Movie line, need help

OK, I've tried google searches with my limited memory of this movie line that's stuck in my head. My wife and I were trying to figure it out this morning. The set up is that the character is having a back and forth conversation, but we can only hear his side. It's either because he's talking to an animal or the other person is speaking another language. Things are going fine, and then the character spouts out "THAT WAS NOT MY FAULT!" We seem to remember the character using an accent, and think it may possibly have been due to a falling out with a girl. We also think either Will Ferrell or Mike Myers delivered the line. Can someone clear this up for us please?!?! This is ridiculous, I'm sorry, but please help!
EDIT: This could also be from a tv show that I may have repeatedly watched to the point that it seems as familiar to a movie.
EDIT: This could also be from a tv show that I may have repeatedly watched to the point that it seems as familiar to a movie.
AskPearlJam: PearlJama101-guest says: Who's idea was it for Eddie to play banjo on "Soon Forget"?
Eddie: I don't know whose idea it was but it was turned down.
Eddie: I don't know whose idea it was but it was turned down.
Post edited by Unknown User on
but that's not a movie:)
edit to say: Stranger Than Fiction????
He was always yelling to the author who was in his head.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I do love Stranger than Fiction, but it was definitely more of a goofy setting.
The more I think about it, it really might've been South Park. Which would make some of those clues WAY off, but hey, it was really early in the morning and we have a 5 month old so I'm sure you can cut me some slack!
Eddie: I don't know whose idea it was but it was turned down.
Eddie: I don't know whose idea it was but it was turned down.
Whereas this line has probably been delivered by many actors in many regards, this is not the situation I'm thinking of.
And while we're here, what is the Han vs. Greedo shooting first argument about? I know the scene, I actually saw it Monday night, but what are the ramifications of Han shooting first or Greedo shooting first?
Eddie: I don't know whose idea it was but it was turned down.
"In the 1997 re-release of the film, Greedo launches a poorly-aimed shot at Solo from about two feet away before Solo fires. George Lucas has said that this politically-correct change is to supposedly "enhance" Solo's overall heroism, and (in Entertainment Weekly) that he had originally planned it this way. The altered scene has irked many fans before and after. In the 2004 DVD version both pull the trigger at about the same time.(Though Han Solo still shoots it before Greedo)."
Thanks! Han shot first. His personality didn't seem that of a hero until he had a change of heart at the end and showed up to cover Luke at the Death Star. Maybe it was inside him deep down, but in that place that Obi-Wan described as something along the lines of the scum of the galaxy being there, he was just saving his ass. Oh crap, now I'm involved.
Eddie: I don't know whose idea it was but it was turned down.
well originally han shoots first, so right away you are given an image that han is this ruthless/bad ass smuggler willing to shoot just about anyone that threatens him or gets in his way without hesitation.
but in the rerelease in 97, george lucas alters the shot to make greedo shoot first and he obviously misses and then han fires back killing greedo. as rygar said, he wanted to make the scene more politically correct.
but in my opinion, han solo went from a bad ass to a lucky ass.