but maybe you should evaluate why you need that escape.
I completely disagree (well except for the part where you said you believe all drugs should be legalized ).
well that's true...but I don't know why people would intentionally ingest toxic shit to hasten it....Maybe you are too fried to recognize if you are fried, just a thought...:D
We all have to die someday, the world has gone to shit anyway so we might as well hasten that. Unfortunately suicide is not socially acceptable so we need to do it in a way that seems accidental, while getting HIGH as a motherfucker in the meantime
Wow... I'm such a fatalist.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
We all have to die someday, the world has gone to shit anyway so we might as well hasten that. Unfortunately suicide is not socially acceptable so we need to do it in a way that seems accidental, while getting HIGH as a motherfucker in the meantime
Wow... I'm such a fatalist.
I always viewed drug abuse as a form of slow suicide...but hey I don't judge what people partake in if it's not hurting other people. I just don't understand it is all. I think they should just legalize drugs and let people do what they want with their lives.
These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
I always viewed drug abuse as a form of slow suicide...but hey I don't judge what people partake in if it's not hurting other people. I just don't understand it is all. I think they should just legalize drugs and let people do what they want with their lives.
I agree, I said in the previous post it is essentially suicide, but so is living. Life is a sexually transmitted disease that is invariably fatal. That's no great thing when you think about it that's why I'm not about to tell anyone how to make their's more fun (and neither are you clearly, which is great)
Of course, it would be different if I had responsibilities... I'm probably just naive.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
I agree, I said in the previous post it is essentially suicide, but so is living. Life is a sexually transmitted disease that is invariably fatal. That's no great thing when you think about it that's why I'm not about to tell anyone how to make their's more fun (and neither are you clearly, which is great)
Of course, it would be different if I had responsibilities... I'm probably just naive.
Cool, I'm glad you can see where I'm coming off. I know sometimes I come off as judgemental when discussing this topic. I guess I have been influenced by some personal experiences.
I'm sure people would view me as naive too
These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
Smoked tonight after not smoking for a little while. Its a good thing everyonce in a while. Just had Starbuck's coffee ice cream, a spicy pork stew I made (so fucking good) and some beans I cooked yesterday, OMG. Night, night pretty soon......
RIGHT ON!!!!!!
my thoughts exactly!!!!!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Ah nog een liefhebber van fiesttochten in Zeeland.
naděje umírá poslední
Gunter glieben glauchen globen
Alright, you got something to say?
naděje umírá poslední
we moeten dit eigenlijk in een pm doen, maar what the hell, anyway, mijn schoonouders wonen in Portugal maar hebben ook een huis in....Zeeland!!
Ik heb als klein meisje altijd met mijn familie op de camping vlak bij bobbejaanland gestaan....:D vandaar mijn liefde voor België en de mensen....
well that's true...but I don't know why people would intentionally ingest toxic shit to hasten it....Maybe you are too fried to recognize if you are fried, just a thought...:D
I do believe all drugs should be legalized, BUT, I also look down a bit on people who use them, even myself for my little alcohol habit. Anything that impairs the body is not natural and not good. Only an escape from life.. If you need that escape, fine, but maybe you should evaluate why you need that escape.
so, speed, what are ye afraid of..?
Bobbejaanland; was elk land maar zo plezant
naděje umírá poslední
jaaaaa, bestaat het nog eigenlijk? moeten we maar eens heen gaan dan, Collin...;)
I completely disagree (well except for the part where you said you believe all drugs should be legalized
naděje umírá poslední
Blijkbaar wel, net even de site bekeken. Een message pit meet up in Bobbejaanland haha!
naděje umírá poslední
ok,ok, you've made your point, we will use the english.......:D
ill pm you dirty in dutch then, hahahahahahaha
Of course there is a "japanese" word for it: berichtenputsamenkomst
naděje umírá poslední
hahaha, geen reet aan in het nederlands, "hee ga je mee naar een berichtenputsamenkomst......."
Wow... I'm such a fatalist.
I always viewed drug abuse as a form of slow suicide...but hey I don't judge what people partake in if it's not hurting other people. I just don't understand it is all. I think they should just legalize drugs and let people do what they want with their lives.
Of course, it would be different if I had responsibilities... I'm probably just naive.
Cool, I'm glad you can see where I'm coming off. I know sometimes I come off as judgemental when discussing this topic. I guess I have been influenced by some personal experiences.
I'm sure people would view me as naive too
^^^^ bong^^^^^^
who cares if I don't?
Use a vaporizor people