To The Most Amazing Woman Ever...goodbye. :)

Cathartic = emotionally purging..
Forgive me, but I have something to say....I am usually a man a few words. A simpleton if you will. But I have to get this off my mind before I go insane....Sorry..:(
Sometimes, you meet people that have an impact on your life sometimes when you least expect it.
It could be during the course of your business day, could be in your everyday life, and it could be right here, but when it happens, most of the time you dont think much of it.
Sometimes, however, you stand up and just say WOW! You dont know why you have this feeling. You cant explain it. You cant talk to anyone about it because if they new what you were thinking, they would have you committed. NO ONE would understand. You, yourself are so blown away, that you just kind of roll with it, not knowing where it will take you on any kind of level. You have a funny feeling inside and all of the sudden, NOTHING else matters to you. You cant eat, cant concentrate on anything that takes significant brainpower and you sure as hell cant sleep. You just know, that you were destine to meet this person somewhere in time.
You can never be with them in anyway, and you know it, but you find yourself with the uncontrolable urge to get to know anything and everything about them. You also find that you want this person to know everything about you. You want to share your hopes and fears, your dreams and your nightmares. Your mind is racing, but yet you find the calm to tell them everything. Things that NO ONE else in the world knows about you. You bare you soul to them for no reason whatsoever, becuse you and this person were suppose to meet. You have no hidden agenda at all, you just feel this connection and you cant let it pass. Chances are, nothing will ever become of it, and you know you shouldnt, but you do anyway.
Is it fate? Destiny? Not sure what I do and dont believe, but what I do know, is that this happened to me and although it was short lived and it will never prosper into what I'd have hoped, I am changed for a lifetime.
I met this woman you see. While she may seem ordinary to the untrained eye, there is so much more you cant see. She has a family, a child and another life as do I (but without the child), and there is no way we can ever be togther. We each have issues in our lives that sometimes seem like they cant be overcome, but nothing will ever become of it no matter what the outcome for either of our lives. Regardless if either of us were single, it just couldnt happen. She is so far out of my league that she is in a different solar system than I. I could NEVER give her what she could need or want in life. I am not near smart enough to be in the same room with her most of the time let alone think she could ever be mine in any capacity. She deserves more than I would ever be able to provide, and judging by the look of her, she is well taken care of. You can just tell she is special. I would never intentionally want to upset her world no matter how perfect or inperfect it might be.
Oh,but she is a vision like no other I have ever seen. The MOST BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING WOMAN, I have ever met to date and will ever meet in my life, of that I am certain. I had been looking for her all of my life, but didnt know it until she was right there. Right there before me. I consider her my "unicorn" That one thing in life that people teach you dont exist, but you looked for anyhow because it is inside you and you do believe that she is out there. She is perfection. The most amazing eyes you have ever seen. Eyes that can bring tears to yours just looking at her. You can look at her for hours upon hours and find something about her you never noticed before. Perfect nose, perfect hair, and a smile that would absolutely make you stop in your tracks. A face like an angel, friends, one that you would change your entire life for if she asked. She is well spoken, carries herself like no other and is the envy of the ball each and everytime she attends. She is educated and funny. She knows things that you have only read about, things that at any other time in your life, you would deem meaningless. She makes you want to be a better man. Learn about things you never thought you would ever want to know about, try things you normally wouldnt try. You would be willing to give it all up. All you know and have in the world. Nothing else matters. All the meaningless possessions that we keep in our lives would be gone in a heartbeat if she asked you to give them up. You would consider turning your life completely upside down and sideways at the thought of spending the rest of your life with her. It is the single greatest feeling you will ever have in your life.
I hope everyone here can experience something like this at some point in their lives. While it is the most painful and heartbreaking time in my life and I will never be the same, I will NEVER forget her. I know that it could never be. I will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart for this person. She may not ever even read this, but to say this was cathartic would be an understatement. I wish her a BEAUTIFUL life even if it is in someone elses sky.
Thanks for letting me get this off my mind….peace….
Forgive me, but I have something to say....I am usually a man a few words. A simpleton if you will. But I have to get this off my mind before I go insane....Sorry..:(
Sometimes, you meet people that have an impact on your life sometimes when you least expect it.
It could be during the course of your business day, could be in your everyday life, and it could be right here, but when it happens, most of the time you dont think much of it.
