Call of Duty - World at War PS3

touringfantouringfan Posts: 568
edited November 2008 in All Encompassing Trip
Who's playing on PS3? If so post your screen name and i'll add ya up so we can play.
baby boomers selling you rumors of their history, forcing youth away from the truth of what's real today.
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  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    Is it out now?!?!

    If so give me a couple days (out of town for work) and I'll def. pick it up.

    My PSN name is the same as my forum/pit name.... mca47
  • mca47 wrote:
    Is it out now?!?!

    If so give me a couple days (out of town for work) and I'll def. pick it up.

    My PSN name is the same as my forum/pit name.... mca47

    came out last night. I'll send ya friend invite
    baby boomers selling you rumors of their history, forcing youth away from the truth of what's real today.
  • Early Review?
  • OffHeGoes29OffHeGoes29 Posts: 1,240
    I'm not picking that up until the end of my semester.....
  • Early Review?

    MUCH better than I had anticipated. I was really bummed it was going back to WW2 as opposed to Moder War. However, the gameplay is tremendous, graphics are awesome, and the kills are MUCH more graphic. Very realistic feel (example you need to re load the guns more often) due to smaller clips back then. It has taken time to get used to this. The "release the dogs" feature is killer and better than the choppers in cod4 IMO. The dogs keep respawning so if you are able to "release them" you will get alot more kills than you did with a chopper in cod4. Also, being able to hop in the Tanks is fun but only works well if your teamates support you and jump on board and work the "gunner"

    I've only played multiplayer online so far and will give the single player a go tonight.
    baby boomers selling you rumors of their history, forcing youth away from the truth of what's real today.
  • thunderDANthunderDAN Posts: 2,094
    not to hijack the thread, but if anyone plays NCAA on PS3 my name is UncleFertrelli .....let's play
  • EA are whores!
    Tour with fucking NOFX
  • otherwise i'd hit ya up. However, this new shaun white snowbaording game I picked up today is pretty rad. Cool change of pace game from the shooters and madden that I normall play. So far I am very impressed with this one as well.

    ** Thumbs up for the Shaun White Snowbaording.
    baby boomers selling you rumors of their history, forcing youth away from the truth of what's real today.
  • i was a total modern warfare player, now i'm splitting time between ncaa and nhl. will defintely be getting the new COD shortly
    Follow the ageless tide.
    Follow the angled light.
    Follow the strangest tribe.
  • hows NCAA
    baby boomers selling you rumors of their history, forcing youth away from the truth of what's real today.
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    how many players can play the co-op campaign?
  • thunderDANthunderDAN Posts: 2,094
    touringfan wrote:
    hows NCAA

    I was referring to NCAA Football... but it's a really fun game. I only have that one game but I play it as much as I get a chance to. I like playing online against other people, but I liked the online platform better for PS2 because it's easier to track your achievements than it is on PS3- but that might be me missing something because I just got my PS3 a couple weeks ago and have yet to figure everything out
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    touringfan wrote:
    MUCH better than I had anticipated. I was really bummed it was going back to WW2 as opposed to Moder War. However, the gameplay is tremendous, graphics are awesome, and the kills are MUCH more graphic. Very realistic feel (example you need to re load the guns more often) due to smaller clips back then. It has taken time to get used to this. The "release the dogs" feature is killer and better than the choppers in cod4 IMO. The dogs keep respawning so if you are able to "release them" you will get alot more kills than you did with a chopper in cod4. Also, being able to hop in the Tanks is fun but only works well if your teamates support you and jump on board and work the "gunner"

    I've only played multiplayer online so far and will give the single player a go tonight.

    Cool, can't wait to pick it up!

