I'm not sure how to put this in words...........Being a MOM has provided me with strength I never thought Possible. Things that should have broken me, in relation to my kids..........I don't know how I got thru some of those things but I did. Somehow STRENGTH was there when I needed it most. So, to sum up strength.........for me, It would be MOM's. Even when you don't feel strong, you are
The best use of Life is Love.
The best expression of Love is Time.
The best time to Love is Now.
I'm not sure how to put this in words...........Being a MOM has provided me with strength I never thought Possible. Things that should have broken me, in relation to my kids..........I don't know how I got thru some of those things but I did. Somehow STRENGTH was there when I needed it most. So, to sum up strength.........for me, It would be MOM's. Even when you don't feel strong, you are
Strength comes from within, we are all born with it. Some choose to rely on it more than others.....some don't use it at all. It is something that is passed down and used when need be. All of us have an inherent strength.
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Strength comes from within, we are all born with it. Some choose to rely on it more than others.....some don't use it at all. It is something that is passed down and used when need be. All of us have an inherent strength.
Strength is when you have no desire to keep going, but you do anyway because you refuse to give up. So maybe strength to me is just plain old stuborness? But then I think it takes strength to give up too.
We all have it, and we all exercise it at different times in our lives. Some more regularly than others. I think it's great if you can find your inner strength and exercise it, but not being able to is fine too.
Strength is when you have no desire to keep going, but you do anyway because you refuse to give up. So maybe strength to me is just plain old stuborness? But then I think it takes strength to give up too.
We all have it, and we all exercise it at different times in our lives. Some more regularly than others. I think it's great if you can find your inner strength and exercise it, but not being able to is fine too.
i wish i had the desire to get out of bed this weekend. i am depressed and have no idea why.
maybe my strength will kick in soon.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
i wish i had the desire to get out of bed this weekend. i am depressed and have no idea why.
maybe my strength will kick in soon.
Sometimes it's ok to just go with it. Don't be putting pressure on yourself to find your inner strength and have it kick in. Just be in the moment. You're depressed, you don't want to get out of bed, so maybe just don't?
Maybe just curl up and allow yourself to be sad and down and just be how you are? Perhaps if you allow yourself to just feel how you feel, and take the pressure off having to "snap out of it" then the reason you're feeling the way your feeling will reveal itself to you? I don't know, but if you are feeling down, that is ok, it's your life and sometimes things are depressing. Sometimes we do feel like shit. Struggling with yourself to rectify it as soon as possible because of some societal pressure or because you think that's what you should do, it can be counter productive.
Why don't you just wallow in it for the weekend, allow it to be what it is, and maybe by Monday you'll start seeing the reasons why and how to fix it if you think you should? Just be how you are.
Seems to me there's a lot of pressure on people to rectify "bad thoughts", negative emotions and depression. Perhaps your body and your brain just needs a time out and that's why you're feeling low?
I dunno. But I see a lot of people struggling to do what they think they should and wasting precious energy trying to find "inner strength" to rectify their "failings" when their time might be better served just going with it and seeing where it leads?
cool thoughts. i know part of me wants to just snap out of it just because i know how much worse things could get. there's a strength in being 'weak' maybe.
cool thoughts. i know part of me wants to just snap out of it just because i know how much worse things could get. there's a strength in being 'weak' maybe.
there has to be....you won't know how strong you are until you've reached your depths....
cool thoughts. i know part of me wants to just snap out of it just because i know how much worse things could get. there's a strength in being 'weak' maybe.
I don't see allowing yourself to be vunerable as being 'weak.' letting yourself feel vunerable actually is one sign of strength, cause it sure isn't the easy way
I think that another sign of strength is admitting to our mistakes, and apologizing to anyone to whom we may have caused harm to as a result of that mistake
cause everybody makes them....but a person with strength will admit to it and try not to repeat it
cool thoughts. i know part of me wants to just snap out of it just because i know how much worse things could get. there's a strength in being 'weak' maybe.
Makes much more sense to live in the present tense.
You can only take life one day at a time chiq. Moment by moment, day by day.
Recognizing that things are bad, or down, or hard, it's ok to just see that and be "in it" for a time. Least I think so anyway.
I just think it's futile to keep trying to keep yourself "up" or at the very least it wastes precious energy. There'll be a reason, or reasons why you're down and if you're busy struggling to rectify it because you think it's wrong or because seemingly we all have to "up" and "positive" 24/7 there's a good chance you'll just burn out and completely miss how it was you came to feel the way you did in the first place. Least that's been my experience anyway.