Sometimes, however, you stand up and just say WOW! You dont know why you have this feeling. You cant explain it. You cant talk to anyone about it because if they new what you were thinking, they would have you committed. NO ONE would understand. You, yourself are so blown away, that you just kind of roll with it, not knowing where it will take you on any kind of level. You have a funny feeling inside and all of the sudden, NOTHING else matters to you. You cant eat, cant concentrate on anything that takes significant brainpower and you sure as hell cant sleep. You just know, that you were destine to meet this person somewhere in time.
You can never be with them in anyway, and you know it, but you find yourself with the uncontrolable urge to get to know anything and everything about them. You also find that you want this person to know everything about you. You want to share your hopes and fears, your dreams and your nightmares. Your mind is racing, but yet you find the calm to tell them everything. Things that NO ONE else in the world knows about you. You bare you soul to them for no reason whatsoever, becuse you and this person were suppose to meet. You have no hidden agenda at all, you just feel this connection and you cant let it pass. Chances are, nothing will ever become of it, and you know you shouldnt, but you do anyway.
Is it fate? Destiny? Not sure what I do and dont believe, but what I do know, is that this happened to me and although it was short lived and it will never prosper into what I'd have hoped, I am changed for a lifetime.
I met this woman you see. While she may seem ordinary to the untrained eye, there is so much more you cant see. She has a family, a child and another life as do I (but without the child), and there is no way we can ever be togther. We each have issues in our lives that sometimes seem like they cant be overcome, but nothing will ever become of it no matter what the outcome for either of our lives. Regardless if either of us were single, it just couldnt happen. She is so far out of my league that she is in a different solar system than I. I could NEVER give her what she could need or want in life. I am not near smart enough to be in the same room with her most of the time let alone think she could ever be mine in any capacity. She deserves more than I would ever be able to provide, and judging by the look of her, she is well taken care of. You can just tell she is special. I would never intentionally want to upset her world no matter how perfect or inperfect it might be.
Oh,but she is a vision like no other I have ever seen. The MOST BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING WOMAN, I have ever met to date and will ever meet in my life, of that I am certain. I had been looking for her all of my life, but didnt know it until she was right there. Right there before me. I consider her my "unicorn" That one thing in life that people teach you dont exist, but you looked for anyhow because it is inside you and you do believe that she is out there. She is perfection. The most amazing eyes you have ever seen. Eyes that can bring tears to yours just looking at her. You can look at her for hours upon hours and find something about her you never noticed before. Perfect nose, perfect hair, and a smile that would absolutely make you stop in your tracks. A face like an angel, friends, one that you would change your entire life for if she asked. She is well spoken, carries herself like no other and is the envy of the ball each and everytime she attends. She is educated and funny. She knows things that you have only read about, things that at any other time in your life, you would deem meaningless. She makes you want to be a better man. Learn about things you never thought you would ever want to know about, try things you normally wouldnt try. You would be willing to give it all up. All you know and have in the world. Nothing else matters. All the meaningless possessions that we keep in our lives would be gone in a heartbeat if she asked you to give them up. You would consider turning your life completely upside down and sideways at the thought of spending the rest of your life with her. It is the single greatest feeling you will ever have in your life.
I hope everyone here can experience something like this at some point in their lives. While it is the most painful and heartbreaking time in my life and I will never be the same, I will NEVER forget her. I know that it could never be. I will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart for this person. She may not ever even read this, but to say this was cathartic would be an understatement. I wish her a BEAUTIFUL life even if it is in someone elses sky.
Thanks for letting me get this off my mind….peace….
Never, ever, flipping forget
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
Post edited by Unknown User on
sorry that you're feeling such pain right now, but it is indeed amazing how people can come across one's path and can change one's life. i definitely believe in fate. if anything for whatever road such an encounter leads you to, even if it's just for one's own growth as a person.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Few people walking around would have the stones to say that to someone.
I think that's where the real catharsis lies.
Conversely, don't sell yourself short. Putting her on a pedestal is what makes her unattainable. In other words, you are producing that reality, or at least making sure it can't evolve.
--P. Farrell
I feel like you walked into my mind and found that story and wrote it out. Cause my gosh I totally understand and have been threw all of that. I don't feel it anymore but at one time the pain hurt alot. Sometimes something will remind me of the past and of her. But I shake it off and move on. Makes much more sense to live in the present tense.
You know, the strangest part of it all is that I havent known her long enough that I should have this kind of hurt or attatchment at all. She would probably laugh hysterically . Amazing how the heart and mind work.
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
Yup it's a mystery.