    I have so many damn games I'm playing right now though...
    NHL '09
    Socom Confrontation

    Want to get Resistance 2, COD (World at War)

  • I played the beta on the 360 and I had fun. Those fucking dogs are unnerving as hell and just plain vicious. I found that using your knife to kill them was easier if they were running directly at you but most of the time they're going to be coming at you from all directions and you'll be attacked by more than one at once. I always thought it was weird how Treyarch and Infinity Ward are trading the games. Even though it just came out, I'm already more interested in Infinity Ward's take on the next one because overall, they're the ones that are changing it up and doing something new.

    Anyway, as touringfan stated, the graphics are good and the some of the kills are extremely violent and brutal. There were a couple of times where I ran over a mine and it blew off my leg, leaving only splintered bone and ripped flesh where there used to be a functioning leg. Another time I was shot with a double barrel shotgun and it literally blew off the entire bottom half of my body.

    The weapons are okay but since this is another WW2 game, there's probably not going to be anything that you haven't worked with before in another game. If you use rifles rather than machine guns get used to pulling out your side arm quickly and using it to finish off an enemy with it. Touringfans mentioned this earlier also but because of the era of the weaponry the clip sizes are smaller so be weary of that.

    I only had the opportunity to play the beta version so I realize I can't give a full opinion on the game that covers everything, especially the single player mode. But even so, I can't help but feel "Oh, wow. ANOTHER WW2 game." Even though they branched out and included the battles with Japan in it (by the way, from what I've read the japanese soldiers fight completely differently from the nazis. So atleast it'll be a different fight.) I can't help but feel that it's been done before, over and over and over and that doing it again just won't be all that rewarding. Moving on, the beta only had 3 maps and each was very fun, with Roundhouse particularly having a lot of sniper positions and hiding spots. But with the same perks and challenges it feels like Treyarch is making more of a expansion pack for Infinity Wards game so COD players will be happy until Infinity Ward changes up the system than trying to create their own game.

    But like I said, I had fun. And even though I only played beta I still like it a lot more than fucking Battlefield: Bad Company but I won't get into that here
  • pjfan31pjfan31 Posts: 7,335
    Anyone else having trouble inviting friends on cod5? My mate and I can't seem to get it to work. Also after every round the server cuts out??

    Are these problems unique to me or happens to everyone???
    Sydney 11/02/2003
    Sydney 14/02/2003
    Sydney 07/11/2006
    Sydney 18/11/2006
    Sydney 22/11/2009
    EV Sydney 18/03/2011
    EV Sydney 19/03/2011
    EV Sydney 20/03/2011
    Melbourne 24/01/2014
    Sydney 26/01/2014
    EV Sydney 13/02/2014
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    pjfan31 wrote:
    Anyone else having trouble inviting friends on cod5? My mate and I can't seem to get it to work. Also after every round the server cuts out??

    Are these problems unique to me or happens to everyone???

    Is it any different than COD4 (as far as inviting people)?

    I haven't picked it up yet, but those that I have spoken to who have it haven't had any problems with servers.
  • pjfan31pjfan31 Posts: 7,335
    mca47 wrote:
    Is it any different than COD4 (as far as inviting people)?

    I haven't picked it up yet, but those that I have spoken to who have it haven't had any problems with servers.

    Yeh it isdifferent. Doesn't have that party invite thing.
    Sydney 11/02/2003
    Sydney 14/02/2003
    Sydney 07/11/2006
    Sydney 18/11/2006
    Sydney 22/11/2009
    EV Sydney 18/03/2011
    EV Sydney 19/03/2011
    EV Sydney 20/03/2011
    Melbourne 24/01/2014
    Sydney 26/01/2014
    EV Sydney 13/02/2014
  • booomm11booomm11 Posts: 865
    I didn't know it came out. I just got Fifa 09 and it's awesome, so I 'll probably wait a minute to buy it.
    being so KiND.. tO LEt me RiDe!!!
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    booomm11 wrote:
    I didn't know it came out. I just got Fifa 09 and it's awesome, so I 'll probably wait a minute to buy it.

