NCBRI wrote: Local company in Raleigh called Artco Surf. They have some really cool looking stuff.
NCBRI wrote: They are sweet. Not something you'd want to use. Just display them on a wall or something.
NCBRI wrote: Not something you'd want to use. Just display them on a wall or something.
failedpersephone wrote: ???????? Those look totally usable - and at that price they better be! they are pretty rad...I liked the third longboard...niiiice.
those are fricking sweet
although one must be careful with the fish boards
Those look totally usable - and at that price they better be! they are pretty rad...I liked the third longboard...niiiice.
I just meant they are so nice that I wouldn't want to mess one up. Of course I don't surf. It'd be something really cool to display.
would look cool in dad's sushi restaurant too
Ill take the mal 3rd from left with the owl looking face on it