Lizard wrote: Never heard of that before!!!!!!!! Thanks for enlightening me!!
Lizard wrote: Have you seen NINJA CAT???!!!
chiquimonkey wrote: ahhh yes i have! someone at work sent me the link
cutback wrote: dude....quit bogartin'
chiquimonkey wrote: i always share hehe
cutback wrote: ah horse-hockey!!! :eek: i've seen this! if i ever had to have a cat (my hope is never ) it'd need to be a cool cat like that
chiquimonkey wrote: horse hockey?? i've never heard that before lol
chiquimonkey wrote: i love all pets, cats are way cool. my winston is a self contained comedy hour, i swear! here's him with his "zoinks" look hahaha
cutback wrote: i watched WAY too much m*a*s*h
i like other peoples cats....kinda like children
Thanks for enlightening me!!
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
dude....quit bogartin'
ah horse-hockey!!! :eek:
i've seen this!
if i ever had to have a cat (my hope is never
i love all pets, cats are way cool. my winston is a self contained comedy hour, i swear! here's him with his "zoinks" look hahaha
i watched WAY too much m*a*s*h
i like other peoples cats....kinda like children