I really believe that people need to know that it's OK to be down or sad or tired or just "can't be bothered" for a time.
so very true. can't make time go any faster unfrotunately!
Sometimes I wish I had a time machine or my own variation of the transporter room! So I could just sneak a peek at how it turns out so I could relax a little in the now.
Sometimes I wish I had a time machine or my own variation of the transporter room! So I could just sneak a peek at how it turns out so I could relax a little in the now.
that'd be awesome for sure. it'd sure take the pressure off, no doubt
that'd be awesome for sure. it'd sure take the pressure off, no doubt
Yeah, I reckon!
Of course my plan for a transporter room has quite a few personal modifications. For instance I want it to be so that I step inside it and it gives me a shower, blow dries me hair and puts me make up and my chosen outfit for the day on and then plonks me down where I wanna be all in about 5 minutes! Sorta like a transporter room meets Cher from Clueless' closet! With the time travel feature as well of course!
Of course my plan for a transporter room has quite a few personal modifications. For instance I want it to be so that I step inside it and it gives me a shower, blow dries me hair and puts me make up and my chosen outfit for the day on and then plonks me down where I wanna be all in about 5 minutes! : D Sorta like a transporter room meets Cher from Clueless' closet! : D With the time travel feature as well of course!
The best expression of Love is Time.
The best time to Love is Now.
I'm never as good as when you're there.........
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
We all have it, and we all exercise it at different times in our lives. Some more regularly than others. I think it's great if you can find your inner strength and exercise it, but not being able to is fine too.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
i wish i had the desire to get out of bed this weekend. i am depressed and have no idea why.
maybe my strength will kick in soon.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
Sometimes it's ok to just go with it. Don't be putting pressure on yourself to find your inner strength and have it kick in. Just be in the moment. You're depressed, you don't want to get out of bed, so maybe just don't?
Maybe just curl up and allow yourself to be sad and down and just be how you are? Perhaps if you allow yourself to just feel how you feel, and take the pressure off having to "snap out of it" then the reason you're feeling the way your feeling will reveal itself to you? I don't know, but if you are feeling down, that is ok, it's your life and sometimes things are depressing. Sometimes we do feel like shit. Struggling with yourself to rectify it as soon as possible because of some societal pressure or because you think that's what you should do, it can be counter productive.
Why don't you just wallow in it for the weekend, allow it to be what it is, and maybe by Monday you'll start seeing the reasons why and how to fix it if you think you should? Just be how you are.
Seems to me there's a lot of pressure on people to rectify "bad thoughts", negative emotions and depression. Perhaps your body and your brain just needs a time out and that's why you're feeling low?
I dunno. But I see a lot of people struggling to do what they think they should and wasting precious energy trying to find "inner strength" to rectify their "failings" when their time might be better served just going with it and seeing where it leads?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
there has to be....you won't know how strong you are until you've reached your depths....
I don't see allowing yourself to be vunerable as being 'weak.' letting yourself feel vunerable actually is one sign of strength, cause it sure isn't the easy way
angels share laughter
cause everybody makes them....but a person with strength will admit to it and try not to repeat it
angels share laughter
Makes much more sense to live in the present tense.
You can only take life one day at a time chiq. Moment by moment, day by day.
Recognizing that things are bad, or down, or hard, it's ok to just see that and be "in it" for a time. Least I think so anyway.
I just think it's futile to keep trying to keep yourself "up" or at the very least it wastes precious energy. There'll be a reason, or reasons why you're down and if you're busy struggling to rectify it because you think it's wrong or because seemingly we all have to "up" and "positive" 24/7 there's a good chance you'll just burn out and completely miss how it was you came to feel the way you did in the first place. Least that's been my experience anyway.
I really believe that people need to know that it's OK to be down or sad or tired or just "can't be bothered" for a time.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
strength comes from confronting those fears.....
((hugs)) chiq.
It'll be ok. Maybe not tomorrow or even next week, but it will be ok.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Thank you love.
It's always so good to hear it. And you've helped me tonnes when you've sent it to me. So thank you.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
thank you.
"It'll be ok Jeanie, just remember to breathe".
And my other personal favorite.
"Just get through today, however best you can."
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
can't help it....it always makes me feel better....:)
me too!
who'd have thunk it? my very own little Pollyanna!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Sometimes I wish I had a time machine or my own variation of the transporter room!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Of course my plan for a transporter room has quite a few personal modifications. For instance I want it to be so that I step inside it and it gives me a shower, blow dries me hair and puts me make up and my chosen outfit for the day on and then plonks me down where I wanna be all in about 5 minutes!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Ooh! Excellent modification!
Of course!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift