PSA! - Check Your Boobies!!!!

It was caught early and is NON INVASIVE!! (Same type of Cancer that Sheryl Crow had).
My chances of complete recovery after treatment are 98 - 99%!!
Through a routine Mammogram in September, they found several areas of micro calcifications in both breasts... which led to needle biopsies ... first one negative for Cancer... second one positive with a Non Invasive Cancer called DCIS... third biopsy is scheduled for Nov, 11 and we're crossing our fingers it will be negative.
As of right now... with negative findings on Nov, 11th treatment will likely be an additional biopsy as well as a lumpectomy where the Cancer was found, followed by 7 - 8 weeks of radiation (NO CHEMO! Thankfully!!). If they find Cancer in the site biopsied on Nov, 11th... then I'm very likely going to opt for a bilateral mastectomy (both breasts removed) with reconstructive surgery... Could be a bitch to go through... BUT!!! It's not going to KILL ME
I've thought a long time about posting this here... or saying anything regarding my personal experience with Breast Cancer. It's a tricky, mind twisting shituation! It's not something you want to shout on rooftops... but it's not something you want to hide... or hide behind either
*shrugs* the LAST thing I'm posting this for is for someone to say 'Oh Poor YOU'... NOT AT ALL MY AIM!!... This is a BIG part of 'who I am' right now... and I'm tired of feeling awkward about people knowing about it... and for feeling embarrassed about telling someone. (believe me... until you wear these shoes... you have NO IDEA what the psychological ramifications are like!)
There are several purposes for this post:
** To say to anyone else dealing with a similar situation... This is HARD... a real mind screw! I don't think anyone could go through this stuff and remain completely calm aka 'sane'. BUT... This too shall pass!! Listen to yourself and your heart... not the world bombarding you with 'opinions'!
** To anyone with BREASTS... CHECK THEM REGULARLY!! If you find any changes that are of any concern... SEE A DOCTOR!! Ladies if you are of the age that you SHOULD be having annual MAMMOGRAMS... GO HAVE IT DONE!!! If a doctor ever finds something in a Mammo or ultra sound that needs 'follow up' or 'extra attention' HAVE IT DONE!!
** To anyone with a friend or loved one dealing with Breast Cancer (or any illness) IMO the best thing you can do is offer SUPPORT
in a kind word. I can't speak for the rest of the world ...but I don't need 'anyTHING'... no need for anyone to feel obligated to do or say anything... Being there if needed, with an open mind and heart is the best you could do 
**I've told very few people (outside of my family) about this until now... but if one person gets a checkup because of my piping up... it will be well worth it
Take care of your Boobies... and the rest of you!!
It was caught early and is NON INVASIVE!! (Same type of Cancer that Sheryl Crow had).
My chances of complete recovery after treatment are 98 - 99%!!
Through a routine Mammogram in September, they found several areas of micro calcifications in both breasts... which led to needle biopsies ... first one negative for Cancer... second one positive with a Non Invasive Cancer called DCIS... third biopsy is scheduled for Nov, 11 and we're crossing our fingers it will be negative.
As of right now... with negative findings on Nov, 11th treatment will likely be an additional biopsy as well as a lumpectomy where the Cancer was found, followed by 7 - 8 weeks of radiation (NO CHEMO! Thankfully!!). If they find Cancer in the site biopsied on Nov, 11th... then I'm very likely going to opt for a bilateral mastectomy (both breasts removed) with reconstructive surgery... Could be a bitch to go through... BUT!!! It's not going to KILL ME

I've thought a long time about posting this here... or saying anything regarding my personal experience with Breast Cancer. It's a tricky, mind twisting shituation! It's not something you want to shout on rooftops... but it's not something you want to hide... or hide behind either

There are several purposes for this post:
** To say to anyone else dealing with a similar situation... This is HARD... a real mind screw! I don't think anyone could go through this stuff and remain completely calm aka 'sane'. BUT... This too shall pass!! Listen to yourself and your heart... not the world bombarding you with 'opinions'!
** To anyone with BREASTS... CHECK THEM REGULARLY!! If you find any changes that are of any concern... SEE A DOCTOR!! Ladies if you are of the age that you SHOULD be having annual MAMMOGRAMS... GO HAVE IT DONE!!! If a doctor ever finds something in a Mammo or ultra sound that needs 'follow up' or 'extra attention' HAVE IT DONE!!
** To anyone with a friend or loved one dealing with Breast Cancer (or any illness) IMO the best thing you can do is offer SUPPORT

**I've told very few people (outside of my family) about this until now... but if one person gets a checkup because of my piping up... it will be well worth it

