Dream analysis

Is there anybody who knows how to analyse dreams? I've tried using websites to do it myself but I can't work out how to do it properly.
I just had a really weird dream a couple of nights ago and would really like to know what my subconscious is telling me.
What I remember from the dream is this
In it my friend and her boyfriend (she's actually single at the mo but had a boyfriend in my dream) were in trouble and I was helping them escape but the boyfriend ended up dead.
Then it sorta cut to the graveside of a funeral, everybody was dressed in black suits/dresses normal funeral stuff except my friend who was head to toe in white. Then everybody left apart from me and my friend who moved away from the grave but still in the graveyard and i was comforting her letting her cry on my shoulder etc.
This dream kinda of freaked me out, I'm a guy and the girl has been one of my best friends since i was 4.
If anyone could help id greatly appreciate it
I just had a really weird dream a couple of nights ago and would really like to know what my subconscious is telling me.
What I remember from the dream is this
In it my friend and her boyfriend (she's actually single at the mo but had a boyfriend in my dream) were in trouble and I was helping them escape but the boyfriend ended up dead.
Then it sorta cut to the graveside of a funeral, everybody was dressed in black suits/dresses normal funeral stuff except my friend who was head to toe in white. Then everybody left apart from me and my friend who moved away from the grave but still in the graveyard and i was comforting her letting her cry on my shoulder etc.
This dream kinda of freaked me out, I'm a guy and the girl has been one of my best friends since i was 4.
If anyone could help id greatly appreciate it
I've got memories i got shit
Hyde Park
Hyde Park
Post edited by Unknown User on
maybe you or that girl needs to move on about something and needs the support of the other?
that would be my analysis...but i am not a pro or anything.
You can go to a book store and buy (or look at) a dream dictionary.
If I was to analyze this dream I'd say that it's not necessarily a "boyfriend" that the funeral is for. It could be for part of herself or for you as a boy who is a friend. (Maybe you want to be more than her friend now?)
Dream symbols are interesting because they are either extremely specific if you say the words out loud (ie, a boy who is a friend) or an item or person represents an idea rather than itself. For example, a death could represent some habit being eliminated.
In either case, you still seem to be her ally in this dream.
P.S. White can stand for purity and spiritual enlightenment.
Like, "water means life".
Well, if I almost drowned as a kid, and my house was destroyed in a flood, then "water in my dream" really probably isnt about life.
Anyway, what do those people represent to you?
For instance, if I had a dream that my father was sick, then that probably means that the parts of me that re like my father are struggling.
Ah, just pm me, we will get through this.
Nuclear fission
People had some good suggestion as of the meaning of your dream. It does sound like you need to put issues from the past to rest.
For example, I was going through a stressful time and (long story, short) I had a dream that I was in a car with Bette Midler and she was being her "Bette-Midler-self".... and I was basically told that Bette Midler represented a part of me that needed to be free and crazy. It kind of made sense at the time.
....I dream in "colors and reds" all the time..every night is an adventure for me. I believe that some dreams send messages, some dreams connect you to another spirit world and some dreams are just fucking wacky with no explanation.
over the years i've had a few recurring dreams -
i dream that i cut my own fingers, hands, toes, or feet off :eek:
and i dream that i'm in an elevator that is unstable and will start to fall
i'm usually good at figuring my dreams out, except those and i can never find any info on it.
You got to spend it all
but they are a good starting point. once you get a sense of what it means in a broad aspect you can narrow it down.
i have a recurring dream that involves feces. and i have no history of feces other than the normal human stuff. no feces fetish or anything. i also have recurring dreams about my teeth coming out and the holes just pour blood. not like normal when you lose a tooth. i sometimes wake up and can taste blood. yet no crazy teeth history with me, ive never even been punched in the mouth.
but ill be honest i think dreams mean nothing. i think its tv for the brain. no different than daydreaming when youre bored. i think if you sat and thought about a situation youd find the answer long before a dream would help.
im sure he's well aware that there is something between him and the girl, this dream just might make him finally really think about what her/them really mean.
Or I am lost looking for the class I need but cant find out
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
i've had really vivid dreams this week. the coolest one was saturday night - i did a bikeathon for the american cancer society on sunday in memory of my dad. i had a dream the night before where he was there cheering me on. it was so real!
I've had the 'naked-at-church' dream off and on for years! And I don't even go to mass anymore! :eek:
If you want real dream analysis, you have to go to Jung. I've done years and years and years of it and if its done right by a trained therapist, it can really help you get to the next level.
Dreams are not psychic. They do not predict the future. If you dream someone dies, you are most likely looking at a certain part of your personality- or in this case a certain part of your relationship with your best friend- that has fallen away because of the new person.
Just because you dreamed that your friend's boyfriend died doesn't mean you want him dead either.
Look at the little details in your dream- were you or anyone else driving a car? On the hillside for the funeral, were there flowers or grass? Sometimes the things that you think are the least important, or shortest parts of your dream are the most telling, and the bigger things- like a funeral, are not as significant. Were you in a house at all? What part of the house? Basement or upstairs? Were there babies or little children anywhere in the dream?
They are so much fun to analyze. Without knowing you personally its hard to say exactly what your subconcious is trying to tell you.
This is the most accurate post here.
Nuclear fission
the first time i dreamed of it, my brother had a dengue fever & was admitted to the hospital. the second time was he was operated because there was an abscess formed in his anal fistula.
hopefully, he will be fine now because i dreamed of losing my tooth the other night. really.
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
You love her and want her even more now that she is single.
what the... i posted this one last july 18 after i had this dream that i lost a tooth. after a week after this post, my sister in law (the wife of my brother that i was referring to, was diagnosed with a cervical cancer. she is undergoing a chemotherapy session right now. :(
i was just freaked out when i read again my post. :eek:
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
im just shocked when i read what i posted last july 18.
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
It means you've been listening to too much emo.
What really strikes at me about your dream is how you tried to help them escape. I think it means that deep down you feel obligated to help her make her relationships work, but at the same time you're afraid that if you have too much influence, you could end up doing more harm than good. In fact, I'd say it's possible that you might even feel like you are partly responsible for her last relationship ending.
I think it's possible that your subconsciousness is beginning to realize that your friend, in her own special way, uses you to better understand men.
But, your consciousness begins to seep in and tells you that your friend, whom you've known all your life, would never use you. And that's where the white dress comes in. The white dress represents your refusal to see anything negative about her intentions. The white dress symbolizes the "little girl" you once knew.
Or maybe it symbolizes a wedding dress. Perhaps the two of you should get married.
Last night I had the WIERDEST dream. Basically I was hanging out with this chick that I graduated with that I never hang out with and we were chilling in my old house. In the dream it turned out she LIVED in my old house that I moved out of about 2 years ago; A house I grew up in. She didn't believe it until I kept telling her all about the house. Definately a wierd dream, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty confused about this. What the fuck can this mean? Probably nothing.
Sorry if I got totally off topic.
8/7/08, 6/9/09
What else was going on in the dream? Were you driving or working? Where were you & was anyone else around you?
Sometimes it's the small details in the dream that you might not think are important that give you more insight into it.
Did something happen recently in your life that is causing you pain or extreme stress?
What was the girl like? Was she still a high school (college?) student, or had she aged?
Old house= old way of thinking. You've moved on to bigger & better things, and the people you knew back then are probably pretty much exactly the same.
She was cool, but I don't even know her that well. She was the same age as me in the dream. 19/20 years old, Sophomore in college. Your probably right.
8/7/08, 6/9/09
And the question of extreme stress or pain in my life...so many to choose from.