Well, as much of a benefit films like those are to the well-being of a free-thinking society, I can't but become dismayed at the liberally biased agenda with which the movie is laced.
For example, a segment during the movie tries to create the belief that the government is intentionally watering down the public education system to keep tomorrow's youth from being able to think critically at an advanced level.
Never in my entire life was I ever deprived of an advanced education.
The sad, fucked up truth is that Americans are watering down their own education by their own doing. They stopped pushing their kids to do better. They stopped caring about whether their kids ever go to college.
Many kids go home to abusive, neglectful, irresponsible parents who are undoubtedly doing everything they can to sabotage the futures of their OWN children.
And the liberal agenda continues to make excuses for these people just as it does in this movie.
LMAO...and this movie also asserts that the Vietnam war was intentionally prolonged so that the defense contractors could reap the financial benefits.
It cites actual Vietnam War rules of engagement which prevent the US from invading neighboring countries such as Laos and Cambodia, and from attacking key military targets.
What it fails to mention is that those "key military targets" were located in N. Vietnam. And the last time the US had tried to invade a communist country in that region, such as N. Korea, it suddenly became entangled with a full-scale attack from the Chinese Army.
The same concern existed in Vietnam, as China was not bashful about its support of N. Vietnam. This is well-documented historical fact, yet it's not mentioned in Zeitgeist.
Additionally, because the US recognized the strategic importance of taking the fight to Laos and Cambodia, but did not want to escalate the war so as to involve the larger communist super powers, covert special forces operations existed on a LARGE scale in both of those countries. Their missions were given top priority by the US military. This is also well-documented historical fact.
Yet, that ALSO is not even paid lip service by Zietgeist.
If only the people who created this beautiful work of independent journalism could remain objective...it would lend them so much more credibility than I currently care to give them with a clear conscience.
Unfortunately, the same thing happened when I was watching "Loose Change". Within the first 10 minutes of that movie, I picked up 2 inaccuracies. That's within the first 10 minutes of watching the movie!
Why can't these people just give us the facts?
Something also worth chewing on is the movie's mentioning of the collapse of WTC bldg 7. The movie states that the collapse of the building is suspicious for a number of reasons including that it collapsed from the middle of the building, which is consistent with intentional demolition practice.
What the movie COMPLETELY fails to mention is that debris from the other towers put a 10 STORY gash right in the middle of tower 7. Footage of that gash was recorded by a news helicopter and has been known to the public for years.
Why can't Zeitgeist just mention it? I'm not saying that a 10 story gash in the middle of the building caused by debris from the other towers is solely responsible for the collapse of the building, but don't you think it would be notable enough to casually mention?
It just goes to show that the makers of Zietgeist, while ostensibly fighting the hidden agenda, are just as interested in supporting a hidden agenda of their own -whatever it may be.
And as much as I hate christianity and religion in general, I still believe that we as free-thinking individuals have an obligation to uphold the principles of truth, accuracy, and objectivity in our views.
That's why I recommend giving this website a quick read:
excellent post sponger... First let me say that I loved this movie because it did have some really good points but mostly because it makes people think and really that's what i think they meant it to be for. If they mentioned the things that you said it really would not have come at you as hard, so leave those out and it hits a little harder. It would have been nice for them to mention these facts, but i think i understand why they left some things out. It is propaganda, so you can't take it at complete face value.
i'm going to check that website out now
"I'll ride the wave where it takes me"
09/19/05, 05/09/06, 05/10/06
There's one part in which it talks about some christian philosopher in circa 100 AD drawing connections between pagean religions and christianity.
Zeitgeist says that even though this guy was able to make the connections, he stated that the reason why the Pagean religions had similarities to Christianity is because the devil had the foresight to create those similarities before Christ was born.
Zeitgeist actually displays a quote of the man discussing this. OK...but here's where it gets unreal...
The quote that Zeitgeist shows is actually of this guy saying that IT WAS NOT the devil's doing.
But, before you can really read the quote, Zeitgeist puts a cartoon devil in front of the quote, thus blocking it from being read.
You only have enough time to read a few words, including the word "devil", so that you quickly draw the conclusion that Zeitgeist's interpretation of his quote is what he was really saying.
Basically, it's a blatant, intentional misrepresentation of a direct quote, which Zeitgeist then attempts to conceal with a visual obstruction.
