yeah i watch it, funny stuff. reminds me of demetri martin's comedy. if you like this and haven't heard of him, check him out
"Ah, life is a gate, a way, a path to Paradise anyway, why not live for fun and joy and love or some sort of girl by a fireside, why not go to your desire and LAUGH..."
I'm really liking this show. The dry humor really works for me.
I wish I was as fortunate, as fortunate as me.
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
I see a lot of similarity with Curb Your Enthusiasm.
I love "Tim!" I describe it to people as Curb on speed, since it takes Tim about 1/8 of the time to get himself in trouble and he just never stops for a second. Seriously funny stuff.
Not sure if anyone in this thread is still here, or alive, but there's a new show on hbomax called Ten Year Old Tom....which is essentially The Life and Times of Time just as a 10 year old. Same exact voices and Tom looks exactly like Tim.
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
I am so far loving it. I hope HBO keeps it going.
I love "Tim!" I describe it to people as Curb on speed, since it takes Tim about 1/8 of the time to get himself in trouble and he just never stops for a second. Seriously funny stuff.
(Shawn Smith's official website, but not Thee Shawn Smith)
To keep you clear of the sun
You've been burned more than once
You don't think much of trust
i think his boss is the funniest character on there......"how does keith strike you?"
My favorite is the Priest...
"Okie dokie, I'm gonna give myself 8 Hail Marys and a big gold bucket of nothing else. I'm off the hook. Clean slate."
i am always in the on demand watching the old episodes.
And Tim on the business trip to Cinci was great!..Man that guy gets into trouble!!
It is funny. Would recommend.