Take care of your Boobies... and the rest of you!!
Exercising her will to lose control...
she lets go
she lets go
Post edited by Unknown User on
Good for you for posting and good luck
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
i am so glad you shared with all here....i was often wondering what to say if anyone asked how you were doing.
and my fingers will remain crossed for you to have GOOD NEWS!
as ever, much LOVE to you and GOOD HEALTH......always!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
PS: MEN - Check your danglers.
♬♪♫ and I will not, grow tired of crayon stars and fire
♬♪♫ cause a soldier's death is so much better than defeat just hanging around
second, you have a great attitude....positivity in the face of adversity is the way to be....keep it up!
To give you a glimpse inside of the head game...
when d2d said she wasn't sure what to say if someone asked 'How's Lisa'?
Imagine 'being' someone with Breast Cancer and being out ... where ever... maybe at the Showbox tonight?
I'm glad I decided to post here...
Believe me... my emotional status has been to both ends of the spectrum and everywhere in between over the past several weeks...
Posting here takes me one step closer to being able to truly say...
'It's Okay'
she lets go
I'm glad you did too.
I'm checking my BOOBIES NOW!!!:D
The best expression of Love is Time.
The best time to Love is Now.
I'm never as good as when you're there.........
hail, hail!
eh lisa.........i can only sorta 'know' what you are going through, and quite honestly, selfishly, i hope i never have to 'truly know' it for myself, but seeing my sister go through exactly what you's just HARD.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
All the best in a speedy recovery...
And again, you kick ass.
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
I am glad it was found early. Please keep us (or at least, me) updated! I am 18 months out from it. If you haven't been, is a pretty good place to get some info on what others have been through.
I did the whole shebang, and it was a bitch, but I am glad I went through it to be here now!
I had NO idea. I am glad to see you back in these parts and you are sharing with us so we can all be informed.
Kick that cancer's ASS!!!
Dear Lisa,
“Sometimes blessings come from the strangest places”
Yup, I've worn those shoes before and I know how you feel and how hard it is to deal with people. I felt like I had to educate them on how to deal with me. Never before was it so much a pain in the ass to have so much love!
Well you're getting some love from ME now and there's nothing you can do about it!
I’m thinking back to when the first time I knew you were an awesome woman. Balloon ride smiley art and red wine, good food, good music, good jokes. Yup.
I’m sorry you are facing this, but one thing I DO know, is that you sure know how to do things right!
It’s a pivotal moment in life when you stand with your doctor and hear the words, “You have cancer”. I remember that moment so clearly and my life timeline is divided by that moment, Before cancer and after cancer.
I’m so glad you posted this and you are facing this with the grace, dignity and your thoughtfulness. It’s something that so many people face now, and it seems to be just as much a chore to have it as it is to deal with people around you. I found myself surrounding myself with people who gave off the good energy and took me for who I was at the time (Haha, a goofball with cancer, I guess!
When I found out I was in big trouble with cancer, stage 4 melanoma, I was studying guitar with Robert Fripp, if you've ever heard of him. He sat with me in his studio and his first words were,
“Sometimes blessings come from the strangest places”..
An odd Frippian thing to say and in the long scheme of things, he was right.
I’m still here 7 years later, and still enjoying life even more than before. Even though I loved life before the big C, it was a great reminder to continue on loving it.
Some of the many blessings that came to me were that I was reacquainted with the little things that count. The kids in the neighborhood, a cool flower on a path in the woods, a funky roadside stand with an interesting person behind the counter, being late for things because something on the way was interesting. I guess we all appreciate different blessings!
Another blessing? Before cancer, when I did something weird, people would go, “WTF is he doing now!!?” After cancer, if I do the same thing, they go, “Awwww look at the way he takes in life!”
It’s a great excuse to enjoy life! Milk it!
Lisa, you completely and utterly rock and you know you have a dude on the East Coast pulling for you and sending you his very very VERY best. I also know you have an awesome dude pulling for you right there and tell him I said hi!
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Just as a little side note, I was reading about the effect of sugar on health yesterday, and there's some very interesting stuff about sugar and cancer that pretty much everyone should read, I had no idea.....
My best to you~~~~~~>
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
I'm Vedderlution_Baby! and I approve this message
(thinks of my mom, my gram, my aunt...)
hang tough and you will always win...(and i'm sure sennin will be happy to check every ounce of you for anything else!!!
in all seriousness...good to see your names again...and good luck
Thank you Bob (and everyone else!) for all of your kind words/thoughts/wisdom
I think one of the hardest things (so far) in all of this is how to find some 'comfortable ground' for all involved. You hit it right on the head Bob, to say 'never before was it such a pain in the ass to have so much love'
*sighs... smiling*
This too shall pass...
she lets go