Unrequited love is the worst kind of torture. It'a cliche, but time does heal. She may always be special to you, you may always love her, but in time you'll find space in your heart for another.
Thanks for sharing. It's been an honour to feel this with you.
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
I experienced this once a long time ago - someone I had spent only a few weeks of my life with over the span of 1-2 years. Then we went separate ways because we had no other choice due to our circumstances. He had an arranged marriage and his wife to be was pregnant so when I found that out, we split. After 13 years apart we agreed to see each other - because both of us always wondered "what if???". he was from another country so we met in between. The spark was gone. I never imagined that could happen but it did.
I think we meet people in our lives that are so easy to idealize and put on a pedestal, but yet if they were an every day part of our lives, we would look at them like everyone else.
You mentioned you had a family - focus on what you have and should be grateful for rather than swooning over someone who you do not really know. Sparks are great but they do not last FOREVER.
I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
Just, wow...
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
The best expression of Love is Time.
The best time to Love is Now.
I'm never as good as when you're there.........
I hate that word---Hopeless.....Although prob reality, one word I have never cared for much.....She as of this moment is unattainable, that is what makes it so hard. If it ever could or will be able to evolve, it will and that is that. I am not holding my breath, but there will always be a part of me that will wish each and everyday that it could happen.
I dont think I am selling myself short, that is just really how I feel. As for the pedestal..WOW...That is where she belongs. I know that seems a bit out there, but she just deserves a place like that..:)
Someone else replied that if I knew this person, or saw her in everyday life that I would look at her like everyone else. I am not so sure about that. After something like this, you change. I would be such a different person than I am today. I would want to be different...Strive to be everything I am currently not, something that I have not been capable of til now. Could be wrong, but just the way I see it.:)
She has seen it though.....Atleast I know that much...
Not going to ask what she thought.....Not going to analyze it at all...It is what it is...purging..That was def the single most emotional draining thing I have ever had to do in my 38 years....
Not going to say anything else about it to her..Wasnt trying to get her attention, or anyone elses for that matter. This was simply about me saying something to someone that as you put it most people cant, I didnt think I had the "stones" to say it because you are not suppose to be able to.. She knows how I feel...and if NOTHING else, I will always have that...Thanks
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
If she just broke up with you, this do I put this...hmmm...somewhat pathetic.
don't throw stones.
agreed what bad timing to take a shot at somebody
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
well obviously she wasn't so perfect now was she. perfection is relative to the relationship. otherwise, there's no such thing.
seriously, people watch way too many romantic comedies and have lost all touch with reality.
(and I don't get the "throwing stones" comment, I don't live in a glass house. and besides, stones get thrown here *all* the time, for no reason. I was just giving my opinion.)
again, don't throw stones.
honestly...who are YOU to call anyone or anyone's feelings pathetic? (especially from some of the posts i've seen)
this guy wanted to get something off of his chest...and by the view count on this thread, clearly there are a few people who might identify with him.
It just seems extremely selfish for you to pass judgement on him like you are the creator of words and feelings. If he thinks she was perfect, and in his eyes she was, then why is that not perfection?
Im not an arguer so I will drop it after this post, It just blows my mind that someone spills there guts in a 10 paragraph post and your input is to tell him he is "pathetic". What is going on in your mind that you thought that would be a positive healthy response?
Maybe some just haven't gone threw what the thread starter and some of us have. And they don't understand what the big deal is. I didn't get what the big deal was. And them BAM I found out. So now when someone posts a thread like this. I totally understand and feel for them. Cause it can happen to anybody.
Wow! Talk about kicking a man when he is down.;)
You know, I expected a few of these.. I didnt expect everyone would get it. I am fine with your opinion.
Call it a too many romantic comedies, call it losing touch, call it what you want. This is the most real thing I have ever experienced. A life altering moment and if I beleive it to be that, then that is all that matters to me. Say what you will, but beauty and perfection are in the eyes of the beholder. To this beholder, she IS and ALWAYS will be MY perfection.
Regardless of what you think of me and my sappy emotions my friend, you cant take this from me.
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
*edit....errrrrr........fuck. i just realized, i was thinking of lizardking in regards to being married/kids.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I totally respect what you just said. You dont know me that well if at all(as most here dont) and I can see how it looks from the outside, so for me to sit here and try to justify what I said and why I said it, would be a moot point. I appreciate any and all opinons on the topic. It is complicated at best.
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
Disclaimer: If by some chance my wife steals my password and sees this post, Honey, you know I love you. Now let's get naked.
Why would you start was has no end?