    Yeah, I'm still playing LittleBigPlanet and NHL '09.

    Will have to find time for the new COD!
  • booomm11booomm11 Posts: 865
    Oh, will find time to kick some ass! ;)

    How are the maps?
    being so KiND.. tO LEt me RiDe!!!
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    So I traded in Madden and picked up COD w@w today.

    Fun game! I went right into online multiplayer and proceeded to get my ass destroyed! LOL! Granted I haven't played COD4 in some time so there was a bit of getting used to the "old" controls.

    Online was great, but so far I think the co-op feature has been the best.
  • mca47 wrote:
    So I traded in Madden and picked up COD w@w today.

    Fun game! I went right into online multiplayer and proceeded to get my ass destroyed! LOL! Granted I haven't played COD4 in some time so there was a bit of getting used to the "old" controls.

    Online was great, but so far I think the co-op feature has been the best.

    Is the co-op online only or is it splitscreen also?
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    Is the co-op online only or is it splitscreen also?

    I think both.
  • mca47 wrote:
    I think both.

    I think I read that you have to go through the entire single player campaign before it becomes available. Which is kinda defeats the purpose but whatever.

    Have you played battlefield: bad company?
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    I think I read that you have to go through the entire single player campaign before it becomes available. Which is kinda defeats the purpose but whatever.

    Have you played battlefield: bad company?

    Nope. I've only played a level or two in single player and I played co-op (all levels) with some friends yesterday.
  • PJSerfPJSerf Posts: 637
    I haven't picked this up yet. I told myself I have to beat MGS4 and GTAIV before I immerse myself in another game. Although there are so many good games out/coming out... My christmas list is going to consist of

    Resistance 2
    Tomb Raider
    Mirror's Edge

    Its just like I'm 12 again... :)
    "If you love someone, set them free... if someone loves you, don't fuck up" - EV
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    PJSerf wrote:
    I haven't picked this up yet. I told myself I have to beat MGS4 and GTAIV before I immerse myself in another game. Although there are so many good games out/coming out... My christmas list is going to consist of

    Resistance 2
    Tomb Raider
    Mirror's Edge

    Its just like I'm 12 again... :)
    Great, isn't it!?

    I am assuming you've played COD4?
    There's a demo for Mirror's Edge too. I didn't care too much for it.
    I hear R2 is really good! I didn't like the first one so I'll probably pass, but most people seem to like it.
  • PJSerfPJSerf Posts: 637
    Rygar wrote:
    Great, isn't it!?

    I am assuming you've played COD4?
    There's a demo for Mirror's Edge too. I didn't care too much for it.
    I hear R2 is really good! I didn't like the first one so I'll probably pass, but most people seem to like it.

    I loved COD4, but know if I got COD5 right away, I will never pick up MGS or GTA again.

    I'll have to check the Mirror's Edge demo before I buy.
    "If you love someone, set them free... if someone loves you, don't fuck up" - EV
  • RygarRygar Posts: 8,690
    PJSerf wrote:
    I loved COD4, but know if I got COD5 right away, I will never pick up MGS or GTA again.

    I'll have to check the Mirror's Edge demo before I buy.
    Mirror's Edge is still getting good reviews and praise, just not from me ;)
    I still haven't beaten GTA either.
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    Rygar wrote:
    Great, isn't it!?

    I am assuming you've played COD4?
    There's a demo for Mirror's Edge too. I didn't care too much for it.
    I hear R2 is really good! I didn't like the first one so I'll probably pass, but most people seem to like it.

    I never played Resistance 1, but have read reviews that said it's pretty amazing. I have a buddy trying to talk me into getting it. Like others, I'm pretty busy with other games (COD5, NHL '09, LittleBigPlanet, and Socom) and I too haven't beat GTA4 yet.
    So what's the deal with Mirror's Edge? What's it all about? I saw a commercial on it, and it looked slick but again I have no idea what the premise is.
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