You have to go back and pause the quote before the cartoon devil blocks it.
only bad thing is half of the band is missing from it
I wave to all my Friends... Yeah!
For example, a segment during the movie tries to create the belief that the government is intentionally watering down the public education system to keep tomorrow's youth from being able to think critically at an advanced level.
Never in my entire life was I ever deprived of an advanced education.
The sad, fucked up truth is that Americans are watering down their own education by their own doing. They stopped pushing their kids to do better. They stopped caring about whether their kids ever go to college.
Many kids go home to abusive, neglectful, irresponsible parents who are undoubtedly doing everything they can to sabotage the futures of their OWN children.
And the liberal agenda continues to make excuses for these people just as it does in this movie.
LMAO...and this movie also asserts that the Vietnam war was intentionally prolonged so that the defense contractors could reap the financial benefits.
It cites actual Vietnam War rules of engagement which prevent the US from invading neighboring countries such as Laos and Cambodia, and from attacking key military targets.
What it fails to mention is that those "key military targets" were located in N. Vietnam. And the last time the US had tried to invade a communist country in that region, such as N. Korea, it suddenly became entangled with a full-scale attack from the Chinese Army.
The same concern existed in Vietnam, as China was not bashful about its support of N. Vietnam. This is well-documented historical fact, yet it's not mentioned in Zeitgeist.
Additionally, because the US recognized the strategic importance of taking the fight to Laos and Cambodia, but did not want to escalate the war so as to involve the larger communist super powers, covert special forces operations existed on a LARGE scale in both of those countries. Their missions were given top priority by the US military. This is also well-documented historical fact.
Yet, that ALSO is not even paid lip service by Zietgeist.
If only the people who created this beautiful work of independent journalism could remain objective...it would lend them so much more credibility than I currently care to give them with a clear conscience.
Unfortunately, the same thing happened when I was watching "Loose Change". Within the first 10 minutes of that movie, I picked up 2 inaccuracies. That's within the first 10 minutes of watching the movie!
Why can't these people just give us the facts?
Something also worth chewing on is the movie's mentioning of the collapse of WTC bldg 7. The movie states that the collapse of the building is suspicious for a number of reasons including that it collapsed from the middle of the building, which is consistent with intentional demolition practice.
What the movie COMPLETELY fails to mention is that debris from the other towers put a 10 STORY gash right in the middle of tower 7. Footage of that gash was recorded by a news helicopter and has been known to the public for years.
Why can't Zeitgeist just mention it? I'm not saying that a 10 story gash in the middle of the building caused by debris from the other towers is solely responsible for the collapse of the building, but don't you think it would be notable enough to casually mention?
It just goes to show that the makers of Zietgeist, while ostensibly fighting the hidden agenda, are just as interested in supporting a hidden agenda of their own -whatever it may be.
And as much as I hate christianity and religion in general, I still believe that we as free-thinking individuals have an obligation to uphold the principles of truth, accuracy, and objectivity in our views.
That's why I recommend giving this website a quick read:
excellent post sponger... First let me say that I loved this movie because it did have some really good points but mostly because it makes people think and really that's what i think they meant it to be for. If they mentioned the things that you said it really would not have come at you as hard, so leave those out and it hits a little harder. It would have been nice for them to mention these facts, but i think i understand why they left some things out. It is propaganda, so you can't take it at complete face value.
i'm going to check that website out now
09/19/05, 05/09/06, 05/10/06
There's one part in which it talks about some christian philosopher in circa 100 AD drawing connections between pagean religions and christianity.
Zeitgeist says that even though this guy was able to make the connections, he stated that the reason why the Pagean religions had similarities to Christianity is because the devil had the foresight to create those similarities before Christ was born.
Zeitgeist actually displays a quote of the man discussing this. OK...but here's where it gets unreal...
The quote that Zeitgeist shows is actually of this guy saying that IT WAS NOT the devil's doing.
But, before you can really read the quote, Zeitgeist puts a cartoon devil in front of the quote, thus blocking it from being read.
You only have enough time to read a few words, including the word "devil", so that you quickly draw the conclusion that Zeitgeist's interpretation of his quote is what he was really saying.
Basically, it's a blatant, intentional misrepresentation of a direct quote, which Zeitgeist then attempts to conceal with a visual obstruction.
You have to go back and pause the quote before the cartoon devil blocks it.
Like I said...unreal.