well that was interesting

chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
edited August 2008 in All Encompassing Trip
me and my sis were on our way to our parents' house after work to check on our mom (our dad has been in spain since last wednesday to see family). we're on the main drag and there's tons of traffic....i'm figuring it's either an accident or construction. it's a busy street anyway.

now the thing to note about where my parents live (richmond, CA)...there are a TON of hispanics, quite a few here illegally. in addition, richmond has one of the worst crime rates in the U.S., shootings every other day, gang violence, and there are prostitutes that walk up and down a block away from my parents' house. so the city has quite a few issues to deal with. i'd think the whole murder thing might be close to the top of the totem pole.

so as we're moving along with traffic, we notice a couple of folks holding up signs saying "piden licencia" - warning people that there are cops ahead asking for people's IDs. i've been thru DUI checkpoints, but never an ID one.

so some cars are moved along, we get stopped. they ask for my ID, but not for my sister's. i guess i look more "ethnic" than she does.

it was just very surreal. it's not right to be here illegally, my parents immigrated here all on the up and up, but i dunno. regardless of the whole immigration issue, i felt violated in a way. like i was racially profiled. and with all the other things going on in town, they have 30-40 cops in a 2-block radius with a huge paddy wagon, meanwhile folks are getting shot up a few blocks away.

so yeah, i'm a little irate at the moment. has anyone here experienced an ID checkpoint in their own country? lol
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • catch22catch22 Posts: 1,081
    now the thing to note about where my parents live (richmond, CA)... there are prostitutes that walk up and down a block away from my parents' house.

    i think i need to know where they live more specifically before i can accurately discuss the checkpoints ;)

    but i feel this way about a lot of what police do. speed traps, checkpoints, marijuana busts... surely they have more important things to do?
    and like that... he's gone.
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    catch22 wrote:
    i think i need to know where they live more specifically before i can accurately discuss the checkpoints ;)

    but i feel this way about a lot of what police do. speed traps, checkpoints, marijuana busts... surely they have more important things to do?

    there are some serious skanks rolling around there. and some that look way young. it's sad really.

    yeah that's my thinking too. at least with the DUI checkpoints there's good reason for that because it can take someone off the road that could potentially kill someone. but arresting an illegal alien, someone who probably is holding down a job and keeping out of trouble...that isn't addressing more pressing issues in town. it's not like illegal immigrants are the city's only problem, and certainly not the most dire.

    i wonder how many people got waved thru that had guns in their cars or outstanding warrants, yet they stop MY ass.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    ya know i'm not one of them peoples thats edumacated and stuff but i'm pretty sure theres a mendment sayin' thats bullshit
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    cutback wrote:
    ya know i'm not one of them peoples thats edumacated and stuff but i'm pretty sure theres a mendment sayin' thats bullshit
    yeah it was just strange, to have to provide proof that i belong here. hell i grew up in that city, was born about 20 minutes away!

    i guess i'll have to keep my passport and birth certificate in my purse next time i visit, just in case :rolleyes:
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    yeah it was just strange, to have to provide proof that i belong here. hell i grew up in that city, was born about 20 minutes away!

    i guess i'll have to keep my passport and birth certificate in my purse next time i visit, just in case :rolleyes:

    that just pisses me the fuck off!!!!!
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    cutback wrote:
    that just pisses me the fuck off!!!!!
    yeah i feel uneasy. and my sis and i wondered if it would have been different had she been driving. she's had people presume she isn't hispanic, so she could pass....whereas i've been confused for just about everything except white lol

    and the cop who stopped me mispronounced my name, doubt she spoke a lick of spanish....if they're wanting to rope mexicans and such in, might help to speak the language. seriously in that specific neighborhood it's about 85% hispanic.

    and there were tons of people standing on the sidewalks, i think to keep an eye on the cops. some newspaper vending machines were knocked over on the street, i'm guessing the paddy wagon was for people getting out of hand more than carting people off.

    i just think of criminals in town having a field day while the cops were busy doing that :rolleyes:
  • _Crazy_Mary__Crazy_Mary_ Posts: 1,299
    If your sister was the one driving then I think that's pretty strange. If you were driving, I don't see the problem. :confused:

    I just read the above post and see you were the one driving, so no, I don't think there is anything wrong with them asking them for your id.
    I really screwed that up. I really Schruted it.
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    If your sister was the one driving then I think that's pretty strange. If you were driving, I don't see the problem. :confused:

    I just read the above post and see you were the one driving, so no, I don't think there is anything wrong with them asking them for your id.
    and not ask her for her ID? why only the driver, when it was clear it wasn't a DUI checkpoint. this was at around 5:15pm by the way.

    i dunno, something doesn't sit right with me about this. i'm looking online to see if it's even legal.
  • Cree NationsCree Nations Posts: 2,247
    That would freak me the fek out B! I dont know how I would react, wouldnt take it well, I know that much.
    ...a lover and a fighter.
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  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    That would freak me the fek out B! I dont know how I would react, wouldnt take it well, I know that much.
    yeah the cop (after butchering my name) bid me a nice day, i just said ehhhhhhh. i was mostly just in shock cuz it was all so freaking weird!

