Anyone going to see The DaVinci Code this weekend?

purple_chick79purple_chick79 Posts: 570
edited November 2007 in All Encompassing Trip
I am and I don't care that I have to go alone, which is something I never do! I read the book and it was pretty good, I'm hoping the movie is just as good.
Opinions are like assholes, everyones got one.

"do gay midgets come out of the cupboard"

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  • moster78moster78 Posts: 1,591
    Yeah, probably at some point tomorrow, despite the bad reviews. I read the book in the duration of a trans-Atlantic flight from London to NY. Couldn't put it down.
  • adam42381adam42381 Kernersville, NC Posts: 2,515
    I'm going with the wife tonight. I read and loved the book (as well Angels and Demons, Deception Point and Digital Fortress). Wife hasn't read any so she may hate it. Despite the bad reviews, I'm looking forward to it.
    I wish I was as fortunate, as fortunate as me.
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  • jojojojo Posts: 645
    i'm gonna see it but not this weekend my hopes aren't too high though
    Ralph: Me fail English? That's unpossible.
  • sigh eternallysigh eternally Chicago Posts: 421
    damn girl... you shouldnt have to go alone.

    i'll fly up there and buy you popcorn and hold your hand and shit.

    ...then have have hot sex like a couple of pigs rolling in the mud underneath a humid alabama night....
  • damn girl... you shouldnt have to go alone.

    i'll fly up there and buy you popcorn and hold your hand and shit.

    ...then have have hot sex like a couple of pigs rolling in the mud underneath a humid alabama night....

    Must you always take it there.....:rolleyes: :D

    Thanks for the offer though! ;)
    Opinions are like assholes, everyones got one.

    "do gay midgets come out of the cupboard"

  • dkst0426dkst0426 Posts: 523
    Went yesterday. Don't expect too much, and you should be satisfied. Honestly, I was a bit disappointed, not from a faith standpoint (I'm Christian), but from a movie-viewing standpoint.
  • JSBEJSBE Posts: 1,078
    just got back from seeing it about 20 mins ago. i never read the book but the movie was somewhere between good and ok if that makes any sense.

    it is 2.5 hrs long but does not feel like it at all. it was definately interesting and entertaining, but i can see how it is not getting the greatest reviews. it just seemed like something was missing.

    and to be quite honest, it almost felt like an "adult" version of national treasure (yes, the nic cage movie) without all the obvious treasure hunting and overly visual clues.
  • dkst0426dkst0426 Posts: 523
    JSBE wrote:
    it is 2.5 hrs long but does not feel like it at all. it was definately interesting and entertaining, but i can see how it is not getting the greatest reviews. it just seemed like something was missing.
    Yep, something was missing, alright: good acting. Tom Hanks really disappointed on this one. The actors seemed so passionless, like they were just reading lines off a teleprompter rather than actually "being" the character.
  • beachdwellerbeachdweller Posts: 1,532
    just got back from seeing it, I loved it. It's about the quest, the trip, not the characters in my opinion. The characters in the book weren't exactly fully developed. I think the bad reviews are from people expecting an oscar caliber movie, when the book wasn't pulizer caliber.

    guess I didn't expect much in the acting dept, though Sir Ian McKellan was great.

    I also agree that it didn't seem like 2.5 hrs at all.

    not a slam bam summer blockbuster, but well worth the price of admitance.
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

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  • dkst0426dkst0426 Posts: 523
    guess I didn't expect much in the acting dept

    You don't at least expect the lead characters in a movie to look halfway interested in what they're doing?
  • beachdwellerbeachdweller Posts: 1,532
    dkst0426 wrote:
    You don't at least expect the lead characters in a movie to look halfway interested in what they're doing?

    I saw the characters as lost and not in their element...what did they need to fall in love or something?
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

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  • dkst0426dkst0426 Posts: 523
    I saw the characters as lost and not in their element...what did they need to fall in love or something?
    No. In fact, I'm glad ol' Opie didn't feel a need to add that element in there. They just........I dunno. Projected a very "blah" attitude. Could be just me, I guess.
  • saw it this afternoon, it was good.

    i didnt find it disrespectful in any way.

    i am not gonna say anything else.....;)
  • PJaddictedPJaddicted Posts: 1,432
    My oldest saw it last night~he liked it. I was at the theater at the same time with my youngest....watching Over the Hedge! Now that was cute!


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  • adam42381adam42381 Kernersville, NC Posts: 2,515
    Just got back and thought it was pretty good. Not great, but pretty good. I really wish they'd make a movie based on Angels & Demons which I consider to be a superior book to DaVinci Code.
    I wish I was as fortunate, as fortunate as me.
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  • beachdwellerbeachdweller Posts: 1,532
    dkst0426 wrote:
    No. In fact, I'm glad ol' Opie didn't feel a need to add that element in there. They just........I dunno. Projected a very "blah" attitude. Could be just me, I guess.

    nah, I think those that read the books and liked them will like the movie, but it definitely is missing something.
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

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  • beachdwellerbeachdweller Posts: 1,532
    adam42381 wrote:
    Just got back and thought it was pretty good. Not great, but pretty good. I really wish they'd make a movie based on Angels & Demons which I consider to be a superior book to DaVinci Code.

    I think this will happen, and I wonder how much commotion it will bring with it.

