xbox 360 vs ps2

ok so feeling frivolous and not sure which one I should get, been told that PS3 is going to close the "games gap" over the next few months. I want to play mostly sports games but not exclusivly. no HDTV and not getting one anytime soon, not sure how much online shit I'll be doing either. what do I get friends, what do I get? even links to arguments online is cool, I need reasons not just "PS3, Xbox sucks" or shit like that too.
"I'm not suicidal, except when I drink. That's why we don't all drink at the same time, there'd be no-one alive to drive home..."
Chris Cornell
Chris Cornell
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Once I get out of this town
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
Chris Cornell
but why?
Chris Cornell
despite what many people will say, the 360 has more games to offer than just the first/third person shooters. although, many of the shooter games are very entertaining.
you said you will play a lot of sports games. well generally, the games for both systems recieve the same ratings (from both critics and consumers).
however, there are those with some glaring favor of 360.
one of these for example is Madden '08. 360 dominates in the graphics, gameplay, etc. this is from reviews and from my own personal experience. there are a handful of other games like this also.
as far as online goes, well i never really had the desire to play much online until i bought the 360. and of course it depends on what games you play whether or not the online experience is going to be great or lame. but for $50 a year i feel it is well worth it.
sony will get many games that will be exclusive but with Ninja Gaiden 2, Devil May Cry 4, Grand Theft Auto 5, and Resident Evil 5 soon coming out...i could care less. i'm not sure what other 'big' games are coming out soon, but these are the ones i'm looking forward to.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
Since you have no HDTV and no intention of getting one soon, you don't really have to worry about the technical aspects of each system, neither will live up to its full potential.
If you want to watch next-gen DVDs, the PS3 comes stock with a Blu-Ray Player and the 360 does not. If you include a HD-DVD player attachment with the 360, the price is actually very similar to the price of the PS3, which disregards the argument for the 360 that it is cheaper.
If you want the system of "now" buy the 360. If you want a system that is great now and has the greatest potential and future, get the PS3.
To address the sports issue:
Football: Madden '08 by all reviews did better on the 360 and it was due to frame rate. Other then that there was no difference.
Baseball: MLB The Show is the best baseball game out there period. It is only available on PSP, PS2 and PS3.
Racing: Gran Turismo...nuff said.
Yeah, some former Sony-only games are now multi-platform...but they still have Metal Gear Solid, Socom, Gran Turismo, Uncharted, etc. etc. etc.
The 360 is a great system, but I think the PS3 is better.
The games are almost a non issue, as both have similar titles, but the 360 does have more.
I've always liked the PS1/2/3 controller setup much more than that of the 360 too. Just my opinion there though.
Overall, 360 is MUCH better online. XBox Live, despite what you may hear, is really good. Halo 3, Call of Duty 4 (also on PS3), Gears of War, all awesome online. Plus XBox Live is much more than an online system. It's almost like a personal messenger/voice chat/score card, built in to the XBox. You can see games others play, how they do, what they score, etc. (Again I'm not too familiar with PS3, it might have the same options).
I have heard great things about Unreal Tournament III for PS3. Which would mostly be an online game, and it won't be out for XBox until May.
PS3 also has a browser (which I don't think 360 has, call me stupid but I've never looked for one).. which can be fun for TV sized videos and such (such being pr0n).
If I had the money to spend on a PS3 right now I would. I have 360 and Wii. Wii, I never ever play, as I have outgrown most of their games and hate the controller. It was fun for like 2 weeks and I got bored with swinging my arms.
I play my 360 every day for an hour or three. And cannot complain at all. But like I said, I would buy a PS3, the game gap IS closing, not rapidly, but it's definitely closing.
PS3 exclusive titles include, Haze (futuristic FPS), Unreal Tourney (FPS), Uncharted (which is like a Tomb Raider on steroids), Warhawk (helicopter flying/action game). There are also some popular titles coming out for PS3 in the next year or so, that include FFXIII and God of War 3.
Overall I'll say that aside from maybe 4-5 games (that really own some major face) the PS3 will overtake the 360 within the next year.
The ONE thing that Xbox has to look forward too in 2008 (one thing I that I know of) is exclusive DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT for Grand Theft Auto 4. GTA4 will be multi-platform, but you will only be able to get new content through XBox Live.
this may be the dealbreaker
Chris Cornell
Im truely happy w/ mine. Ooh & Bluray is the shit!
I am a diehard baseball fan and the best baseball game by a longshot is MLB The Show. Check out or't remember which. They have new screens of MLB The Show '08 and it's amazing! '07 was/is great (still play it damn near every day) and can't wait for the new one!
yeah been doing that all night comparing games, was a little choked to see lair is a piece of shit since the case looked cool at work, I never wanted one of these things until I went back to HMV and we had them there, fucking PT jobs
Chris Cornell
Yeah, their live updates (which take a long-ass time to download) are incredible! Seems like every time there is a system update they add new features and functionality to the system.
For example...accessing my PS3 (in Scottsdale AZ) via my PSP (in Chicago, or anywhere else in the world) and being able to access all content of my system remotely is incredible! I basically have 60 GB of data in the palm of my hand (games, video, music, TV shows, movies, downloads, etc.), Incredible!
Chris Cornell
this post intrigues me...
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
Clearly you can play all PS1 and PS2 games on the PS3, but many don't realize that with the PSP you can play ANY PS1 game remotely from your PS3 as long as it's in the drive.
I was playing some Final Fantasy on my PSP from Chicago when I was home for the holidays. Forgot how great that game was/is!
Again, the 360 is a cool system (still want one!)...but the PS3 wins hands down for me.
wow, ok, see this is an argument right here.
i get tired of hearing about the blu ray aspect.
anyway, as far as the PSP goes, i have always wanted one but have held back because i wasn't sure just how much/little i would use it. i might do it soon after reading just your 2 posts.
i still love the 360 though. have to go out and get another one. my buddy sold his about 3 months ago and just bought another one, saying he couldn't live without it. i have been feeling the same way lately, especially last night when he called me and asked me for my gamertag!
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
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Just because I say so
I'll Hold The Pain... Release...
Chris Cornell
Both PS3 and Xbox 360 recieve updates.
I am a man, I am advanced.....I am the first man to borrow Stone's leather pants!
bigger games library and you can play a lot of the better xbox 1 games on them too.
the Ea sport games run @ rougthly 30 fps better then the ps3 equivalent.
better shooters too like halo 3, gears of war,
plus PES2008 and nhl 2k8 , the best 2 sports games available
what's PES2008? and everyone I talked to said NHL08 is better than 2k8?
Chris Cornell
sorry PES is Pro Evolution Soccer, i think its called winning eleven in the US
to be honest i prefer 2k8, i think its a bit more fast paced, and when you change the controls around i think it handles a bit better, ive got nhl08 too and think its ok.
good thing about the 360 is that if you hook it up to live you can download demos and try before you buy
in the 360 Vs Ps3 debate, you're gonna get the same sports games on both to be honest, it depends if your into the different adventure games that are released on each console, i've got them both, but i do find myself on the 360 more as the games are a lot better at the moment.
However, i am looking foreward to Gran Turismo 5 if its ever gonna be released, and littlebigplanet too