    i think there is something in the 4th amendment about not being stopped unless there's good reason. just because i look mexican doesn't seem to be good reason to me lol
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    When they asked for your ID, did you ask why? I know my mouth would have got me in trouble in that situation. That's so f'd up....were they just hauling people away if they didn't have ID? wtf...sounds like the USSR....papers, comrade? Does this happen often?

    sorry you're havin to deal with this chiqui :(
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    When they asked for your ID, did you ask why? I know my mouth would have got me in trouble in that situation. That's so f'd up....were they just hauling people away if they didn't have ID? wtf...sounds like the USSR....papers, comrade? Does this happen often?

    sorry you're havin to deal with this chiqui :(
    i didn't ask, i purposely kept my mouth shut cuz i had a myriad of things blasting in my brain (like WTF are you guys doing here instead of down on 13th street, and wanting to blast "fuck the police" on my ipod lol)

    they did have a tow truck taking people's cars away, saw one getting carted off. nobody in the paddy wagon, i think that was in case people started to act out. we didn't stick around to see what else was gonna happen.

    this was the first time i'd ever seen anything like this, though my mom told us when we got to the house that something similar happened 3 months ago. crazy shit!

    yeah it just is unsettling. just felt wrong.
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    i didn't ask, i purposely kept my mouth shut cuz i had a myriad of things blasting in my brain (like WTF are you guys doing here instead of down on 13th street, and wanting to blast "fuck the police" on my ipod lol)

    they did have a tow truck taking people's cars away, saw one getting carted off. nobody in the paddy wagon, i think that was in case people started to act out. we didn't stick around to see what else was gonna happen.

    this was the first time i'd ever seen anything like this, though my mom told us when we got to the house that something similar happened 3 months ago. crazy shit!

    yeah it just is unsettling. just felt wrong.

    so messed. Tho I'm on the fence on the use of resources, I can see why they would conduct Immigration raids and try to find illegals...you would think that would have to be based on some sort of investigation or intelligence...but random checkpoints and blatant racial profiling? what the hell...
    I'm curious what you find about legality, and how common it is....
    call the police station and demand answers! (from a payphone :D )
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    yeah the cop (after butchering my name) bid me a nice day, i just said ehhhhhhh.

    good for you for not instinctually saying 'you too' or 'thank you' back to him...I've caught myself thanking cops for bein jerks before :D
  • cutback wrote:
    ya know i'm not one of them peoples thats edumacated and stuff but i'm pretty sure theres a mendment sayin' thats bullshit

    Hee hee

    But seriously, my husband always tells me to make sure I have my ID because he read there is some type of law that snuck through along with the Patriot Act that allows this - formerly known as - invasion of privacy. Just saying. I don't know because I never read it, but my husband did. So I always carry my Id now.

  • dawngdawng Posts: 644
    wow, that really does suck. they've had some checkpoints here too - including racial profiling folks that get on the ferries. we're losing so much due to fear...very sad.
    Check out my Sudsy Chick Etsy Store for all natural homemade bath products!
  • igotid88igotid88 Posts: 28,173
    I didn't read it. But I'm sure it was.
    I miss igotid88
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    me and my sis were on our way to our parents' house after work to check on our mom (our dad has been in spain since last wednesday to see family). we're on the main drag and there's tons of traffic....i'm figuring it's either an accident or construction. it's a busy street anyway.

    now the thing to note about where my parents live (richmond, CA)...there are a TON of hispanics, quite a few here illegally. in addition, richmond has one of the worst crime rates in the U.S., shootings every other day, gang violence, and there are prostitutes that walk up and down a block away from my parents' house. so the city has quite a few issues to deal with. i'd think the whole murder thing might be close to the top of the totem pole.

    so as we're moving along with traffic, we notice a couple of folks holding up signs saying "piden licencia" - warning people that there are cops ahead asking for people's IDs. i've been thru DUI checkpoints, but never an ID one.

    so some cars are moved along, we get stopped. they ask for my ID, but not for my sister's. i guess i look more "ethnic" than she does.

    it was just very surreal. it's not right to be here illegally, my parents immigrated here all on the up and up, but i dunno. regardless of the whole immigration issue, i felt violated in a way. like i was racially profiled. and with all the other things going on in town, they have 30-40 cops in a 2-block radius with a huge paddy wagon, meanwhile folks are getting shot up a few blocks away.

    so yeah, i'm a little irate at the moment. has anyone here experienced an ID checkpoint in their own country? lol

    OMG!!!! :mad:

    I would feel like you do about this being horribly intrusive.

    I can't imagine this happening in the Bay Area in all the years I lived there. :(
  • If your sister was the one driving then I think that's pretty strange. If you were driving, I don't see the problem. :confused:

    I just read the above post and see you were the one driving, so no, I don't think there is anything wrong with them asking them for your id.