    I still don't understand the big deal, the Catholic Church didn't make a big deal with Monty Python's "Life of Brian" when it was released.
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

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  • DeniDeni Posts: 233
    I am a huge fan of the book. So I was prepared to be disapointed. But I wasn't so much. I mean, sure... it wasn't 100% faithful to the book, but that's ok. I didn't mind the cuts that were made, but I didn't like some of the changes. I didn't like what they did with Bishop Aringarosa, but I don't want to say to much and give it away for the people who haven't seen it yet. I thought the acting was fine. I especially loved Ian McKellen even though I thought I wouldn't so much because he doesn't look anything like how Teabing is described in the book, but he did a wonderful job! And Paul Bettney was wonderful as Silas. This picture was really Bettney's. He was great.

    Out of 5 stars I would give it a 4. It was pretty good. :)

    Deni :)
    "Ideas are bulletproof." --V

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  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    adam42381 wrote:
    Just got back and thought it was pretty good. Not great, but pretty good. I really wish they'd make a movie based on Angels & Demons which I consider to be a superior book to DaVinci Code.

    I agree completely that Angels and Demons was superior to DaVinci (which was a great book in its own rights). I won't know until I see DaVinci as to whether or not I would want to see it on the big screen. If they can't pull off DaVinci, Angels would be a lot harder (IMO)
    i. am. mine.
  • OffHeGoes29OffHeGoes29 Posts: 1,240
    The movie was ok, but I think it could of been a little better.
  • dkst0426dkst0426 Posts: 523
    I think this will happen, and I wonder how much commotion it will bring with it.

    I still don't understand the big deal, the Catholic Church didn't make a big deal with Monty Python's "Life of Brian" when it was released.
    The big deal is beyond the issue of whether or not Jesus had relations with Mary Magdalene and had children. The issue is the conclusions the book and movie make about Jesus' divinity, which is central to the Christian faith, nevermind if you're Catholic or Protestant.

    And I sincerely doubt Graham Chapman and/or John Cleese ever claimed that "Life Of Brian" was factual.
  • I went to see it today and I quite enjoyed it. It stayed right with the book, with just some minor changes.
    Opinions are like assholes, everyones got one.

    "do gay midgets come out of the cupboard"

  • markymark550markymark550 Columbia, SC Posts: 5,179
    I went to see this movie over the weekend. I didn't know what to expect since I haven't read the book, but some of the events seemed a little too predictable to me. I thought the movie was decent in terms of the entertainment didn't keep me on the edge of my seat, but I didn't lose interest. I agree with the person who said the actors (especially Hanks) seemed passionless. If the acting was a little better, I would probably say that I really enjoyed the movie.
  • LizardjamLizardjam Posts: 1,121
    I didn't read the book and I liked the movie. 'Course I was already biased towards Ms. Tautou. I love most of her movies....a friend who loved the book was extremely disappointed in it. Doesn't make me want to read it...though, I will say the movie is entertaining! I don't care about the faith point. It's pure entertainment.
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  • The movie was pretty good. A bit dull to start with, but got interesting when the Ian McKellan character got on board. Otherwise, kinda reminded me of a less interesting version of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade or National Treasure.

    I can sorta see the controversy, but I hardly think it should be that big of a deal. First off, like they've been saying the book is in the FICTION section. Second, its not like some of these views haven't been brought up even before the book. I seem to remember Kevin Smith's Dogma touching on the fact that Jesus had a bloodline.
  • With Sony Pictures' The Da Vinci Code earning a massive $224 million worldwide its first weekend, Times Online is reporting that the studio is already looking towards a possible follow-up.

    According to Jeff Blake, vice chairman of Sony Pictures, the studio is hoping to bring another novel by Dan Brown, Angels and Demons, to the big screen:

    Tom Hanks could return to star as the Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon, who appeared in the book and will be the hero of Brown's next novel. Mr Blake said: "We are very interested in filming Angels and Demons. We hope that the relationship with Dan Brown will be a long one. That could be the next project."

    Angels and Demons was the reclusive author's third novel after he gave up his job as an English teacher. It tells the story of Langdon's brush with a shadowy secret society, the Illuminati, and his frantic quest for the world's most powerful energy source, in the company of a beautiful Italian physicist whose father, a brilliant physicist, has been murdered.

    "The Da Vinci Code" was Brown's fourth book.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    i must have been way more stoned than i remember when i first read that book, cos the entire final 30 minutes of the movie were new to me. i thought they just added all that for the film. so that was a nice bonus. but really, it was kinda boring. i didnt have huge expectation and it wasnt bad... it just felt like a very mediocre film.
  • whitepantswhitepants Posts: 727
    I saw it on Sunday. I enjoyed it. Give it a 7 out of 10.

    I felt Ron Howard did ok... watered it down and condensed it a bit, but that's to be expected. I thought Tom Hanks was too big of a name for the lead... a lesser known actor would have been better.
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  • libragirllibragirl Posts: 4,632
    I didnt read the book but i'd like to see it.
    These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
  • LBC1076LBC1076 Posts: 224
    I do not plan on seeing it or reading the book. My minister says its a blasphemous, misrepresentation of the life of Jesus. The entire story is based on a bunch of jibberish put together to skew the good name of our pure and holy son of God.

    I actually plan on leading some protest marches and boycotts in my neighborhood over the next few days. Volunteers are needed, religious affiliation is not an issue, just as long as you convert to Christianity by the end of the day's event.
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