just to reiterate, most definitely NO tinsel!!! never!!!
also, i keep soft ornaments on the bottom of my tree, and metal, etc.....all the non-breakables. we used to actually wire the tree to the wall to keep it standing when i was a kid and we had 3 cats, although that is extreme.
also can utilize a 'penny can' - just any ole metal can, i used a small one from almonds filled with a handful of pennies and shake it when the cat approaches the tree. he will quickly learn to avoid the starttling noise by avoiding the tree. it's quite an effective, and safe/humane training tool...as well as a water bottle spray, but i don't like getting my floors wet.
however, our cat has never shown any interest in the tree, except to sleep under it. now that she's 19, definitely no worries whatsoever. thankfully, the dogs have never shown any real interest....my only concern is chloe's wagging tail sometimes, but she's such a good girl you call her away and she moves, so no issues.
good luck!
i LOVE christmas trees so to think of your house for the holidays without one is just too sad :(...so definitely put up your tree!
just to reiterate, most definitely NO tinsel!!! never!!!
also, i keep soft ornaments on the bottom of my tree, and metal, etc.....all the non-breakables. we used to actually wire the tree to the wall to keep it standing when i was a kid and we had 3 cats, although that is extreme.
also can utilize a 'penny can' - just any ole metal can, i used a small one from almonds filled with a handful of pennies and shake it when the cat approaches the tree. he will quickly learn to avoid the starttling noise by avoiding the tree. it's quite an effective, and safe/humane training tool...as well as a water bottle spray, but i don't like getting my floors wet.
however, our cat has never shown any interest in the tree, except to sleep under it. now that she's 19, definitely no worries whatsoever. thankfully, the dogs have never shown any real interest....my only concern is chloe's wagging tail sometimes, but she's such a good girl you call her away and she moves, so no issues.
good luck!
i LOVE christmas trees so to think of your house for the holidays without one is just too sad :(...so definitely put up your tree!
hehe love that pic of igby!
yeah my previous kitty would sleep under the tree or on top of the presents lol it'd be sad to not have a tree up, mostly cuz then where do i put all the presents? under a wreath? lol
i read about using the water bottle and penny can, but that it only really works if you're home. they learn to connotate that with the owner instead, and then when one is out of the house, they do whatever the please again (which in winston's case, being the stubborn bean he is....i can totally see that happening!). plus, he likes water lol
this is my first christmas with my cat winston, who i adopted in april. the cat i had before (trixie, rest her soul) was an angel with christmas decor....never disturbed a single thing.
winston.....i love him to pieces, but he insists on being in EVERYTHING, so i'm already envisioning shattered ornaments and eaten tinsel haha
does anybody have any tricks for keeping kitties off of xmas trees? i use a fake one cuz i'm allergic to the fire retardant on real ones, i dunno if there's a spray or something that i could use, or something natural i could spray on or around it to keep him off of it?
i'll forgo having a tree if necessary, his safety is most important...just thought i'd ask in case anybody here had any luck!
when I took in a stray, he dove into the tree. that stopped after about 2 years. he lost interest.
9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
yeah my previous kitty would sleep under the tree or on top of the presents lol it'd be sad to not have a tree up, mostly cuz then where do i put all the presents? under a wreath? lol
i read about using the water bottle and penny can, but that it only really works if you're home. they learn to connotate that with the owner instead, and then when one is out of the house, they do whatever the please again (which in winston's case, being the stubborn bean he is....i can totally see that happening!). plus, he likes water lol
thanks for the luck, god knows i'll need it!!
yes...true, true.....but it does sometimes get them to simply learn you don't want them to do so...and if they are at all obidient - such as chloe - they will usually respect your wishes even when you're not at home. now if they are just willful - such as igby - other tactics are needed. like simply keeping them out of the room of the tree when you're not home, or some sort of barracade around it.
we have a gate that we always keep in place to keep the dogs out of the LR - and off our sofa! - when we are not home. suki the cat, however...has free reign always - she hangs in the LR practically 24/7, and can squeeze thru the gate. and no one is allowed in our BR when we're not home...too many issues with them on the bed, so door stays closed unless we're in the room.
anyhoo....who knows? good to be prepared, but winston may just behave and not attact the tree at all. here's to wishing!
well i put up the tree last nite, he didn't knock it over amazingly enough! although this morning he WAS chewing on it :rolleyes:
he is *so* part-goat lol
i'll try the cayenne pepper, i was worried about using vinegar or bitter apple cuz the lights are on the tree and with it being a plastic tree, wasn't sure if that'd end up being a fire hazard
we'll see what condition the tree is in when i get home lol
reminds me of igby:
just to reiterate, most definitely NO tinsel!!! never!!!
also, i keep soft ornaments on the bottom of my tree, and metal, etc.....all the non-breakables. we used to actually wire the tree to the wall to keep it standing when i was a kid and we had 3 cats, although that is extreme.
also can utilize a 'penny can' - just any ole metal can, i used a small one from almonds filled with a handful of pennies and shake it when the cat approaches the tree. he will quickly learn to avoid the starttling noise by avoiding the tree. it's quite an effective, and safe/humane training tool...as well as a water bottle spray, but i don't like getting my floors wet.
however, our cat has never shown any interest in the tree, except to sleep under it. now that she's 19, definitely no worries whatsoever. thankfully, the dogs have never shown any real interest....my only concern is chloe's wagging tail sometimes, but she's such a good girl you call her away and she moves, so no issues.
good luck!
i LOVE christmas trees so to think of your house for the holidays without one is just too sad :(...so definitely put up your tree!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
yeah my previous kitty would sleep under the tree or on top of the presents lol it'd be sad to not have a tree up, mostly cuz then where do i put all the presents? under a wreath? lol
i read about using the water bottle and penny can, but that it only really works if you're home. they learn to connotate that with the owner instead, and then when one is out of the house, they do whatever the please again (which in winston's case, being the stubborn bean he is....i can totally see that happening!). plus, he likes water
thanks for the luck, god knows i'll need it!!
when I took in a stray, he dove into the tree. that stopped after about 2 years. he lost interest.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
yes...true, true.....but it does sometimes get them to simply learn you don't want them to do so...and if they are at all obidient - such as chloe - they will usually respect your wishes even when you're not at home. now if they are just willful - such as igby - other tactics are needed. like simply keeping them out of the room of the tree when you're not home, or some sort of barracade around it.
we have a gate that we always keep in place to keep the dogs out of the LR - and off our sofa! - when we are not home. suki the cat, however...has free reign always - she hangs in the LR practically 24/7, and can squeeze thru the gate.
anyhoo....who knows? good to be prepared, but winston may just behave and not attact the tree at all. here's to wishing!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
he is *so* part-goat lol
i'll try the cayenne pepper, i was worried about using vinegar or bitter apple cuz the lights are on the tree and with it being a plastic tree, wasn't sure if that'd end up being a fire hazard
we'll see what condition the tree is in when i get home