    I just think of the WWII movies with Nazi officers stopping people and asking for their papers... it just doesn't seem right in this country to stop someone because racially/ethnically they look like they could be committing a crime.
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    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • DanimalDanimal Posts: 2,000
    Do a lot you people get pissed when you get ID'd in a bar? You need to prove to the bar that you belong in the bar or can enter the bar.
    "I don't believe in PJ fans but I believe there is something, not too sure what." - Thoughts_Arrive

  • Black DiamondBlack Diamond Posts: 25,107
    I am truly sorry you had to go through that obviously racially motivated situation. I am saddened to think my country which was built on immigration and since it has become such a consumer driven nation, even more so is so myopic in its policies.

    I thankfully have never seen anything like this, but can't believe this is happening anywhere.
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    kyle, call from a payphone, definitely a good idea! lest i get deported :eek: lol

    touchofgray - i didn't even think about the patriot act, that's a good point. or bad point, however one looks at it!

    dawn - wow that's happening in seattle too? sad indeed.

    justam - i know, can you believe that? it was definitely invasive.

    danimal - being carded for a bar is a different thing as that is a question if you are old enough to drink. not that you belong in this country.

    black diamond - i agree, it's sad, i feel disappointed really. of course if people want to build their shrines to consumerism (homes) then they have no problem hiring illegals to do cheap labor....as soon as they're done though, ship 'em back i guess.

    and revisiting the constitution, i was right, it was the 4th amendment. i'm tempted to make a copy of it from the original, make it real huge, and paste it on teh police dept. doors. i need a ski mask...if only i skied. or even get anywhere near snow lol
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    kyle, call from a payphone, definitely a good idea! lest i get deported :eek: lol
    (in cheech voice)
    Green card? I'm from East LA!

    danimal - strange analogy...entering a private establishment with legal age restrictions vs. driving down the street in your hometown....hmmmm
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    (in cheech voice)
    Green card? I'm from East LA!

    danimal - strange analogy...entering a private establishment with legal age restrictions vs. driving down the street in your hometown....hmmmm

    yeah i was going to go to the city council meeting next tuesday but decided against it, just cuz i might get hassled. if my parents didn't live in town i'd be more compelled to, but the fact they still live there...i dunno, probably best to just send a letter.

    i'm still pissed off. and not a single word in any of the newspapers. is this the accepted standard practice now??
  • EvilMerlinEvilMerlin Posts: 1,865
    A few years ago back when I was still in school, me and few buddies from the basketball team were out driving. We were pulled over in my buddies mustang. I was in the back along with Tony, Tyler was up front and Chris was driving.

    So we have no reason why we're pulled over, the cop asks for Chris' license, insurance and registration. He leaves. About 10 minutes roll by and another cop pulls up. We're just sitting there like, what the fuck? Then the cop comes back up, asks for Tyler and Tony's ID's as well, asks the three of them to get out of the car, looks over at me and says, "how you doing?" tips his head and walks away. Holds on to everyone's stuff for about 20 minutes, and then walks back up says we're good to go, and that chris should think about getting his tail light checked out, "it seemed like it was dimming out."

    Oh yeah, Chris, Tony, and Tyler are black. I'm not. Go figure. :rolleyes:
  • I was expecting a better story :(
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    EvilMerlin wrote:
    A few years ago back when I was still in school, me and few buddies from the basketball team were out driving. We were pulled over in my buddies mustang. I was in the back along with Tony, Tyler was up front and Chris was driving.

    So we have no reason why we're pulled over, the cop asks for Chris' license, insurance and registration. He leaves. About 10 minutes roll by and another cop pulls up. We're just sitting there like, what the fuck? Then the cop comes back up, asks for Tyler and Tony's ID's as well, asks the three of them to get out of the car, looks over at me and says, "how you doing?" tips his head and walks away. Holds on to everyone's stuff for about 20 minutes, and then walks back up says we're good to go, and that chris should think about getting his tail light checked out, "it seemed like it was dimming out."

    Oh yeah, Chris, Tony, and Tyler are black. I'm not. Go figure. :rolleyes:
    i remember you sharing that before. just disgusting stuff, really.

    xsmack, yeah, i wish it was a happier story :(
  • dawngdawng Posts: 644
    Yep - and the fact that they're targeting a ferry to the San Juan islands means some folks aren't going to be able to even get to the mainland!


    And why isn't there more talk about this??? (in major media...)
    Check out my Sudsy Chick Etsy Store for all natural homemade bath products!
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    *dawn* wrote:
    Yep - and the fact that they're targeting a ferry to the San Juan islands means some folks aren't going to be able to even get to the mainland!


    And why isn't there more talk about this??? (in major media...)
    excellent point. like i said, i looked in all the newspapers online to see if they mentioned what happened yesterday....nothing.
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